Jose Antonio "We Have the Best Team"

"Every Arsenal player is talking about the great opportunity we have to end Chelsea's 18-month unbeaten run at Stamford Bridge on Sunday," Jose Antonio told The Sun.
"We have a lot of belief and I'm confident this is a perfect moment for us to beat them.
"It's interesting to see a player like Carv*lho criticising the manager. Clearly everything is not happy inside the Ch*lsea dressing room, which is a good sign for everybody else."
"The rivalry between Arsenal and Ch*lsea is getting bigger and bigger," he continued.
"Ch*lsea were excellent last season, but I still think the Arsenal team which won the title the season before was better.
"We were more offensive and played much more spectacular football.
"This year we have the most compact team and, in my opinion, the best one."
chelsea will lose to us at the bridge on sunday, they are scared little rabbits who have no concept of what it is to have history and consistently win titles the chavs of kings road will be crying in their burberry on sunday
lets hope JAR can walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
this season he needs to stop bitching about Spain and start winning matches on a regular basis.
Couldnt agree more. He has been our most expensive signing so far and I am a big fan of Reyes. He is a killfull and a very exciting player. However, he needs to learn to stand firm on his feet and run with more purpose.
Bring on the russians!!
With the signing of Essien confirmed today, Im sorry but i disagree with Jose Antonio. ON OUR DAY we can beat anyone, including Chelsea, but i do not think we have the best team anymore, and we certainly do not have the best squad. If we play well on sunday we can beat them, no doubts, but if we arent on our game, they will beat us as they have more options.
Their squad is sensational. Yes its all to do with money and i hate it, but the squad is there and its there to be beaten by us, Man USA and Liverpool. Its a hard job though, if theyre 5 poitns behind by January they can go and spend another 50 mill to make it right. Ludicrous.
It's psychologic war...
If we win it will good for post Vieira team. We must trust in our strengh. Want to see a good arsenal team on sunday...
I'm sure we will beat them, and the way to do it is by playing the Arsenal way. Chelsea have a good defence and when the ball is pumped forward, they can deal with that all day. Terry reads the game well and is a good header of the ball, but if you look at the game against Wigan on Sunday, he is easily beaten by a bit of skill as Kamara did on more than 1 occasion.
Bring on Hleb, Reyes and RVP and let them run rings around Terry and the rest of them long ball merchants. On top of all that we have Henry and Pires to open up their defence beat the colosus Peter Cech.
must admit - it depends 'which' Arsenal turn up for this game. On our day we can beat anyone. It speaks volumns last season when we played those chavs they set out for a draw at home, not exactly the making of 'Champions' - it shows they respect & fear us, they wanted to defend the whole game.
Must admit i reckon the team which will be sent out will be the same as against The Toon - with probably the same subs being made barring injuries. I think after the departure of PV Wenger will want some of the 'old guard' on the pitch. But depending how the game is headed Hleb & definitely RvP will come on to roast the chav defence
gilio, chelsea look awsome and they have real depth. Provided we avoid an odd "dip" in form, we are more a match to them. Transfer season is not over yet and I reckon we'll get a goalie and a CM by then.
On another note everyone seems to have overlooked the Mancs but in my opinion they showed real hunger last saturday.
i've got a question for everyone on here which i'm having trouble answering and would like to hear fellow gooner's thoughts: Who do you hate more, Chavski, Man USA or the Scum?
i hate man usa the most, i dont hate chelski but i do dislike kenyon, you cant hate a club just because they have more money than us,and as for totenham i dislike them but as they are not in our league i would say not as much as the other 2
I hope to beat them.It will be awsome but i think if we manage to do it it will be very hard.I hope Wenger has a strategy.I don't know wether we will beat hem or not but i am sure that our players will do evrything to win this mach.So go Arsenal go you have our support!
I used to hate the scums most but then we are not in the same league anymore, i still do enjoy winding them up though whenever i get a chance to! :-)
I certainly hate the Mancs most. I regard chelski as an odd transient phenomenon destined to disappear in due course once Roman gets bored.. just like all of a sudden, muppets wearing Chelsea t shirts are popping up out of nowhere.
I would say i hate mancs more as even in defeat they're not gracious at all (but must admit we're getting worst in that dept. as well). I got a couple of mates who are Chelsea but they're not the smug wankers like most - must admit probably hate Chelsea fans more tho cos of the gloating.. I think we just hate Sp*rs cos its 'traditional & geographical' no other reason - its not because of prestige or glory - in that case we would hate teams such as Bolton & Blackburn..
I hate Man Ure the most. Chavski and scum come in fairly close though. But as Mr.Serge says, we are in a different league to Spuds.
I gotta say I hate Chelsea the most. ManUre are wankers, no two ways about it.
Chelsea have not only bought their success - but they're also smug with it.
I'd be embarrassed if Arsenal carried on the way they do...
Do you think Wenger will play Reyes, Van Persie & Hleb? I don't. He has never taken 'risks' and never will now. He will play Pires & Bergkamp, and Arsenal will bang their heads against a brick wall for an hour until we go one goal down, then he will bring on the players he should have started with.
Mark my words. Wenger is not brave enough to start with a team that can beat Chelsea, he will only end with one, when it's too late.
Man USA are just a bunch of dirty, cheating cunty cunts. I can't really articulate it better than that, and therefore I hate ManUre the most. My potential hatred for Chelski is probably quelled by the fact that they don't try to kick us off the pitch like those dirty cheats ManUre, and that they have infinitely more class (despite being long ball merchants and having a cunt for a managing director) compared to them - which I am aware is not saying much.
Sp*rs are just shit, I'd pity them if they weren't so scummy.
Come to think of it, I can't think what I enjoyed more last season: John Terry crying or Cristiano Ronaldo crying? Now, that's a question!
i liked both terry and ronaldo crying but i enjoyed ronaldo crying most after he shushed us at highbury did any one catch ljunberg do it back to him after we won the shootout hilarious
AW will probably play JaR on sunday, but you can be sure den won't be left out (unless he goes for negative tactics - which I doubt he will). I don't know why everyone is so negative about Den - we were all demanding 1 more year only a couple of months ago & we know that he can win a game with just a moment of magic - which we may need on sunday!
I hate the Mancs the most for countless reason, but ole red nose & that dutch wanker are 2 that come to mind immediately. My highlight of our invinsible season will always be RvN missing that penalty and Keown's reaction - it was worth the suspensions!!
Can't wait for the mighty CFC to stuff you cry babies on Sunday.
Serge...are you the little fat SheMale the yids are taking the piss out of on their blogs.
You are so shit even the yids will finish above you.
anon 4:29. i'll bet you my house the scum don't come above us. we on?
great question jack.
i hate chavski the most becuase they are vulgar wankers who have no class, and JM and Kenyon are cunts. JM talks like his is the walking football bible. we'll he's just a cheap idiot who should learn some repsect of the history of the english game.
Man USA second becuase of the HorseFaced twat and the red faced scottish prick.
As for spuds, i really don't mind anymore. all my Spud mates are alright and they have a few decent players. they don't bother me at all, if i'm honest.
4:35 Chelsea will win the league and do the league double over you, and the Spuds will finish above you.
I'll bet my house on it providing yours is the same value as mine.
A real value not an imaginery one like the sad little fat 40+ virgin SheMale Serge. He thinks he has a business when he really works in a kebab shop and lives with mummy and daddy.
anyone would think you've got a bit of a crush on Mr Serge the way you KEEP talking about him.
as for doing the double over us, come back on this site on monday morning and we'll see who's laughing. who do you support by the way?
After that shitty performance against us in the community shield and against Newcastle you lot are on for a hiding.
Man U will kick your queer ass off the pitch, you southern pricks.
sorry, forgot your performance against wigan was pure class
bit of a contradiction there seeing as all man u fans are southern
I will be on to gloat on Monday.
I've been going on about Chelsea and you ask who I support. Arseholes are thick as well as queer.
Too embarrassed to give the value of your property. LOSER.
But we are honest to accept a bad performance unlike you lot who pretend to the contrary.
Self deluding queers.
oh yes it'd be very embarrassing giving the value of my house on an anonymous website you fucking moron!! as for guessing you were a chelsea fan, i get very confused these days cos there seem to be loads of you around all of a sudden. anyone would think you were embarrassed to admit it before the money came in. CUNT.
and i do apologise if you happen to be one of the few who actually supported chelsea for longer than a season
What a mug this BOY is....piss off mate. Isn't Blue Peter on or something?
You started the house thing twat face. By your temper I have hit a nerve. Still living with mummy and daddy.
You and the SheMale have a lot in common by the sounds of things.
Amazing how many gooners suddenly appeared after you won a few trophies.
Fell sorry for you, not only will you finish behind us but also spuds and manure. that the best you can do.
Chelski fan - do you not have any sites of your own you can be visiting - although to be fair you are quite amusing!!
Did we not come across you a couple of years ago when you were a manc!
Piss off and stop stalking serge.
Is the sad fat SheMale your friend, Rae
It has been fun, but I am off home now. Look forward to seeing you all at the Bridge on Sunday, if you ever go to away games.
Arsenal is a family, we have loyalty,etc - but what would you know about that!
I here Middlesboro are going to have a good year - will you be following them next season?
Who wants to be in a family with Arsene wenger as the father!
You've summed up your loyalty.
What are you talking about, LOSER.
You have been cleverly put down and then come up with a nonsense reply.
Why should I expect anything else from gooner scum.
Grow up - I'm not getting into a slagging match with a nobody.
We'll let our football do the talking!
PS did you not same you were going home
i always wonder how many quid did roman distribute among the homeless and the assholes to start cheering for chulsee....wankers!!
man utd are wankers agreed but i guess we wud both liek to kick chulsee's arrogant arse !!
its always good to unite and kick the 3rd guy out and then fight amongst yerselves to determine the best rather than all 3 beating each other ! wat say ? sound like sun tsu writing the art of war;)
Prat by name, prat by nature
i find it hilarious how all of a sudden these chelsea fans appear on arsenal sites slagging us gooners off. The facts of the matter are this my friends. That twat kenyon has turned u into the most hated team in the land, so obviously u feel the need to defend yourselves by throwing mud at everyone u encounter.
I will rely on the facts without descending to your level. In your awesome all consuming title winning year, we scored more goals than u did and we are regarded by most neutrals as the best footballing team in the league while u pump the ball up field repeatedly, hiding behind the word variation. When we were on top there was widespread debate if this was the best team in the history of the game, i have not heard anyone talking about chelsea in these terms.
Fact number 2 u have now brought your spending to 265 million pounds in the past 3 years but of course u have not bought the league, the fact that u are now the champions has nothing to do with the money. Yes u are the best team at the monent and are the champions but dont come on here telling us that we are finished, we are far from it and and any success u ever have will always be tainted by the money
this guy is hilarious. good entertainment i reckon.
Who cares that you play better football, you still came second (another word for LOSER).
I see that Mr Serge the little fat 40+ yr. old kebab selling virgin SheMale is very quiet.
Like all gooners, busy reading Bridget Jones diary or watching Notting Hill.
I see that Mr Serge the little fat 40+ yr. old kebab selling virgin SheMale is very quiet.
Like all gooners, busy reading Bridget Jones diary or watching Notting Hill.
you chelski twats. Piss off and go back to your own blogs, boasting your team trying to lift your poor down-to-the-bottom self-esteems. Grow up
i predict these chelski twats wont bother next season - how can you stay passionate about something when it comes as easy as throwing money at it... wheres the fun, wheres the challenge?
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