Ash: Ref Cost Us

"We are really disappointed with what happened out there," said Ashley.
"I was tripped in the box by William Gall*s. Everyone knew it was a foul apart from the referee.
"If we'd been awarded a penalty and taken the lead we would have won.
"I don't want to get into trouble with the authorities but Dr*gba's goal was offside and it's not the first time this sort of thing has happened to us.
"We told the ref and linesman but maybe they missed it. You see them every week. It's hard for officials but things like this can kill a game.
"We played well in patches but couldn't break them down.
"Winning at Stamf*rd Bridge would have given us a lot of confidence but we've just got to keep going, work hard on our game and I'm sure we'll get the results to get us back up to the top of the table."
Another whinging gooner excuse
It ws very quiet on here yesterday.
Typical fickle gooner fan base. Suppose you support Chelsea now.
Serge the Fat Virgin SheMale...You said that you can prove that you have a company that turns over £20M and drive a £70K car. Well, a challenge for you. Go on then prove it, if not, you are just a sad pathetic lying queer.
maybe cos there was no blog posted yesterday was the reason it was quiet?
Perhaps we'd be crowing if it was our first league win over the Chavs in 10 years.
anyone else in a bit of shock about sunday? i mean we haven't lost a derby for 35 games so its very weird!!
Chel$ki may have beaten us in the league for 10 years....but how much have they had to spend to do it?!? Also, it was hardly a hiding...
anon i am ready to prove it and i want you never to post here again once i do, ho do you suggest i do it? you want to come on a guided tour of our offices? your welcome , god you are going to have a huge slice of humble pie to eat afterwards, if you do come which i doubt i dont think you will be calling me a shemale when you see me either have you got the balls slightly fat chav?
Fat virgin SheMale Serge...YOU were the one who said that can prove it, now you're asking how? If you cannot back it up do not say that you can prove it. I will gladly walk around the kebab shop that you work at. Providing me with the details and I will be there.
What happened to all the big talk last week. Then no blog yesterday, how predictable.
Typical fickle gooner fan base.
Nyssie...Such a sad, unoriginal comment. I did expect better from you.
Yeah, but it's true. Original or not and who exactly are you to expect ANYTHING from me?
cheers jobby i will the nerve of the guy calling me out sheesh,i still think we are a powerfull outfit, does anyone think that chelsea are selling to many players lately? the problem with them is that they cant keep everyone happy,jurasik, smertin,parker and now tiago all left or leaving, all chelsea are doing is turning over player after player, this has 2 effects 1) no continuity for chavski 2) other teams are getting stronger apart from the top 4 with chelseas cast offs ie birmingham who have 5-6 first team players from teams in the top 4
here's some fighting talk you cunting, newly supporting chelski chav fucker. well done, you beat us. get over it. it had to happen someday and funally it has. although i'd like to add it took a hugely lucky goal plus a penalty not being given to us. however, whatever way you look at it, we're only 3 points behind which means when we get going and beat you at hghbury it'll be all square again. if wigan can come close, i'm sure there's others who will too. so enjoy your glory for the time being but wait till roman gets bored and see where you are then. you'll have a team of megastars on mega bucks but with no chairman to pay them. could be abit risky
anon you cant call me dumb then ask such stupid question, i said how would you like me to prove it do you want to come to my london offices and have a guided tour,not how will i do it fool,
chelsea beat us once in ten years and think they are great typical we have won the title more times in 5 years than you have in you history, all that money and all you are, are one hit wonders,
i'd like to know why mr serge's business interests you so much? you taking so much interest in him makes you sound a bit gay to be honest.
Well said jack - sounds like a fuckin' bunny boiler! GET A LIFE MATE AND LEAVE SERGE ALONE!!!!
He wont be able to come to your office on market days as wee Chav is at school and he doesn't want his customers to go short of fruit and veg.
I was looking out for you Sunday fat chav, but one beer belly and Burberry cap looks the same as the next to me.
i'm a spurs fan so know i'm prob not welcome on here but just hear me out. chelsea fan, your a dick. they more than matched you on sunday and deserved a point. as for their fans, they're ten times better than your lot. they've consistently sold out stadiums for years, even when the team was not performing so well (mid 90's). your average gate 10 years ago was 4000 and you had to advertise tickets on local radio stations the day before games. suddenly there are chelsea shirts everywhere and you fill your stadium week in week out. the term glory supporters spring to mind.
Yawn, yawn. Sam old feeble rubbish. Say something new, is that all you've got.
The fat SheMale, i will gladly visit your so called offices, just give me the details.
Last week you said that can prove it on the blog, now you want a visit. Either is ok with me.
hat time does the kebab shop open.
Jobby... The correct name for the shit you speak.
how can you even say say something new?a ll you've gone on about is shemales and offices. you say soemthing new
Nyssie...Sorry for crediting you with half a brain. It obviously upset you.
The fact is Serge is a LIAR.
No way is James a yid.
i think slightly fat chavboy is using his mums AOL accont while she is at work. when he goes back to school in a few dasy it will be fine. he probably lives in guiford and supported us two years ago, and united before that. he's probably never beent to a football match in his life. and i bet he wishes he could play football at school, but all the big kids just spit in his face and laugh at him because he's fat and talentless.
he's angry becuas his did is locked up for playing with the little toddlers down his street. his fat ugley bitch of a mum now cant find anyone to plunge her infested crack and so she walks the streets of dover at night looking for some AIDS infected immigrant to rape her. but they wont touch her becuase she's the ugliest most putrid fuckbucket on the planet and ChaVBoy knows this.
Fickle gooner fan base. Westside gooner no way were you at the Bridge, Mummy would'nt let you out.
LOL...Is this the best you can do?
Just to back up the Spuds fan earlier, Capital radio was last night advertising tickets for Chavski v WBA this week. 4 tickets per application possible. I for one cant remember any title winners being in that situation since Blackburn. Plastic club with plastic fans.
on a serious note chelsea fan, do you think you'd have won the league without roman?
Nyssie has to stand up for the fat SheMale Serge. He cannot look after himself.
Is the nasty man picking on the little fat virgin SheMale then. Aahhh, there,ther.
First time in the league I have actually been able to see at the Bridge. Since poor old Jose didn't want us sitting behind him. BLESS.
Anon 12:26... In response to your reply, I think Mourinho as manager is the deciding factor, rather tan the money. If JM was manager wiothout the cash, then the title would have taken a little bit longer to win
all the success Chavski have will be so worth it, fatboy.
all the sigings, all the wages, all the bullshit in the press.
when you fall from grace, back to your position as Chavy Small London Club FC. it will be have been so worth it. it wil be such a nasty fall - all the way to the 2nd division. it's going to be so much fun. everyone in the game is looking forward to the day. haha!! and you lot know it too!!
and as for all the trophies you might win?
ha!! no one will repsect them!! history will be written so...
fair enough!!
You appear to be missing the point anon.12.29. Without the Russian you wouldn't have been able to afford Mourinho (and he wouldn't have come if he hadn't the money to spend).
So the answer is obviously a resounding NO!!!!
without the money you'd still have the Tinker man!!
and you'd still be a "Gooner".
for fuck sake. how shit thick are you!!?
You cannot say thatJM is motivated by money.
What motivates him are challenges.
A question for the gooners. If Roman had taken over Arsenal and wanted to invest millions of pounds into making you one of the greatesr clubs in Europe, would you object to this? We all know the answer.
This is why your argumant is floored.
and wouldn't you be saying how we've bought the title. the only difference being that we'd have already proved we're capable of winning it without the investment
MoW...Were you a Man U supporter five years ago. We look forward to seeing you at the Bridge later this season.
I see SheMale has gone quiet on arranging this visit.
well, well, well. first off, nice blog site nyssie, keep it up.
i'm gonna cut straight to the chase cos all this chelsea talk is pure nonsense on EVERY level.
chelsea have contrbiuted NOTHING new to world football, other than confirming the fact that money, sorry, extraordinary amounts of money can bring success. it has nothing to do with football, cos there is not one true football lover (including chelsea fans) who will admit to enjoying chelsea's style of play. arsenal in the 80's under george graham played exactly the same way, and also won the league having lost only one game. difference is, it cost chelsea over £300m to achieve it. an average of £10m a month spent since roman arrived, required to buy trophies. sad.
the ONLY reason chelsea are succesfull and sadly will continue to be so, is simply cos they have 2 world class players for almost every position on the pitch, each of them at the top of their game. NO youth policy and NO players coming through. simply a revolving door of players in their early to mid 20s at thier peak.
£70m+ worth of signings on the bench against arsenal? its a joke.
chelsea have won the league by spending more in 3 years than arsenal have in the last 20+ years!
imagine if wenger had that amount of money at his disposal. the mind boggles.
and as for mourinho? he is the most overrated manager in the premiership. there i said it.
what positive football contribution has he made to the premiership? NOTHING. exciting football? bollocks. new talent discovered? my arse.
boring football, based around a solid defense and team organisation with world class cover for injuries and suspensions. oh, and an unlimited budget. hmmm. genius.
wenger, has single handedly revolutionised not just arsenal but the whole ethos of the premiership.
chelsea, under kenyon and mourinho have become the most hated club in the world.
chelsea can rot for all i care.
i'd never though i'd say this, but if its not gonna be arsenal, i'd rather manure or even sperz win the league.
for the good of football if not thing else.
a certain clock end gooner once said: "if it wasn't for the money you'd be spurs!".
so wise, so true.
So why haven't you sold old for WBA Chav??
Jack...You can't have it both ways. To different levels, all teams buy the league. At the time, £11m on Henry was a lot of money (even though you received a fair chunk of cash for Anelka). yYu offered more money to players, eg your year end accounts showed that you paid Sol Campbell £7m signing on fee and £96000 per week (more than any other top player at the time), Inter only receiced £3.5M of the Berkamp fee with the rest going to the player. So, in a way you have bought the league titile as well.
You may not like it but Chelsea will dominate football. Even the yids look like they have a future.
Remember, Arsenal played boring football under GG, and all you would say is that winning is the most important thing. That you would prefer to win then play attarctve football. So why is one rule for you and another for us.
that is quite possibly the worst argument i've ever heard!! campbell got paid cos there was no transfer fee, anelka was sold for 25 million, petit and overmars for combined 27 million so 11mil for henry wasn't much. for a start it was no more than everyone else was paying at the time. you are spending 100's of millins more than eveyone else. thats the point. and henry wasn't a world class player when we got him. wenger developed him and turned him into a world class player. thats not buying the title, thats coaching players in order to win it. and i believe you know it too. theres no way you really believ that we bought the title is there?
Jack...Face the facts. Yes no transfer fee was involved for Campbell, but no thoer club would pay him that amount of money as a signing on fee and £96k as a weekly wage. I'm not saying that what you did was wrong, but that to varying levels all clubs buy the league.
Please think before you write, otherwise you will sound stupid like the SheMale.
Can another gooner help Jack out, he is struggling big time with an intelligent debate.
Perhaps if you played more attractive football, you'd be able to sell all your tickets.
u cant seriously think what your writing makes sense. there were plenty of other clubs interested in sol but he wanted to stay in london. money was flying around all the top clubs at the time and i'm not saying buying one world class player a season is bad. the difference is, there's no money in the game anymore apart from at your club resulting in you being able to get EVERY best player out there. we all know swp would be at us if you didn't have the moeny and essien would be at utd. he's admitted it.
other gooners, apparently you need to help me out. is it just me that says we didn't or did we buy the league as well?
Jack...What are we suppose to do. Clubs know we have money and our ambition is to be the best, and we can afford it. If Arsenal were in our position would'nt you do the same.
yeah, sure. success in football is based in money. money comes from support. support comes through being a decent club and having history and playing good football. that's true. but if some teams are gonna move up the table and sustain it then they have grow organically and invest and manage their way with skill.
ie. our new stadium.
arsenal have never bought the league. we spend less than liverpool and newcastle.
chelski are not a big club. they are just a very vulgar rich club. its funny that you have to spend £0.3bn to get your first league win in 10 years?
when the money dries up you'll crash and burn like Wednesday and Leeds.
Money can't buy class. That's why your manager and Kenyon are such tastless cockheads. it's also why you're on this site all day - given that you've just beaten us once in the league in 10 years.
less class than the Spuds, fat Chavboy...
Westsidegooner...Look at the post 1:05. When you have something interesting to say then come back to me. Which may take you a long time.
who said anything about one rule for us and another for you? its nothing to do with "winning is the most important thing", i wouldnt argue there.
the same way you cannot possibly argue that the only reason chelsea won the league last year is due to the amount of money spent and NOTHING else.
how else can you explain going from a nothing club to
premiership champions in 3 years?
No other clu would pay the money Campbell was demanding. It's a fact. I'm not saying AFC were wrong in doing it, but you wanted to win trophies and you did what was necessary.
no one can blame u for doing what you've done but you 've got to accept that people will feel like you're at a complete advantage to everyone else cos no one else, barring man utd, have the money to compete with you. its gonna be a oner horse race until he goes and that makes it boring for the rest of the league. and it upsets me to see englands left midfielder not even in the squad.
Clockendgooner...Of course the money meant we won the title earlier. But, we had money and did not win anything until JM arrived. He made the difference.
Did he arrive for the money, maybe. But he gives me the impression that he is ambitious and I think the money at the club allows him to achieve the success that he wants.
if we had Roman's $$$$ then we all know that Wenger wouldn't spend hardly any of it. we'd still have Cygan. and we'd have won the league.
ok, he's have bough in a few players but Wenger is a man of principle, for better of for worse.
how can you say its a fact that no one would pay sol what he wanted? how do you know the inside outs of every other club? i personally don't believe thats true anyway. who wouldn't pay the money for the then best centre half in world football? no transfer fee remember so it really wasn't that much.
100 blogs in 100 days, day 2: Yunaa TMs Village a " A Slice Of The Daily Life
Day 2 of 100 Blogs in 100 days comes from Christine Zheng. Blog: Yuna's Village - " A Slice Of The Daily Life About: "What's so fun about this site: - It's a site that captures the little things in life that ...
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I hear what you are saying, and in a way I agree. It would be nice to produce young unknown english talent, rather than a real life version of 'football manager', but life's not like that.
What does not help is that a large number of CFC supporters are not use to the success and do not act in the appropriate way. But what can you do, it will change over theyears with the constant success that we will have.
We probably both hat to say it, but the yids are doing it the right way.
MoW...You really do talk shit. Are you sure your not a spud.
Anon 1.16. Even under GG we sold out for home games when we were Champions.
You are obviously slightly sensitive to the fact that your support is fucking shit.
Other clubs stated that they were not prepared to pay what Campbell was demanding.
To say that he was the best CB in world football at the time is bollox. Ask anyone who watched him, he was shit.
Thetickets are being offered for charity. For fuck sakes, surely we can do that.
any half decent manager could have done what JM did when he arrived at chelsea. he simply further strengthened the squad and applied his style of play. the only reason you didn't win it earlier, is cos of the jokers you had as managers before JM!!
yes he is ambitious, but dont forget how quickly he discarded porto. not celebrating with the team after they won the champions league cos he was off to the land of rubels and caviar was terrible.
if abramovich ever decides enuff is enuff or the KGB catch up with him, big problems.
you're club is running at such a loss, ken bates will buy you back for a £1 within 2 weeks.
ever thought that maybe other clubs said that to hide the dissapointment of not getting thier man? defender of the tournament at world cup 2002 and in team of tournament at euro 2004 goes a long way to justifying my claim that he was the best at the time. moron
yeah, for the first time in years the yids look like they are getting somewhere. however, no one else seems to be committed to youth more than Arsenal.
i don't resent chavski success. but it do get hacked off with listening to the idiot barwaiter manager talking bollox and spending more money than is vaguely reasonable to most normal people's sensibilities. other clubs have to pay for their mistakes (i.e. Veron, Mutu). Chavski don't. it's way, way, way off the chart.
How many charities state that personal callers to the stadiums can collect 4 tickets per person you fucking halfwitted, ill informed Chav fuckpig.
lol, WestSide
anon how can you say mourinho is not driven by money,when porto won the champions league mourinho was asked will you be at porto next season and he said i will have to discuss it with my wallet,not money driven ha
JM is a dumbfuck peasant waiter boy who fucks fat english middle age tourists like PigFucks mum.
he has NO class. which is why he suggested the whole of English football is corrupt and that Dien rigs the fixture list. what planet is he on?
typical chav peasant.
chelsea had might as well bought the carling and premier league cup chelsea need £1billion to win arsene wenger can do that by buying players you havent heard of then changing them into world class players e.g viera, henry and berkgamp ha
i think slightly fat chav aka fuckpig fancies me i am scared of him, blackburn spunked millions won the league once and were are they now, our club is built from the ground up look at our history, never been relagated from the top flight, longest serving club in the top flight, consistent winners of trophies consistently brining through talent consistently making money and not paying silly money for silly signings
Another thing in common with Blackburn........
They dont sell out at home either.
In fact, Wenger had the money this year but he has kept his coolness and want to buy wisely instead of buying and sell the year after.
Chelsea is destroying the football rules. How can they be proud of playing in a team hated by the passionate...
KGB FC should be the new name. With shirt of smell of cocaine and proxenethism...
Stop joking, we don't want to become like that. Stay simple and you'll last for ever...
Chav has gone. Perhaps CBBC has started or his mummy has taken him to the park.
FuckPig's fat mum is on hospital. she has an infection.
or maybe she's gone to see Daddy FuckPig inside the mental home...
jack 1:53, is that really your name? or are you pretending to be me!!
This site is getting worrying. We have a stalker for Mr.Serge and now an impersonator for jack. What is the world coming to??
Anyway, back to football. 3-0 tomorrow. Comfortable win and good display all round. What do you think chaps??
westside, i agree with you. you just get the feeling that the boys will respond to the criticism and come out fighting like they so often do. anyone else fancy henry to not only match the record tomorrow but beat it as well? i do.
I think he'll get 2 tomorrow, and break it at home to Everton. I suspect Sky Sports think the same as they have made the game live.
westside and jack fulham will get a backlash tomorrow, 2-0 or more we will be back on track,were has slightly fat fuckpig chav gone?he is such a knob his attitude isyou post on sites you cant be succsesfull what the fuck? cant we do well in life and do this as well?we have gone to stamford bridgski and lost we have 36 games to put it right, last year we were the incredibles and got derailed after 1 loss i reckon chelsea will have big trouble with their playing staff this year and will crumble in the heat of battle,
check this out chavski scum have no fans
nyssies blog is getting more popular apart from 1 annoying wanker this site is great
good link serge.
fascintating stuff. in fairness though, a lot of people are on holiday and i reckon august is pretty slow. like they say, we should wait a few months before we see how bad it is...
What was that link about Mr.Serge???I couldn't access it.
Sorry guys away closing a deal. So the fat SheMALE YOU HAVE DECLINED TO PROVE YOUR SUCCESS. WHAT A SURPRISE
So why cant you sell out your home games then??? Is it because you play shit football or you have a plastic fanbase???
And as for your closing a many bananas did the old lady buy???
do you homosexual in bred retards always look at things in such a biased view. Is there anyone of you that can be objective. Not surprised when your support consists of liar SheMale Serge and cock sucker westside.
MoW was a Manc a few years back and will e supporting Chelsea by the end of the season.
Westside...still pretending that the fickle fan base you have is better. so sad
The fat virgin SheMale still can't stand up for himself.
You boasted how successful you and that you can prove it. I know you can't because I know who you really are.
When will you answer the question then fuckwit?????
If you are now a big club why cant you sell out for home games?????
Why couldn't you sell your allocation for Wigan or the Charity Shield??
We sold our allocations for both of those games, retarded inbred
cant be bothered reading all posts, too many of them.
NyssietheGooner mate, please make sure u post a blog right after each Arsenal game so that we can air our views over here. Better still, u can post a pseudo review before each game so that, even when u r not available to publish a post game blog, we can still fall back on the preview and post in there.
Back to the game, I am behind the team all the way and wont read much into the 2nd game of the season. I might start to make a judgement after 5 or 6 games. Quite a few players are still rusty, and the team needs to get used to the post Viera era. Besides, its not like it was a hiding or anything.
However, I do believe that Pires should not start games anymore, and we need to buy an experienced CB. Also, we need to get a lot more physical, we need to get someone into the box, and work on set pieces.
and that's that.
All gone quiet again. Typical gooners.
I will have to get the rest of the CFC to come on here to make your lives a mysery.
HAHAHAHA you clearly were not at Cardiff then. Also, you refused your addition allocation for Wigan and you haven't sold out for WBA. Nice to see that you dont get flustered when faced with facts.
P.S. Looking forward to the witty response.
Westside...When you deal with facts and not your imaginings, please post. all you do is make yoursself look more of a fuckwit then you normally are.
another liar like the shemale.
You should get all of your CFC mates down to Stamford Brige to buy some fucking match tickets.
Nice. Very witty. Your obsession with Serge's private business alarms me Fat Chav. Who gives a fuck what he, you or anyone else does for a living. The purpose of this site is to talk about football. And your shit support of course.
westside it was about chelsea not being able to fill their shed
I don't even know why we're getting glory hunting Chel$ki cunts on here...have they nothing to talk about on their own blogs?
We know their football is mind-numbingly boring, but they must have something to discuss...maybe about Petr Cech's comments on how they're gonna bore their way to another title!
fat fuckpig chav i am scared to give you my details you sound like a stalker shall i give you the link to my company website and you can contact me from there? westside how many bananas did you sell hahahahaaa pand a pand pand a pand,
what do my gooner brethren think shall i prove or ignore? fat fuckpig chav
what is this obsession with serge's finances? who cares? and how do all your fans become invisible at matches? i presume thats what happend seeing as you sold out your allocation at cardiff but there appeared to be many empty seats.
He is just a pervert stalking Mr.Serge. Same boring shit every day and when he gets outwitted he resorts to trying to be abusive.
We however are bigger than that, and I for one wouldn't give the Fat Chav barrowboy fuckpig the satisfaction of resorting to such silly behaviour.
I would usually say rise above it and igonre the tosser. But I would love you to shut him up Serge...he's an irritating little ponce. a said earlier, he's got the whole 'bunny boiler' thing about him. So for your own safety, better not!
i will decide in the next hour the wanker will be well upset after i do though fat fuckpig chav will then ask me to pay for his mums tummy tuck and his dads cock extension
Mr.Serge, he knows who you are remember. I wouldn't be surprised if he has your picture all over his bedroom walls. Ignore the prick and hopefully he'll do one eventually. Although his ramblings do make the afternoons go quicker, he is becoming rather tedious. Dont post personal details under any circumstances over a shared site like this. He wont give up a days money from the stall to visit anyway.
by the way lads, i'm loving this new word: fuckpig. its quality!!
Tummy tuck and cock extension!!!
He made a small mistake though...
Dad - Tummy tuck
Mum - Cock extension
westside sorry my mistake lol that is funny
i cant post tomorrow lads i am away on business however today was funny the fuckpig is a sado masachist he likes getting the shit kicked out of him on this website,thanks for the tips i dont want to be stalked it was getting to the point that i was willing to show him to shut him up,one last thing fuck pig chav is sainsburys round the corner from the bridge taking away any business from your stall their bananas are cheaper i am sure,
right lads, i'm off for the day. put another blog on early tomorrow nyssie cos it was quality today.
Will do....
Is that really the best you can do. How sad.
The thing with the SheMale is that I hate liars. He was on the blog stating how much money he has and that he can prove it. I've said go on then, and now he is trying to back down.
That's all.
I have offered him a challenge and he is not man enough to accept it.
And the way he cannot stand up for himself and has to have other people protect him only embarasses him.
I'm still waiting for the shit to be kicked out of me on here. No one is man or able enough to do so.
I will be waiting.
The fat virgin SheMale cannot blog today because he has to wash the floor of the kebab shop where he works.
Still I'm sure his bum chums will stand up for him as he cannot do it himself.
How embarassing.
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