I know this isn't really anything to do with us, but I had to add for it's comedy value.
In a nutshell, Mickey Mouser Jamie Carragher reckons Peter 'Lanky Streak of Piss' Crouch deserves to be bracketed in the same league as TH14!!!
That's priceless!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA. Ludicrous comment. I would like to see us sign a striker who will win headers, but not a lanky streak of sticky white love piss like Crouch.
You can say one thing those scousers have a sense of humour even if they are lacking all other senses including common!!!!
He is. It is the premiership. After that the comparisons should end.........
what a f*cking joker...
...crouch is class compared to that french diver...
I was waiting for the Liverpool fans to add their two pence worth!!!
I think that he may have been referring to his PlayStation team.
On the reality side, I see where he is coming from. Henry must start taking notes of Crouch's uncordinated runs into the box and his goal prowless that was in competition to the former World Footballer of the Year, Kevin Phillips.
If that is the case, what do they make of Franny Jeffers?
By that reasoning Peter Crouch is nigh on the best forward in the world, will win player of the year and european golden boot along with numerous premier league player of the month awards next season!!
Carragher..you silly prick..you got some (well deserved) exposure last season but if that means we have to hear more of that cobblers then i may have to come up to Liverpool and beat you over the head with on of crouches size 15 boots.
Speak no more!!!
feeling tetchy boys?
Is the knowledge that your team isn't as strong and has probably peaked in it's current capacity beginning to grate.
Is the fact the Chelski are the top London club and Spurs are the London team most improving starting to bug you.
You've got a big season coming up and any sensible gooner will admit that.
Carragher said: "Jamie (Redknapp) has been raving about him. Besides Thierry Henry he has been as good as any striker in the Premiership in the second half of the season from Christmas."
Not really saying that is he.
Don't believe crappy headlines no newsnow.
Crouch was brought up in the same area that i live in Ealing, so i respect him for making it as a pro. But to compare him to the greatest striker in the world is pure stand up comedy. The only thing Harry R could say positively was that hes tall. Another joke would be either Carrager (donkey face scouser) regaining his place in the england line up or Liverpool winning the premiership. Arsenal 2 win everything this season and the russian bank aka chelski will crash, the united bukaneers will become completely Americanised and will wear the usa strip, and the spanish armada that is Liverpool will sink.
Perhaps he meant that Crouch was in the same league as Henry the Cat.
LOVING the comments lads...you've got me in tears!!! Keep 'em coming!!!
is that Liddypool guy for real.. the one who says T*ttenham are the 'Improving team in London'? which part ? N17.. that's about it - I would say yeah The Arsenal have a big season ahead... but hasn't everyone Liddypool wont win the lottery twice in two years, 'kin lucky to win the Euro - so calm down, calm down and stop getting over excited!
Maybe carrager has been watching to many episodes of only fools & horses and thinks its rodney trotter!!!!!! u plonker scouse.....
i disagree with you all, crouch is a quality player far better than henry, crouch single handly made southampton have a chance of survival last season, what has henry ever done?
Even Robert Pires should be able to raise a smile at that.
WHAT HAS HENRY EVER DONE!?!?! Been the top scorer in the leaugue several times, player of the year countless times. Won the FA Cup, won the league, is a FULL international and by the way SOUTHAMPTON DIDN'T SURVIVE - did they?!?
what has Henry done.. hmm let me think, he's won the League, won the FA Cup, the golden boot a few times, come 2nd in player of the year and euro player of the year, oh add to that a European Championship oh and that gold statue - the world cup a believe - just a few trinkets - you tw@t..!
Crouch is 'ok' but he aint in King Henry's class... wake up and smell the coffee boy..
I can hear rafa having a giggle as well!!!!!!!!!
crouch is on the up
If he goes up anymore he wont fit on the team bus...
oh we have a funny guy around!
Lads, I think you are rising to the bait on the "what has Henry ever done" comment. It wasn't posted by me for your guide, but I suspect it is a cheeky scouse chappie having a chuckle.
i suspect that you are correct!
Henry is not in the same class as Crouch.
when it comes to changing lightbulbs without a ladder he is peerless.
crouchy is fantastic! liverpool are sorted now, future world player of the year... my arse!
put it this way - ANYWONE, even his old dear thinking Crouch is better let alone on the same level as young Terrance is having a bubble... that or should be committed
anyone going to amsterdam for the tournament?
I can't see arsenal improving at the moment. It's Tottenham who seem to be getting all the best young talent around, you goons just seem to be selling your talent or pissing them off Viera/Cole for example.
Who's gonna replace Viera? Guti?? Don't make me f*cking laugh he's shit. Fabregas isn't half the player Viera is. He might have some nice touches but replacement he is not. I think you will struggle to replace him with an outstanding player and consequently miss him.
Venger is losing it. You are on the downward spiral just like United. Football is all about ups and downs, Chelski are on the up and you and United are on the down.
your mum is losing it you fucking cock#
spurs best young talent! you really are an arsehole! fabregas, flamini, lupoli, reyes, van persie, senderos, garry,smith,quincy, bentley! oh but of course you twat they wouldnt be as good as dean marney and co!!! hahaha you wanker!
mate shouldn't you be robbing hub caps or burgling houses or is being a stand up comic your full time job now...
oh look he can go on to Arsenals website and copy and paste reserve and academy team players names.
or you just know the players, you wanker!
pigs will fly when crouch nears henrys level of talent . what was carrager smoking when he made those comments.
f@#*ing bollocks
geezer I'm sure there's a MacDonald's some where around who's missing its staff - best get back to work or you could of cos just go sit on the bog & read Carra's 'Today's thoughts'... it wont be long long it can actually be found in 101 football jokes,, available in all good book shops & some crap ones too..
i hate spurs
i would pity spurs as they are just a nothing club trying to be as big as arsenal! haha However, they do provide fantastic comical value for the rest of the premiership1
Barnet FC are bigger than Sp*rs...
Right, yes, Barnet FC are bigger than Spurs.
You lot can't even have a rounded, informed debate.
Your era is over boys, I hate to say it but Chelsea are at the top now and you'll always be chasing them, just like spurs will always be chasing the top 3.
the top three? If Sp*rs was a dogg it couldn't chase it's tail....
mate you're not even chasing Europe - you're still chasing mid table mediocricy, Europe is beyond your lot.
True EVERYONE is chasing Chelski buts its amazing with a few bob in your back burner eh?! tw@t...
As a Liverpool fan it pains me greatly to see Jamie Carragher being riduculed, especially when he has been misquoted. I am sorry to spoil the fun but please read the actual quotation below:
Carragher said: "Jamie Redknapp has been raving about him. BESIDES Thierry Henry he has been as good as any striker in the Premiership in the second half of the season from Christmas.
Why we talking about spurs, every year they think they are going to be up there and every year there not, they never do anything!!!!!!!!!!
and you'll forever chase the champions of Europe ever striving to win the Champs League but always failing.
yeah yeah "at least we're in it" I hear you whine, but only to make up the numbers at the beginning cos you alwys go out at some dumbass early stage. I always win money on you going out early.
I'm not a spud by the way. Slate spurs all you want.
we have seen two very 'unlikely' teams win the Euro champions league in the last two seasons in Porto & Liverpool & if those two can win any fcker can.. maybe even Sp*rs!! however they aint even good enuff to get into the Inter TwoBob Cup even via the backdoor of the 'Fair Play' League.. jesus.,!
as much as i would like to debate with spurs fans i don't see the point borough have done more in the league than them,top 3? your not even in the top 3 in london!!
as for our era being done I think Reyes,Cesc,Flamini,Van Persie,Quincy,Senderos,Toure,etc have something to say about that.you must be tired of being jealous of us by now,why don't you go to a fulham site and pass snide remarks to them,they are more on your level.
what with renegade Sp*rs, Liddypool & Chelski supporters on here squabbling makes me laugh how EVERYONE is say that The Arse is chasing Chelski - good luck to the Chels and all that filthy lucre but we'll see how smug those c*nts are when Mr Roman takes his cash and decides he's had enuff of footer & ploughs it into Formula 1...
he made a point that he scored as many as henry in the second half of the season (prob not taking into account tel was out for half of the second half)
also half of crouchs goals, he looked genuinley surprised they went in, like the one against us, never a good sign for a striker, a defender maybe not a striker, he should always act like he meant it, no matter what happens if it goes in, or at least laugh that it goes in, not act shocked
Yeah, right - the Premier League!!
Ha ha ha
Withwolves.........they don't care what Carragher ACTUALLY said, so why would they notice what you say?
OK ... Crouch IS a good player .. just as Emile Heskey is/was ..
I think what the media and group mentality put into the general dumb-fuck's head is that this or that player is useless.
Houllier bought Heskey ... now forgive me if I'm wrong but Liverpool won a fair few cups with that man up front (and he wasn't always vastly outscored by owen either!) ... Crouch COULD do very well at Liverpool ... wossisname (belgian player) ...(HUGE is is ...) .. oh yeah ... Carew ... he was thought of as a pile of shite .. but was one of the top scorers in la liga and (I'd be happily wrong) but didn't he help his team to a semi or a champion's league final? (valencia?)
Arsenal fans are not bitter that they didn't win the league (well .. at least this one isn't) ... and yes we would all love to have had the millions ... nay billions at Chelsea's disposal .. but we don't .. and I think we're doing fucking well ...
Tottenham aren't our competition any more .. why should we care? ... yeah .. they improved last season ... but so did Crystal Palace ... and they went downlike someone pointed out earlier .. it's all relative ... and spurs are relatively normal ... I'd say that there definitely ARE more improved teams than them .. but not many ... come on ... they're managing to string passes together again these days ... bless ... let 'em enjoy it ..
Frankly ... I'm just glad Man Utd weren't anywhere to be seen ...
Though (forgive a little pessimism )... I think that it's their season this coming year ... Van Der Sar is the best signing so far this close-season..
I've really got no idea what we're going to do this season ... but I'm happy that we didn't sign Peter Crouch .. even if he could do OK at Liverpool
I hope that he knocks 'em dead!
that he will put 6 goals past you, in all competition. TH...wach out, Crouch is coming to town.
Yes, Jamie only said that Crouch was second best to Henry in the league, not better than him.
So by having the second best striker in the league, and possibly in the world, I am going to build my team around him, and also Jimmy Traore. Remember how Jimmy scored like Zinedine Zidane? It doesn't matter if it was an own goal. He has great potential in scoring.
Liverpool have a bright future!
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