One More Signing to Come

Apparently the only signing we will be making is that of a new goalkeeper, and it looks like it won't be Rene Adler. AW said: “We will sign a goalkeeper before the end of the transfer window but I do not know who yet.”
When asked about the possible signing of any more outfield players Le Boss simply replied "No."
Total twat. Kinda hope Henry fucks his crucuciate ligaments up and also gilberto. See dickhead Wenger panic then and splash the cash. As much as I hate to say and admit it. But Arsenal's glory days are over. Can't even beat Chelsea and Man U AKA the top teams no more. Even the most die hard Wenger fans will be calling for his head come May 2006.
Fuck off - you are not an Arsenal fan. Beat Man Utd last time we played them though didn't we? Muppet.
SheMale Serge....Don't you find it embarassing that other people have to stand up for you. You're not man enough.
You boasted how much money you have and that you can prove it. When I call your bluff, you back down.
Very embarassing running away from a challenge in public.
Haven't beaten Man U at home in the league since 2001 and 2002 at Old Trafford. Though the Cup game in 2003 was a win. Unless you wanna compare a 0-0 FA Cup penalty shoot-out a victory and a meaningless Community Shield. And I am an Arsenal fan you dick. Why I am fucking pissed off. Selling Vieira and Edu and not replacing them. Everyone can see Arsenal's problems apart from Wenger. He has taken Arsenal as far as he can. If we win the title at least this year than I will hold my hands up and admit I was wrong. But I guess we shall see won't we.........
i beleive it when i see it.we going to buy a gk but he not sure say`s everything.if we are going to sign some one he should know by now,as signings are drawn out we still need cd and cm and striker.we will not buy in jan,so that it we have spent all the money we are going to
I cannot for the life of me see how this present squad (even if we are very lucky with injuries/suspensions)will win either the premiership/champions league.If we do not get at the very least 4th place next year,how will we fill a 60,000 stadium each week.The young floating fans who wear Arsenal shirts in the street will quickly move to other clubs if we are not successful and we will no longer attract star transfers (if Wenger has the funds?) to have any chance against the other big clubs!
Wenger has lost da plot. At the end of last season he said it was a mistke not to buy new playrs and it cost us the league. Even the chairman said we need new faces and there was plenty of money to buy them.
Butinted we lose two fantastic playes and only bring one in. It doesnt make sense. I cannot believe we haven't signed a defender or signed someone to replace Pat
If the squad stays the same we will not win anting this season even if we buy a goalkeeper.
I love Wenger and what he has brought to Arsenal.He asks us to trust him after selling Viera..and I'm trying to but it's so frustrating..Maybe i'm worrying for nowt, but he admits we "are not incisive" enough - but refuses to bring in a midfielder / striker to spice things up. Teams know how to play against us now and we're offering nothing new. Even the scum up the road are looking more inventive than us!! Can't see us finishing higher than 3rd or 4th this year, let along winning anything.
It's sad to see fans that have been given so much not have a little faith in the man that got them there.
Do you really think you know more than Mr Wenger. Get a grip and get behind the team
Real supporter is not the same as glory chaser. If someone chooses to support another team due to lack of trophy comes May 2006, that's fine by me as they're not the real fans anyway. I don't think filling the new stadium would be a problem even if we are 3rd or 4th. I've been on the ticket registration scheme for the past 7 years and still waiting. I would still go and support my team no matter what position we are in in the league. Ask the neutral, we are by far the most exciting team in England! Also, even if we don't win anything this season I think Wenger deserves a lot more respect and trust after what he did to the club all these years when he could have walked out on us many times. The team needs our support please just them that and reserve our judgement at the end of the season.
Calling for Wenger's head in May 2006?! You should be committed. Have faith my impatient, proud friend. This man has never finished outside the top 2 in his full seasons in charge, will leave the club in excellent condition to be a TOP club for years to come, and cares deeply about the future (not at the expense of the present) of our beloved club. We are lucky to have him. Or have you not noticed that Spurs, Birmingham, Newcastle et al spend more money than us and still don't do sh*t?
AW screwed up or got screwed this summer in the transfer market, depending on facts we don't fully know. Or DD did. Either way AW knows we need players, but he is not going to advertise it is he! One, it will demoralize his troops and two, it will push the fucking prices up.
I'd say he is waiting to get the market right. It is freaking frustrating you are right. In my impatience I would have bankrupted the club for sure. I am also worried AW will wait too long and Henry will be an old man before a second top striker comes in!
There is nought to do except get behind the squad we have and push them as far as they can go. It is not like we are going to start supporting someone else. So what is the point in not making the most of the season. I can't wait till the youngsters come through and the team gels by mid-season. Then AW springs another couple coups in the transfer market and it's up for grabs all over again.
Wenger can only go so far before he has some strange urge to tear apart the strength we have and start again from scratch. You can have a squad which blends young players with fantastic talent and experienced players, just as you can go through a summer and strengthen your squad, though the last time we did this was 2001.
LOL remember a while ago (before Baptista snubbed them) he said he had a "masterplan." Mmmmmm. So selling yer captain and weakening the team and losing to Chelsea is his big plan is it? Absolute joke. Not to mention contradicting himself by saying how the youngsters can't play all these games and now saying they can cope!! All because he couldn't get Baptista he has been made to look a twat. Should of sold Pat after he got Bap!! Arsene Wenger's magic, he wears a magic hat, and when he lost Edu and Vieira he admitted he's a twat!
campbell senderos - middle of defense, toure and gilberto/flamini/fabregas centre of midfield
You are a fuckin idiot.......have u any level of intelligence whatsoever???......go back to playing your championship manager or collecting your pannini stickers..... u think wenger is an idiot??? the only idiot is you ya gobshite. try using some objective data if u want criticize wenger not so half arsed shite about second guessing what a legend like wenger is trying to do.......Arsene knows......u know fuck all so piss off and how dare u wish that anyone has the misfortune of doin there cruciate ligaments
I am impressed with what people have to say and I have to say that I agree with everybody in a way. I think what we have to realise is that although this team haven't reached their peak they haven't done bad as well.
I am Arsenal fan and before Chelsea's game on Sunday I said that Arsenal were going to lose 3-0 and to my suprise they didn't. In fact the goal they scored was offside and had a bit of luck, which Chelsea seems to have these days.
Arsenal new team will grow and I think at the moment they are just below Chelsea. In two years time I think Arsene will begin to reap the fruit of his labour.
David Dein told Arsene that he had the job for life, I don't think we can argue about that.
Do you guys remember just some months ago that Real Madrid and Chelsea wanted Arsene? Arsene is a top manager.
I am very curious like everybody to see Arsenal back at their best. You know what, we will all know that time. Why? Jose Mourihno will start saying things like they will lose........
Arsenal are the best.
The new stadium will help the players because they will play with more confidence.
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As it stands now we don't have enough depth in any department but especially attack. Very limited. When was the last time you saw us score from a header or a simple tap in? Wenger is one of the greatest people in football at the moment but his only flaw is not wanting to buy players when needed. We buy a solid striker and midfielder and we have won the title. Youngsters will do great things for the club. Keep your faith.
What does everyone think?
What the fuck? Anyways AUS you are absolutely right
bunch of fucking cry babies.. it's only the second game! let's burn the club....kill wenger.....bla..bla..bla..
Obviously we are simply second guessing here and none us knows the full picture. The way I see it is that although we hear all this talk form the board about the available funds and all, we are still pretty tight moneywise due to the new stadium.
Second the squad we do currently have is not that bad. We might not beat the Mancs,and the chavs, however we are more than a match for all the rest. Hence we are still largely able to finish 3rd.
Now I don't know about all these fickle new fans but most long term Arsenal fans are more than happy with what we currently have.
I personally do not see the point in spending say 30 million on two "good" signings, who will not garantee us the title, just for the sake of it.
Keep the faith and stick behind ur team.
Why is it that on Nyssies blog as long as you say only good things about Arsenal everyone is happy. But, as soon as you try to be objective people shout you down.
all you pricks slagging off wenger, why don't you just fuck off and leave the true gooners to chat on this blog. its all very well being objective and having an opinion but there's no need to wish injury on people just to prove a fucking point. we've been spoilt rotten with trophies now for many years and thats all down to one man, wenger. you haven't even given this new look team a chance. fair enough, we lost to chelsea at the bridge but in fairness, who hasn't? i think we do fucking well just to compete with them what with all the money they have.
Simon - good post fella.
There is obviously an alternative view to the world is all rosey, but its how you chose to express that view that gives that post any credibility. For example "Wenger is a twat" is an alternative view but not a very credible one !!
Additionally, having this pessimistic view point after 2 games is probably what gauls people like me the most. It makes you appear like Johnny come lately fans with a pathetic knee jerk reaction. Comments like Baptista is not the only option, which are then backed up with no alternative view are also pretty lame. Who are these Baptista alternatives then ?? Please don't say Ballack - Bayern don't want to sell and he wants crazy wages anyway. Essien - are we really gonna financially outmuscle Chelsea - don't be ridiculous !! So come on who ?
As for the goalkeeper - what do you want the bloke to do come out at a press conference and tell you who he wants to buy ?? We're not fucking Real Madrid.
Basically, what I am saying is get behind the team and atleast show a modicum of patience - if you look at the fixture list there is no reason why it isn't reasonable that we could win our next 7 games in a row. What slant would that put on your viewpoints ? You know, atleast have something tangible to back up your gripes beyond 1 defeat away to a team who has spent the most concentrated amount of cash in history.
Jack you are a true fuckwit talking bollox.
Wenger's lost the plot face facts and stop being so biased.
Isn't just about being only two games in. It is the case Arsenal can't win Europe and back to back titles. Look at last season? Couldn't beat Man U and Chelsea. Nor beat Man U in the league for ages. A team like Arsenal shouldn't have to rely on a 36 year old Bergkamp (no offense to him) and amazing youngsters with potential. Should be more proven players than youngsters. Why you think me and other complain? Because we are proper Arsenal fans and give a shit. All hypocritical fucktards as well. Like you have never slagged off Wenger. Face facts. Arsenal will not win the title unless Wenger like you twats pull their head out his arse and realise the problems.
Its fucking idiots like you that really take the fucking biscuit. Slag Wenger off because he can't win in Europe or back to back titles. When in our history have we won the European Cup ?????? What gives you the automatic belief that we should be winning the European Cup despite the presence of massive clubs like Real, Barca, Inter, Milan, Juve, Bayern and the Mancs ?
I'll tell you what has given you that belief, sorry who has..........ARESENE WENGER !! You fucking ungrateful retard.
Yes the squad is a bit thin at the moment, but the short term finances are thin - it might have escaped your notice but we are building a great big fucking new stadium in an area which has one of the most highest land prices in Europe. But its all for long term gain.
And yeah is about being 2 games in because correct me if I am wrong but we have a bloody good starting 11. Yes if we get injuries we might appear a little threadbare, but thats half the point a lot of your fucking petty pathetic gripes are built around "what if's"
So stop acting like the fucking spoilt cunt you clearly are and have a bit of appreciation about what you have had the privilege of watching and will continue to do so despite your rancid negativity.
And oh yes "FUCK YOU"
So easy to wind up
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