Freddie 99 Per Cent

The Gaffer said: ""Freddie is very close to an agreement and I think we are 99 per cent there.
"I am very pleased because, after losing Patrick Vieira, we cannot afford to lose any more players, we have been working on our stability and it is very important in that respect to keep the players we have."
Is it me, or does AW sound a bit unsure about the sale of Vieira to Juve now?
Your thoughts....?
decent news. If i were AW, i would be a bit unsure of the sale of PV4 as he's as yet found no suitable replacements and we look a bit short. Still, we might get Baptista... Oh d'oh he said he didnt want to join us today.
If i had been given a choice to keep vieira or freddie I would have gone for vieira everytime!! Ljungberg is technically our worst player, although he always gives 100% which is more than you could say for vieira over the past two years. I was hoping for a new top class striker, new right winger, right back, central defender as cover instead of cygan & a top quality keeper. It was a lot to ask but we got none of them, I think the underinvestment in the squad for the past 3 years is really beginning to show now, which is why we need so many players.
Did anyone see Lauren play last night, he is a liability in that right back spot now, he seems to have lost all his pace & people go round him likes his not there.
please will everyone get off sir arsene's back. he's a footballing genius and if thierry trusts him then so do i. we've got the best centre half in the world(sol) and the future best (senderos), the most promising central midfielder i've ever seen at his age(cesc)and the best striker in the world(Thierry). add pires, cole and freddy to that and i think we look fine. Come on Arsenal, show those wankers down the road that we're the best, even without the millions
On Lauren, must admit never really felt 100% with Ralph at the RB spot, he's been found out - look at Ronaldo Riverdance - takes the p!ss out of him all day long when he doesn't get any joy from Cole. Also that youngster Eboue I think big things are expected - again another youngster but he's an international - think Ralph only being originally offered a years contract talks volumes on that front.
Also good people, i'm not convinced we REALLY REALLY need another striker - the boys seem to be scoring for fun - I think too much talk has gone on with that one. Think we need bodies immediately in other places than upfront right now, like a decent CB, midfield & a frigging goal keeper. I'm not saying we couldn't do with a player to take the weight of Terry's shoulders however Reyes seems to be the player we originally bought.
i agree with tommigunner we need a cb and a gk much more that a striker and baptista has really pissed me off, he is carying on lik we are a small club, do one son!!!!!!!!!!!
Tommigooner's hit the nail on the head...we got loads of firepower - but we do need cover at the back.
Why should this news cheer the Arsenal fans ( he always seems to be injured most of the time now and his best days are behind him).What we want to know is where are the big signings needed to keep pace with our rivals! I think Wenger sold Vieira on the assumption that the lying arse-hole Baptista would definitely come to us.Now he has told us to fuck off because Rio Madrid want him,Wenger does not seem to have any alternatives and is coming out with that usual phrase which all Arsenal fans dread - I am quite happy with the players that I have already got. With Gilberto and Henri injured - what back up players do we have for those important positions??
I think that a decent keeper and a decent right back will do the trick. I like Lauren but he's definately being targeted as the defensive weak link. There were some rumours circulating about Sagnol.
Now I'm a big fan of Jens, but I just wish he could concentrate all his training on dealing with crosses. As a shot stopper, he's got to be one of the best around.
Not too bothered with our midfield. We're never going to be able to replace Paddy like for like, so my guess is that this season Arsene will tamper with the tactics and we'll go all out attack using only one holding player(Either Gilberto or Flamini). The best form of defence is attack say some!
I know that we haven't had a real test so far pre season but we've looked extremely balanced and effective going forward with attacks coming from all sides, not just the usual left!
I guess we'll have some clues on how well this is going work over the course of this weekend.
What happened to that RB Ajax player who got to greedy last summer? Plays for an African team, cant remember his name - he was very attacking, but wanted too much cash - now there's a surpprise. But as I said before that Eboue fella will get a few games this season.
I agree with the fella who said 'not too concerned with the midfield as we wont replace PV4 like for like', there's no player like him - well not in our price bracket anyway. Also i reckon with Helb our right side will be a lot stronger and far more attacking. We really need to shore up the back - that's where we lacked last season. But I do like Jens but we need someone to realistically to challenge him - said it before cant believe AW still thinks Almunia is the one to do that.
Anyway this Friday against Ajax will tell us a lot more than the last three friendlies have.
Hatem Trabelsi. Dunno what the score is with him...lemme do some research...
To be honest, we have 2 right backs and Lauren is a consistent if unspectacular performer. Yes he struggles against the likes of Ronaldo and Robben, but in all honesty who wouldnt? Lauren is good against most other left wingers though so get off his back a bit. His understudy eboue actually looks a better player, but he is very raw. A fine prospect though. Add hoyte in as even more cover and i think we are just fine at right back.
It is UNDISPUTED that we need a new keeper and Wenger said as much in his skysports interview last night so hopefully we might see some movement on that one soon. Its a shame we bid too late for Proto becuase rumour has it hes actually a fine talent and is big like Cech. Shame.
We also DO NEED a physical midfielder. Yes Beast would have been perfect, but unless Arsene works some magic on that front with the contract, it is not going to happen. Agian if we had been quicker it could have been wrapped up, but thats the story of our summer. I really hope Arsene does have something up his sleeve, becuase to rely on youth for a whole season is a risky idea, especially if we get as many injuries at last year.
To be honest, again Beast would have been good, but i dont think we need a striker as much as we need a keeper or midfielder. We have an abundance of talented strikers all capable of scoring or setting up many a goal for us. I would have liked to have seen us maybe sign a player a bit more like a target man to give us that plan B we need, but i think Wenger had again banked on the Beast for that. Of course if we signed Owen i would not complain, but its not a signing we desperately require. In ym view it would be more signing a name to satisfy us fans that signing a player to improve us a great deal.
Id also like us to sign Christanval. Mainly to knock Cygan down to no 5 in the pecking order. On his own i dont mind Cygan that much as i think he is decent, if unspectacular, but he has a dreadful effect on those around him in the backline, so he weakens us considerably. Christanval i am sure is better than him, Barca did sign him after all!
We may also sign Alex Song, but lets face it he is a prospect, no more. He is not an immediate answer to the Vieira void.
Work to be done by Arsene before the transfer market closes, i hope, but he has said if he doesnt get Baptista that will be it. Worrying...
Begeegs kind of agree with you to a degree on the striker front - but that is the worst case scenario. There's no point in buying for buying sake - we all know AW aint like that.
Reyes & TH14 have struggled to 'hit it off' but that's cos we thought it was going to be explosive and all the hype following Reyes, infact his 2 goal salvo against the chavs from Sarf West London probably didnt do him any favours as everyone probably expected him to do that week in week out. Reyes has done ok in my opinion he scored as many goals as Wiltord had contributed & remember Reyes has been used as a winger on many an occasion. Also Helb, watch him this season it will bring a new dimension to our play, he might even keep Freddie out the team.
I agree 100% with Gilio's views. Youve got our predicament spot on mate. Keeper, midfielder, target man all would have been great, but it looks like none of the three. I am excited by Hleb though, he looks top notch.
eboue will be good but it will take him a couple of years of nurturing, i dont like lauren i never did he is solid and brave but against the better players in europe he is a liability,ronaldo got no change out of cole so went and raped ralph instead, in europe last season there were one or two games when players just targeted him and destroyed him, we need a proper rb and cb an central midfield powerhouse, also a GK if we dont get them we will not win the title simple, although aldoes look good for the new stadium we need to keep up with the russians and not let them do a man utd in the mid 90's and become unstoppable,
There's no doubt the team needs a few additions - as a team we tend to score from all over the midfield & front so I'm not *so* bothered about a striker (although it would be nice).
I worry about midfield though - we only seem to have Cesc, Gilberto & Flamini as real established centre mids. Injuries to two of these and then we're suddenly in a position where we have a makeshift centre mid. I know pires can play there, but I've never been convniced since he joined Arsenal that he's tough enough for centre midfield in the premiership.
Haven't seen Hleb so will have to bow down to the wisdom on this list.
On the other hand though, you have to say the last time I was a pessimistic arsenal fan in the close season we went unbeaten. COME ON YOU GUNNERS. We're good enough to beat anyone.
We should stop talking about Baptista - he isn't coming here. I hope he goes to Madrid and rots on the bench and we sign a Brazilian unknown striker who takes the Prem by storm, and takes the Beast's place in the World Cup!
Doesn't it really piss you off when players try to belittle Arsenal? But its awesome that the best player in the world plays for us, loves our club and is our new captain.
Baptista you may have been alright for a season or two but now i'm sick and tired of hearing your name - FUCK OFF
Well said legrande!!!
He just doesn't deserve to play for us simple as that.
time to tell u what arsene did,in the midfield there is a lad call mvamba those who r close to highbury will know apart from d experience pv has that boy is as good as viera.if the so called beast does not come arsene will use his new brazilian connection to bring a cheaper version of him arsene has scouts out there working which i personally know 1 of them n he said there r a lot of players that arsene has penciled down to come to highbury but we still av a lot of good players sshhhh there is a guy in brazil that is going to b our january transfer but i don't know his name or position but remember where u heard it first so gooner if the beast wants to live up to his name fine who cares but DDsud know better than let a 23yrs old boy play him around d gk arsene wants is yet to decides if he wants to come england his name is marcos these r highbury secrets if R.O.T reads this im sorry but i just av to post it here this is a good site sorry m8 so sorry
please please please - no more IF Baptista is going to come - HE ISN"T!! The fcker has said it himself - get over it! We need to move on we've been well stitched up on this..
True tommigooner I don't know how many hints or needed or how many times the man needs to say it himself - he ain't coming. Wenger says he is confused by the situation but in my mind there is nothing to be confused about, except why he is still in people's minds. We need to move on.
legrandesaucisse.. looks like we're singing from the same hymn sheet - everyone just needs to join in before the chorus...
ok fella's till tomorrow - same time - same channel
au revoir mon amis
keep the faith
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