Le Boss: Bobby Will Stay

"At the moment the situation is quite stable," said the Gaffer.
"We have no interest in him from anybody and we want him to stay."
As you're all no doubt aware, Bob has been linked with Galatasaray and Juventus recently.
To be honest jobby mate, I'm sick of this 'will he, won't he' shit regarding Baptista....I'm posting nothing more on it until it's confirmed either way!!!
I tell you what I didn't like, Wenger saying if that transfer doesn't work out there won't be any additions to the squad at all...
That 50-50 comment is rubbish, that would suggest arsenal have agreed a fee with sevilla which does not seem likely especially taking into account their managers press conference yesterday. If they have agreed a fee then Baptista is obviously not sure about the move or is holding out for barcelona so would we then want him anyway??? Its boring now.
The thing which has me most annoyed is that it looks like no more signings which is pathetic as we were not even good enough last season, so losing two top players like vieira & edu does not make you stronger. Wenger should start saying it like it is rather than talking crap & just admit that we have serious financial problems & he cannot make signings.
Wenger has obviously began a shake up and revoulution in recent seasons as he clearly felt that with our ageing squad we were not able to compete long term with Chelsea. Financially they are in a league of their own and we needed to build a new young, innovative squad at a far cheaper price. We must all remember however that this isn't an overnight process and has been in practice now for a couple of summers, and if you look at the last 5 years he has blended the new youth in with the old heads expertly (almost without notice). So expect Pires to be at Highbury for 1 more season and he'll go when Wenger feels the time is right. Remember guys...the future is bright, the future is red and white (or redcurrent possibly).
In fairness, Wenger has come out with a lot of stuff recently which has turned out to be total bullshit.
So his Pires comments are meaninngless to me.
With the real possibility that there will be no signings, this is good news as we could not afford to lose another experienced player, so im glad Pires will stay this year.
I have a feeling there will be some big news regarding Baptista today. So hopefully the saga will be at an end.
i think bobby will sit tight & probably sign up anyway, but Le Boss has said no teams have come in for him - even Gala who's boss is currently shouting the odds.
but must admit think all Gooners will be felt let down if we dont make any signings this summer. What happened to the addition of '2 world class players' AW talked about less than a month ago? & if it is a money thing - just say so.
we cant afford to let bobby go - end of story. As much as some fans can be fickle - he does the job for us, how many other midfield players score 15+ goals a season. Bobby often outscores our frontmen, he has to stay.
I agree with tommigooner...at the moment we need Bob, he scores for fun! He scored more from midfield last season than most other team's strikers...
I want bobby to stay there is no way we should be letting a player of his calibre leave even if he has lost some pace, we should be strengthening not weakening our side
tell me where do u think we need to improve i keep hearing "we need a gk,we need a striker,we need a cm but lets face it do u think jens is not good remember he went throught a whole season without losing a game but as a gk u r as good as d guys infront of u,remember when d back4 were solid at d latter stage of last season how was jens then?
2]a good team is always balanced in midfield a combative n creative or defensive n offensive player we have both silva n hleb with cesc n flamini as back up.
to me d places we really need to improve is on the right both defence n midfield,freddie is good but if he is injured we av no plan b lauren is good but to win d cl we need a better rb remember what that red nose asshole did against us when ronaldo was useless against cole he send him to lauren where he had a luvly day so we need a good rb like miguel or that greek guy that marked henry out during d euros
I feel we have enough 'fire power' to score goals, there's Reyes, DB10, van Persie and even David Bently. Of Course we have King Henry but we need other strikers to chip in with goals - not just Bobby. We were top scorers last season by a mile, it's the other end we were lacking - tells the story really dont you think?
jobby u r right but not that bad we av rvp if given d same chance reyes had last season i believe he will score more goals he was getting better with each game at d end of last season he was d only hope we had against manuusa in d finals reyes is a winger to me but who am i to say so becos henry came as a winger too so d places we really need is on the right.LOOK OUT QUNICY IS COMING TOO
Thats it then he not coming with Arsenal pussy foot and fanny about.
I've given up on Baptista - really aint fussed now, its just pure specualtion - it will be something else in half hour - you watch. Doesn't really make you feel for the guy - with me a like players who want to come to the club & not just change their minds & make 'paper talk' to increase their worth.
Does Quincy play on the wing for Holland - cos he scored a bagful of goals for them in some youth tournament & said on AFC site that he needs to concentrate on scoring goals when given the chance in the 1st team.
Yeh i heard that to.
Man yoo r shite
I'm really fed up with being linked to every fuckin' midfielder in the game. It's becoming a joke.
dil remember whe henry came too was a good goalscocer no but the talent was there to see same with quincy he can go pass defenders so if u can pass defeners what else d gk alone believe it or not my nan will score 8out of ten of 1 on 1s lol
I hope Reyes can get over his problem with the cold weather and wintery conditions this season.
Just shity rumours!!!!!!!!!!! davids is now got a zimmer frame now anyway!!!!
everyone should know by now we're going to be linked to EVERY midfield player until we find someone to replace PV4 - you watch some paper/site will have us linked to bloody Jamie Redknapp at this rate
hehehe....Redknapp! ;o)
I hear we are going to resign eddie mcgoldrick!!!!!!!!
not sure how much should be read into AW statement that he isn't in a hurry to replace PV4, but with every player and his dogg being linked that doesn't help. I reckon out of all the names being linked & taking into account of how realistic it would be I fancy Dacourt - he's solid and knows the Prem. Davids would never play for us - for starters he's over the 30+ bracket & would want far to much filthy lucre.
breaking news....
apparently Ian Selley is available on a free!
jeez good bit of nostalgia boys..
Davids did hold Barca together - he's a player i like dont get me wrong but he's as likely to join us as Alex Ferguson becoming youth team coach. We're a team moving forward (youth etc..) not backwards. But i do feel we need some experience in the middle of the park, Edu & PV4 leaving will leave a big void. Cesc is brilliant but young & Flamini's game is different to PV4. One good thing though that no one has touched on is Gilberto - he will be vital to us & he is so underated, big time.
True tommigooner, Gilberto is MASSIVELY underrated...
Just hope we don't get any injuries because if no one is bought we'll be right up against it. Think Gilberto will be a bit more than the 'invisible wall' we expect this coming season though.
Its wishful thinking but i wish gattuso would come here - experienced, a good age, uncompromising and a fine engine. how much do you reckon he would cost?
The Dil - exactly what i'm saying mate - we would be proper fckd! just read somewhere that its 5 weeks before the CL deadline for signings - so I guess we have a 'possible' 5 weeks of torture of who/when/ etc..
tell you what with Juve signing PV4 there should of been a clause in the contract saying they have to take Cygan as well...
i did say something about silva but davids cud b good becos there is sol at d back for d younger lads db10 4 attackers who do we av 4 d younger midfielders with viera gone nobody even with davids we av to sign song that boy will be a real star 4 us get davids 4 a season or so like barca did n we move on from there becos i don't think arsene was prepared for viera departure
think everyone thought AW had something up his sleeve with letting PV4 go - but no I'm not too sure. It's taking a lot longer than i thought to sign a 'world class player'. We need to do something - we couldnt win the league with PV4 last time out so i dont fancy our chances this time round without him or without someone of his calibre.
my idea replacement for viera wud b boateng that guy is massively underrated he is good can put his foot in when needed has great shots imagine if he was english how much do u think he wud cost n imagine what d press wud av written about him
on the roma transfers embargo that has been suspended until FIFA decide to upheld it or not,and it means they cannot buy or sell players for a year unless they are free so dacourt can go on a bosman, totti and cassano are tied up to big deals and obviously would not be freed
well said funky fish my sentiments exactly whats with all the doom and gloom nysie?
I dont think Vieira leaving is the end of the world by any means...but we DO need to sign some players - if we're gonna compete in the EPL and the CL, a large, quality squad is needed. I'm secretly still hopeful about the beast...but i'm just getting bored of harping on about whether or not he will actually become a Gunner.
...and I do trust AW implicitly - he has NEVER let us down...
I thought Song looked good the other night very energetic & his passes were kept simple but always found there man. Trouble is if we only have him on trial for the week we are not going to see how he performs against much better opposition like Porto & Ajax which is a shame.
One point about vieira leaving has anyone noticed how laid back wenger seems about it all, last year with all the speculation he seemed to age in front of the cameras but this year looks very healthy & relaxed. He was also laughing & joking all through that game against Weiz & thats not like wenger. Maybe he does have a masterplan after all.
of course he has a masterplan he always does, we have the best manager in the world no doubt better than mourinho,benitez,luxembergo etc do not worry all you naysayers i have to say ye of little faith
whoever said AW was very laidback in the aftermath of the PV4 transfer & relating to how he age last year has got it bang on. I know AW normally gets it right but I think this season he cant afford to fall behind, i'm not doubting him (or am I?) but we cant afford to lose players like Edu/PV4 without some sort of masterplan - but with AW saying that if we dont get The Beast then we wont sign anyone else is a bit... cant think of the word but fck!
I'm sure AW (or hoping) AW has a masterplan but I wont having any knuckles left let alone fingernails if we dont sign some one of quality.
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