500 Not Out

"You go from game to game," said Le Boss. "That was always my attitude and, of course, when you win you have a chance to come back for every game.
"I'm not very good at looking backwards. I use history most of the time to prepare for the future.
"I'm not very good at sitting down and looking at how well it has gone.
"Of course I'm very grateful at having had so many good years with my staff but what is good in our job is that you are always forced to look forward to what you want to achieve and how well you want to do.
"I've not really had a high point: a perfect game does not exist. The high point is lifting trophies at the end of a period you think is successful but none of the games have been completely perfect.
"When you have bad games you still have glimpses of good football as well.
"I feel you strive for perfection and the closest we got is when we played the whole season unbeaten - that is as close as you can get.
"You get many good memories but many big disappointments as well for the trophies you miss. It's part of life as a manager."
Radio NZ staff walk off the job again
Radio New Zealand programming has again been crippled by strike action this morning as a staff pay dispute deepens.
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toure for central midfield, kompany in to challenge sol and big phil...
Sack wenger, get someone who has a plan B, and roughen up.
ALl over now
Serge...You seem very quiet.
Only sing when you're winning.
Very quiet. You bunch of sad losers
You give it all the big one, then when you lose you don't have thenerve to come on here.
Call yourself true supporters.
Where's the SheMale Serge, and the benders Rae and Westsidegooner?
Not so big now are you.
wow u guys won the match with p l a i n luck. Did you see Drogba's expression after he 'scored' that goal? to me it means 'oh what a bunch of lucky twats we are'
Where have all the gooners gone. On Friday they were giving it the big one. Now the SheMale Serge, Rae and even Nyssie have all gone quiet.
All mouth, now crying over the result like little queers. Too scared to come on here, not a man amongst you all.
Anon 3:58...Is that it. Not a gooner to be found and that is the best you can offer.
sorry anon you slightly fat chav i am busy running my business and i cant post all the time, we were robbed do you think we were outplayed? it was a jammy offside goal,well done, see you at highbury, you must be proud 10 million a month on players since ruski flew into town, you lot are sure doing it the hard way, there are still 36 games to go remember when we lost for the 1st time in ages?that will happen to you as well, cionfidence is a fragile thing,no go play with your dolls, hope you have done your homework school starts soon
Little fat virgin Shemale Serge... I forgot that you have a part-time job selling kebabs.
It's amazing how many gooners were on the blog last week, but a loss, and no one can be found. Show's what a fickle fan base you have.
I will be at Highbury, as I go to ALL the matches, unlike yourself.
Mr. Serge... If you run your own business how comes your spelling and grammer is so poor?
you dick! anon i have admin staff to do my letters even if you do think my grammar is bad it does not matter does it?
ravi, i'm trying to start a campaign to get toure playing centre of midfield - but no one's catching on....
Serge the fat virgin SheMale is a LIAR.
You really are a sad, pathetic queer.
You said that you can prove that you have a business. Go on then.
One defeat and now no gooners on here.
All that talk.
Nyssie...Are you a coward. Why no blogs. Hope its because I can wind you up so easily, or is that all gooners are fickle.
No gooners on here as they are fickle. Suppose you are now Chelsea supporters.
anon stop disrespecting me! as i said before i can prove i have a business dont make me make you jealous though i am more than happy to prove it to you! once i do i want you never to post on here again because you are tedious,
whenever you are ready to be proved wrong let me know,
I have let you know the fat virgin SheMale but you keep backing down like the lying coward you are.
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