Coleman: "You Never Write Off Arsene..."

"You never write off Arsene Wenger," said C*leman, ahead of Fulh*m's trip to Highbury.
"He knows exactly what he is doing. Wenger has been there before. He has sold great players, replaced them and been proved right.
"I remember when [Sir Al*x] Fergus*n sold the likes of Mark H*ghes and Paul In*e after M*n United had just won the title, then Alan Hansen then said 'you never win anything with kids' - and they went on to win the double.
"Wenger will produce another good team and they will win things again.
"They have lost to Chels*a in the second game of the season, well anyone can lose to Chels*a at Stamf*rd Bridge.
"The title is not over - that is rubbish."
Fulham to win 2-0.
id like to tell the twat who predicts a 2-0 fulham win to fuck off basically.
get fucked anonamous. fulam have as much chance of winning tonight as sunderland winning the league.
Yeah you,re right but I want to win the title every year,kick everybody out of the champions league, beat chelsea for the next ten years and go unbeaten every season. I can't waight for Van Persie to grow up.
After reading some of the comments forwarded by some of the Gooners from the previous blog Nyss, it's almost refreshing to hear somebody speak well of the Arse, even if it is Chrissy Coleman.
I sincerely belive that even if the Prof did not overhaul the team this season we would still not win the Premiership nor Champions leage,the time to do it is now in order to start next season at the new stadium with a cohesive,compact,vibrant and a relativelly young team- Senderos being an integral part of that. Wenger cirtinly is the best man alive for this task,he has the courage needed to take the risk. If we don't risk it now we will pay badly tommorow,this is the only way the glory will shift back from Stanford Bridge. Remember we are not a big spending club like Chel$kie. Anyone who underates The Prof will only realise his stupity after the 90mins of game. Arise gunners and support the New Era!
Well said anon 5:05.
Everyones a critic these days and so little support. Everyones a top manager these days on their playstations. Its not as easy as it looks and not as simple as it sounds. Seasoned pros have tried and failed at the management game, great players, hero's. But everyone on a blog site who is a critic can potentially replace the manager and be employed by the club. Who needs wenger when you can find so many expert opinions on these sites.
Nissie i think you should have a positive gunners day where everyone trys to be positive for one day all this negativity is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nyssies a pig cock sucking wanker.
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