Thierry Is the Man

Le Boss declared: "I am convinced Thierry has the qualities to be the leader of the team. Just give him a bit of time to adjust to the responsibility. It's early days for him. It took a while for Patrick as well but it became natural after two or three months.
"Of course, as a striker, Thierry is in a different position but I believe he's adjusting very well to the role. Don't forget that he was out for four months through injury and he is now getting slowly back.
"He has worked very hard and once he is back to his natural level, we will have a natural leader. You feel him in the dressing room, he analyses quickly what is happening and he responds very well."
Tel's performances since being made captain have been below par. Even his body language does not look right.
We need a strong captain NOT someone who can get moody and sulk.
How can we trust Wenger. He wants the mercenary Cole to be a future captain.
TH14 is a great player, but he has a tendency to be moody and sulk when things go wrong.
That is the wrong personality for a captain.
There does not seem to be a natural leader in the squad, let alone the team. This could be a huge problem this season.
Even Campbell has a tendency to throw the odd queenie fit.
Thierry deserves to be captain - he is a true leader. ok his preformances have not been great this season but remember he is still recovering from an injury at the end of last season. Don't forget that when Titi played as striker first his performances weren't great - it took time, and so will his performaces as captain - he just has to get used to the role. I wanted him as captain when Paddy left & I am confident he won't disappoint.
As for anon 10.49 'How can we trust Wegner...' We can trust him because in 9 years he has NEVER let us down. He has transformed a good British club into one of the best clubs in the world. I think the least we owe him is our trust. remember Arsene knows. Ash just spat the dummy. He was never going to leave - he loves the club too much - he wanted more money (which he deserved), he got it & as soon as he drops (or his solr drops) this appeal he will be back doing what he does best - playing football.
Rae...A bit of a blinkered rant there.
TH14 personality is not that of a leader. Let's face it. Leaders cannot be moody and sulk when things go wrong.
As for Cole. Good player but let's face it anyone that slates the club in the press to the degree which he did is not loyal to the club and is only there for the money. Sad but true.
Try being objective, it is the only way forward.
anon 11.30 - that's a bit harsh!
Who do you think should have been made captain? Titi is passionate, he is 100% loyal & yeah he does sulk, but it's because he gives a shit. Give him a couple of months to prove it - we probably all were saying the same thing about him when he played up front initally.
Ash is more than a good player - he is the best left back in the world right now. He was badly advised, but if he hated the club so much why didn't he leave? - if ever there was an oppurtunity surley it was then. He sulked (seems to be a trate with Arsenal players!) but his got over it. Cole is the best in his position in the world, he was born & bred a gooner, and to see new players come in and earn triple what he is on (eg Jose) and they not full establish players, not to mind internationals must have been tuff to take - and he was easily led by a dodgy solr. If the same happened to you at work would you be a little upset?
i agree with rae. anyone who says that we can't trust wenger needs their heads examined. or they just need to look at his record. cole was a prat but fuck it, we've got him now so lets keep him. as for TH being captain, he's perfect for it. he's the most committed player to arsenal football club since the likes of adams, keown etc and he never lets us down, on the pitch or in the media. he's the perfect exmaple of how arsenal should be and he's always going on about how much he loves the club and that he'll be with us for as long as we want him. give him a couple of months to get back to full fitness and used to being captain and he'll be fine. come on Arsenal!!
i agree with the guys. Henry deserves to be captain for all the loyalty he has shown the club and his passion and intelligence. he's been our best player for many years. end of.
however, i REALLY REALLY wish AW and fellow gooners will stop going on about pretty football and slaggin of Chavski. FFS - it sounds SO UNBELIEVABLY PATHETIC it's not true.
if we're not gonne be the best in the league, then let's all take it with some grace and not resort to bithcing about long balls just coz we got beaten. now is when he have to retain some dignity and class.
there is no moral higher ground in playing pretty triangles if you can't score. really there isn't.
The Spuds used that argument for years and it was really moronic then. noone respected that view. so please, let's not go there anymore. only sad loser uses that argument. i accept that AW is only playing mind games and so i'll excuse him as he's the boss, but please don't take it seriously...
Wenger , Dein and the board are all liars.They promised us that the team would be strenghtened and let the best 2 midfielders go. Dein calls wenger a "Miracle worker" .. ofcourse he would. If my salesman can bulls**t my customers by collecting more money from them while lowering the product quality, I'd call him GOD.
Arsenal fans should raise their voices loud , and b4 31stAug .. or prey
Gary Lewin for captain
well said MoW. the amount of times i used to take the piss out my spurs mates cos they went on about playing pretty football is ridiculous. we definately don't wanna go there!!
Arsenal mustafa new boss
Anon 1.11 'Wegner, Dien...'
Look at Arsene's record since he took over - that is nothing short of a miracle. If you were told 10 years ago that by 2005 we would have 3 prem crowns & 4 FA cups you would be more than happy.
I agree that we could do with strenghening the squad, but trust AW, as I said he has never let us down before.
100% agree with MoW (1.05)
26years of supporting Arse , for the 1st time ever I wished we would lose our 1st 2/3 games so as not to hear that rubish about our team being as strong as last year.
God help me
I reckon Freddie should have been made captain. He is a fans favourite and gives his all to the club whenever he plays. Only reason Wenger gave it to Henry was to keep his happy.
Freddie doesn't have enough gravitas off the pitch. in fact, no-one else does, apart from Sol, and he's gone all queer on us recently.
i thought it was a no brainer, to be honest.
but then freddie and more of a head-down-and-keep-working type except confronting refs and opponents. Cant see the leadership out of him
Henry is not captain material. The problem is there is not a true captain in the squad let alone the team. Over the season we will miss Vieras strong midfield leadership and strength.
Sitrafox, stupid fucking comment. Everyone is entitled to a view, but when you want your team to lose so you can score a few "I told you so's", then it is childish and pathetic.
Hopefully Jose will start instead of Pires - Bobby looked lost against Chelski on Sunday. RvP will hopefully continue instead of freddie. Hleb looked v good on sunday until he tired - would stil start him. If Den is short who will be on the bench?
Westside Leave sitrafox alone. He is entitled to his opinion.
What is it with this blog that if you try to be objective and not look through a biased view everyone shouts you down.
Lets be objective.
Would be good to see Quincy get a workout.
This is the point about strength in depth though, isn't it. If Den is short are Quincy or Lupoli sufficeint?
Quincy is shit. I can't believe you suggested him MoW
Oh you're back anon 1.53. Cant be bothered with you today, I have bigger fish to fry. Rogue goldfish in my pond.
TH14 is a big match bottler. We don't need him as captain. Lauren should be captain.
None of that made any sense westsidegooner.
Why do you talk such fucking bollox.
Why dont you go and finish your homework??
who do you want me to suggest? Pele? Charlie fucking Chaplin?
i was intended as a joke anyway, i illsutrate the point.
so is this the return of FuckPig?
its all very well being objective but when it comes to wanting your team to lose, you've got to be a complete prick. or a scum or chelski fan
and what the fuck is wrong with quincy?
Sometimes you need drastic action for the benefit of the team.
I see mow and westside are presenting their usual intelligent views.
Quincy is a nearly man. Will never make it.
how do you know?
thanks anon.
I don't know why mow is on here. He was a manure fan 5 years ago.
Well spotted MoW. Fuckpig is back with a vengence. Chavski cunt.
FuckPig? is that you?
are you gonna call someone a SheMale in a minute?
barring blackburn, are chelsea the first team ever to win the title and then not be able to sell out there home games?
westsidegooner...Should'nt you be working in the kebab shop.
and then make some clever comment like "prove you earn this much but you cant cos you're cleaning the kebab shop floor"
there you go!!!!! so predictable!!!
FuckPig, you're quite funny in fairness.
mow...who will you support next season. Manure, then the arsholes. Just another fickle fan, like all goonerscum.
why are you asreholes so easy to wind up.
It must be because of all the spunk you swallow.
anon 2:16, just wondering who you support?
anon 2:18, who said we're wound up. i'm sitting here pissing myself to be honest.
nice. i think i did that one to your first, but hey, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery....
how's your mum's infection?
Jack...must have hit a nerve if you remember it.
All gooners are either kebab sellers or sit at home watching bridget jones wishing they were nick hornby.
At least we can sell out our home games months in advance and not have to rely on Capital radio.
Also, if Arsenal fans are so fickle and stupid, why the fuck do you bother to spend most of your school holidays posting on our sites??
By the way, the kebab business is thriving. How's the old man's Fruit and veg selling??
now that was quite funny, FuckPig.
the Nick Hornby one.
you are quite entertaining and i admire your persistence. why don't you admit you're a gooner.
you love this blog so much?
And so it begins....
oh yes, i'd really struggle to remember something said yesterday!! not all of us have got braains the size of peas which means we can't remember what happened yesterday. and what about ainsley harriot? he's a gooner but not a kebab shop worker?
So easy to wind up.
If you're not wound up why responding and get so abusive. Point proved.
You have the SheMale who boasted about all his money and companies and stated that he would prove it. I call his bluff and he backs down and has other people stand up for him.
How embarrassing is that?
so cos we're responding it means we're wound up does it? what about the fact you've responded to every one of our posts? does that make you wound up to? juts face it, you're one of us
Ricardo Carvalho is to be restored to the group of 16 players that will be named on the team sheet for the visit of West Bromwich Albion on Wednesday evening.
Looking ahead to the second Premiership game at Stamford Bridge in four days, José Mourinho announced: “Ricardo will be involved in the game.”
Special attention is of course being given to the Portuguese international defender’s position following his public questioning of selection policy and even more public admonishment by Mourinho last week.
“He did what he did, we reacted the way we reacted. He was punished by the club from a financial point of view plus the biggest punishment a player can have when he was out of the team for a big game. It is enough,” declared Mourinho.
“Now he has to work and he knows he stays at Chelsea. He is a great player. He was voted the best central defender in the Champions League two years ago. He is a top player we want to keep. What happened happened and it’s over.”
While not as open with the details of his team selection for the coming game as he is on occasions, the Chelsea manager revealed that Joe Cole will also be in the 16-man group having missed out against Arsenal.
There will be changes to the team from the Arsenal game said Mourinho, but not too many. He then moved on to defend Chelsea’s record of two 1-0 victories in the opening two fixtures.
“At the beginning of the season, Chelsea v Man United or Chelsea v Arsenal are not the best games to perform very well in. They are tactical games, games under pressure. Nobody wants to lose, it’s two big teams and like Wenger was saying after the game, the first team to make a defensive mistake would probably lose the game.
“So these are big games and big games at the beginning of the season are difficult to do well in.
“Wigan, yes, I didn’t like, but the Arsenal game from the organisation point of view we did tactically well. Individually we can ask something extra from the great players we have but the team had a very good structure and controlled emotions.
“We will play better,” he insisted. “The day we score two or three goals, I believe more goals will come then.”
Mourinho described the success Wednesday’s opponents enjoyed last season in being the one of the four relegation battlers to escape as them ‘winning their championship’.
“It was a fantastic achievement so West Brom are a team that comes back with a lot of confidence. They got a good point against Man City and three good points against Portsmouth at home.
“They are in good shape to come here to Stamford Bridge and give us a good game.”
West Brom have no reported injuries as they head down to London.
man, this guy is great.
nyssie, you've struck gold mate.
Not quite as embarrassing as selling a pound of bananas and then describe it as "closing out a deal".
Is this really the best you can do?
I'm not a lying cry baby like the SheMale.
All these gooners having a go and one chelsea fan putting you all down and taking the pathetic pussy name calling.
Thats all you've got.
thats not all i've got. i've also got a huge penis which has your mums lipstick all over it. although judging from previous posts mabye i should go and have an sti test done.
Is that it westsidegooner. the best you can do.
You lot are priceless. you provide hours of entertainment proving the opinions people have about the gooners. would have to take it out of you're dad's ass first. If you know who he is.
hehe!! you're a real Hero ;o)
how do you cope? you must be so well balanced and well adjusted to come on here for a week and do this.
You lot should ignore this chump! Although his ramblings are amusing!!! What kind of bloke is he? Trying to be the big man over a message board!!!???!!! Sad...
And you are not the stereotypical Chav then?????? Bore the fuck out of anyone with the same comments every day about Cole being a mercenary and how much money you earn.
I think Jack is right and you are a Gooner. I would have no interest in going on Chavski sites.
So 3-0 tonight lads with TH14 scoring twice. Be a good performance all roung and confidence will be buzzing. Wait and see.
please. i predicted this would happen. lets not let frustration over spending get us at each others throat.
as much trust in wenger we might have, and i think no one doesnt trust him, it is worrisome that he let two great players leave and not replace them.
last year, i started saying that we need to stop with this youth movement stuff so much, especially with a new stadium. remember we have to fill that bugger up.
i think it was a mistake to not sign davids. someone like him would be a natural leader, show pires where his balls are, and be a good influence on fab and flamini.
he wants to sign a keeper which is fine, but im sorry, wenger needs to know we need an experienced midfielder.
unfortunately the youth movement would be fine if it werent for chelski. but the tables have turned, and we need to to respond to it.
sub Quincy to get the third.
3-0 sounds good westside. reckon it could potentially be more as long as we score early. might have a bet on TH to get 4 and break the record!! what odds do you reckon?
That'd be nice Jack - he's gotta break the record at Highbury...away from there wouldn't be the same!!!
Be bloody good odds Jack. Go for a hat-trick if you're feeling optimistic. Four is pushing it a little.
Breaking news on sky sports. Press conference at 4pm to present Cudicini. Paid £5m.
On the official website.
Cant see it being away Nyssie. Hardly ever he scores away lately. We only have Boro (A) after tonight and then he'll do it at home to Everton.
So predictable Chav.
Chelsea win both on and off the pitch. Class always comes through.
Anon at 2:40 - where d'you hear that?
u don't honestly think we'd believe that do you? why would they call a press conference if it had been announced already? muppet
Sky news.
Chelsea have NO class. They're whats known as 'new money'. They're like that cock Michael Carroll, the chav that won the lottery...
So why not post the link Anon....?
Saw it on the tv. Its a definate. Check it out.
breaking news on sky sports,
chelsea have bought the title. oh no sorry, thats old news
thought you said you saw it on the official website? can't even do a wind up properly!!
Is it only me that can smell that Chav cunt when he comes through or what???
Nyssie, what score you having tonight??
Jack you in bred retard..The wind up did work.
You checked it out and nyssie got all excited.
You lot are so gullable and easy to ind up.
I'm gonna go with 3-0 I think Westside...Henry 2, RVP 1!!!
Westside you know its me because you are a chelsea fan really. Pretending to e a gooner to wind the arsescum up.
Well played westside.
What is ind up?? Illiterate cunt. Bet you can spell bananas though.
A goal for the rapist. he should make the most of it as he will be sent away for two years.
Nyssie got all excited!!!
This guy is some piece of work!!!
Pretending what?? Illiterate cunt.
Keep it going westside. They believe you are a gooner.
I see the fuckwit Jack has gone after being put down. Typical gooner pussies.
Nyssie you're so gullable.
Me and westside have really made you all look like retards.
who said i checked it out? i replied instantly saying its not true. why would we want that heap of shit anyway. remember that mistake against us!!
Where is your season ticket at Chelski by the way??? Assuming you do go of course.
Could any of you guys actually be bothered to sit on a rival blog all day every day and attempt to annoy people...don't reckon I could!!!
But you carry on mate, enjoy yourself!!!
give us a chance to respond mate. fucking hell, some of us do have jobs you know.
sad,sad gooners.
Jack has really lost the plot. Too much spunk swallowing.
You have taken far too long to get your season ticket details fuckpig. Think we have just identified you as not only an illiterate, fat, chav fuckpig, but a plastic one at that. Enjoy your armchair this evening.
you homophobic as well now are you?
All real men are queer bait.
and sorry if working means i've lost the plot!!
Westside we all know that you are a Chelsea supporter, only on here to take the piss out of the inbreds.
too many customers in the kebab shop.
I win again.
The mighty Chelsea beat you both on and off the pitch.
yeah,it gets very busy on match day. although prob not at the bridge seeing as no one goes
what do you keep thinking you've won at?
Looks like Owen has agreed to go to Newcastle. No amount mentioned, just says record fee.
Come on Jack try harder. These are pathetic retorts.
It's making you look like a retard.
i've got an idea. lets have a competition to see which of our teams has won the most trophies. have you won that as well little boy?
is that pathetic as well?
Chelsea 1 Arsenal 0
Just 1 serious question for you fuckpig, one you have avoided since you have gifted us with the benefit of your views.
Q- Do you actually go to Chelsea on a regular basis??
Please try hard to answer truthfully.
titles: ARSENAL 13
Home and away westsidegooner. It's pretty obvious that a retarded fuckwit like yourself does not go.
right lads, unfortunately i've got a meeting with the donner meat supplier so i'll be back on later.
Owen to Newcastle. another fucking player we miss out on.
Anyway it's been fun but I have to leave you for awhile. I know you inbred gullable twats will miss me.
O.k we are halfway there.
And also, you clearly weren't at Cardiff if you missed the glut of empty seats behing the goal at your end of the pitch in the Community Shield.
We are FuckPig's friends. he comes on here because he actually likes us and we talk to him and stuff. Bless.
We should be nicer to him...
I agree MoW. Do you notice how he only appears when it's raining. I think his mummy wont let him out in the rain.
Is Reyes in the squad tonight, and does anyone know why he wasn't on the bench Sunday????
according to arsene, he just wasn't selected for the squad. quite strange seeing as though bergkamp was never gonna come on as sub. hope he's in tonight though. we need his enthusiasm
Gaza disengagement coverage splintered by factional views online
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I'd heard that he'd taken a knock in training.
On another note if £18mill is the price for Owen then we should be glad he isn't coming here - thats way too much!
nyssie's a w@nker!
Nyssies a mother fucking wanker.
Westsidegooner sucks off horses
Fat SheMale virgin Serge how embarrasing it must have been for you to back down in front of everybody after you boasted about your money and business. You said that you could prove it. I called your bluff, accepted your invite to tour the offices but you backed down. Why? Because you made the whole thing up and could not prove it.
Then other people had to stand up for you because you are not man enough to do it yourself.
How very embarassing, now everyone on here knows you for being a cowardly liar. They will back you up against me, because I am Chelsea, but they will secretly despise you for the lying coward that you are.
Where are you now SheMale Serge? I know your not at the game now you fat loser. You must feel like a real prick as you don't put your money where your virgin kebab eating mouth is.
Why don't you come on here now, I know you're sitting at home in your armchair. How sad you are.
fat fuck pig chav inbred cocksucking mum licker,tummy tuck cock extension plastic boy you are so funny! i challenge you! i am the best! i win hahahahaa get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a life,
Is that it. One chelsea fan constantly bitch slapping sad fat cock sucking gooners.
None of you have done anything to hurt, i'm not a pussy like the fat shemale serge.
Yet i have wound you all up. EASY,EASY,EASY.
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