Lamp*rd: Henry Has "Everything"

He is quoted as saying: "Thierry is a great man and I really like him. As a player I think he has been the most outstanding player in the Premiership for the last three or four years.
"He scores goals, creates goals, has pace, skill, everything."
it looks like lampard is pre- empting the defeat of chelsea this sunday they are definately scared of us with their defencsive long ball system,they are boring and so are their fans especially anonymous slightly fat chav who keeps coming on to our blog and disrespecting us,i am surprised he can come on line being on the dole must pay well
haha...brilliant - that combination of ignorance and arrogance that you only get from the scum. Chelsea are going to destroy because they are a far far better team and all you whinging one-eyed scummers can do is moan about their "long ball game".
Vieira's gone and the dream has died. Get over yourselves!!
haha chelsea today pay 26m for a player who himself has said is not worth the amount.
chelseas latest CM = £26m
cesc cost us a bag of peanuts and a bottle of tango
'far, far better team'???? don't make me laugh. You team relies on good organisation and DECENT players, not one Chelsea player is as good as henry, gilberto, cole or bergkamp or got the potential of cesc or senderos(except maybe robben) and the depth of squad is largely a myth (what are they going to win if forced to play G Johnson or Geremi?)
You've just spent £26million on a player who's never played proffessionally outside of france. Remember the last time you did that? Yeah, ok, Drogba still plays, but to bring back crespo after the sh*t performances he gave you last season means jose must think drogba is dodgy (and he's right).
Anyway, maybe it's just the conspiracy thoerist in me but has anyone seen Jose Mourinho and Joe Kinnear in the same room? thought not.
try going 49 unbeaten before saying your a far,far better team. remember we may have lost vieira since that team but we've gained cesc, Van Persie, Senderos and now Hleb. Bring on the temporary champions
Why don't these Chavs go and ask Uncle Roman to buy them their own blog sites. Then obviously he'll need to go buy them a new personality too, otherwise they'll run out of things to talk about once they've discussed how many yards their next long ball is going to travel! Twats!
I see the sad little fat SheMale Serge is still talking shit.
its funny how Carvalee-Hoe has come out and "apologised", perhaps he really does need an IQ test. While he's at it perhaps he can take Robben to the doctor along with Kenyon/Onion-head. There must be a cure for being a bald headed ugly loudmouth cunt. (Needles in his cock?)
why there is still some scum chelski disturbing around? huh... cmon.. ur trophy is given to you by ur unlimited fund... that trophy dont even exist the champ charistma... even man ure are stand wit their charisma (altho they are trophyless for 2 season) so dont be so cockky...
Anon 5:34...What is that in English.
I'll have some chilli sauce on my kebab!
So the dear little chavs actually believe that Chelski are taken seriously!
Admittedly, their financial clout is considerable... but so what?
The true measure of a team's success and the quality of its manager is the ability for successful teams to be built again and again... and again. Not from a bottomless pit of rubles but from discovering and signing emerging talent and raw skill.
Discovering these players is far harder than splashing out millions on 'so-called' finished products, complete with their egos and attitudes!
When Chelski win their third Double... or even a Treble, then they can be regarded as genuine quality.
But when or IF this happens, there's still the simple matter of their fans learning to accept that they then have a real team of quality and stop acting like cretinous, foul-mouthed, pathetic, mindless morons who can barely string two syllables together and impose their drivel on the rest of us!!
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