Tel: Chel$ki Are Scared

"What did Chels*a do that day? Only defend," insisted the skipper.
"Besides, they defend each time they play against us whereas it's different with other rivals.
"The way Chels*a played against us the other day is, for me, a form of respect. So they fear us.
"When there are five minutes left and [Hernan] Cr*spo makes for the corner flag to gain time, what does that mean to you?
"For me, it's clear. They were afraid of being pulled back and tried everything not to be so.
"Five minutes from the end, and in a charity match, what's more.
"Without taking anything away from Chels*a, I'd like to think that Arsenal play football, more than our opponents.
"It's true we haven't made any signings but we have a real team and many hours of work together at training.
"That has to come out in our football. It's a challenge. It's this cohesion that interests me."
You dam right they are scared of us.
It's got to the point where Chav$ki & Man USA are joinging forces to have a go at us!
Quite Pathetic really.
What also quite pathetic is the fact that Chav£ki have now spent over £300m in 3 years, and they still won't bear us, Sunday!
From ClockEnd Gooner, North London
The Chels are scared of The Arsenal - interesting thing the other week chatting to a mate who has the misfortune to support the chav team of mercenaries. I said most teams who have the money to buy anyone they want especially attacking players come out & attack & entertain but the lesser money teams have the more they're inclined to defend or sit back. It's stange how Chelski have all these attacking options but still opt to defend for all the game rather than taking it to the opposition. I must admit I dont like watching them as they are boring as hell.
True Tommi, very true - they are as entertaining as a poke in the eye...
lads i need your back up over on the spurs blog:
just had a butchers they're spouting sh!t.... er... why am I surprised?
fuck off arsenal r going down the shitta , so for queen and country
sling that up ur hooter......
sling it up there!!!!!!
I can see why anon 2.07 didnt leave his name...
its probably gaylord focker!
ANYWAY, i love the fact chelsea have spent so much money (over 300m) and we will STILL have just a good a chance of winning the league.
If we stay injury free for most of the campaign, then it will go down to the wire.
Lets just get three points off chels*a on sunday...and let the backlash begin...
we will never be scared of you sad, homosexual wankers. how can we be when your supporters are Serge the little fat 40+ virgin SheMale, and the gay westsidegooner
We will stuff you on Sunday, i will spek to you then
fuck off chelsea scum i spend more on shoes than you spend on your lifestyle, you fucking eunoch
slightly fat chelsea chav! whats it like to be on the dole you bum
temper, temper Serge the SheMale. Is the truth hurting?
Don't worry Serge. Just do what Uncle Roman does and give em a £100 quid to go buy a blue shirt and a ticket to watch a game of hoofball!
SheMale Serge does not have £100. Do you know how many kebabs he has to sell to earn that!
Anyway, he/she is at home watching Bridget Jones diary.
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