Titi a Doubt For Spuds Clash

Le Boss said: "There is a bit of uncertainty about Thierry. We pushed him in a little early and need to get him completely back to where he can perform. At the moment he is 30 per cent to play and 70 per cent not to play."
On a more positive note, Freddie and JAR are back in the frame after overcoming a hamstring injury and bruised ribs respectively.
Youd be right re "the spuds"
Thing is I dont believe a word that wenger says - its all prob bollocks and mind games.
If its true however should make for an interesting game dont you think
Funny very funny.
Id like to beat you WITH henry in the side.
Without will also do.
US minus Davids
You Minus Henry
Thats an even fight IMO
Yeah your right
Davids PISSES all over the little french sulky fuck.
You lot make me laugh.
Davids is the sort of Player that makes Henry dissapear in games.
Henry V Davids - one winner and you know it
Actually its irrelevant as by the looks of it Henry isnt playing so we will have to wait for Eds 1st trip to The library next year.
Mate your bang on we have NO quality in our team.
I dont no how weve managed to do so well in the league thus far.
You will be eating your fucking words at 3pm tmrw.
Bet none of you turn up on here monday morning after the beating were about to hand out
Morning Professor Nil
I read your article on the Chilean leather Industry in the FT this morning.
Truly fascinating read
Serge you arsenal fan
Arsenal V Spurs
Wigan V Fulham
They cant fill either of there respective stadiums most weekends so fuck knows why it got chosen as live game - maybe its for people that have sleeping problems
Did i Just call Craven Cottage a stadium ??????
The fucking car park at WHL has more fans in it.
Henry has great games against shit teams.Hes the same for france.
His nickname should be Perrier cos hes a fucking bottler
MIDOS a legend
For my LMA team he got 45 goals last season - fucking Egyptian legend.
Then again he was playing up front with Van der vart (he got 25???)
How the FUCK do you know that ?
You can barely read and write so your "inside" knowledge of Rupert Murdochs empire is hardly believeble
Unless you of course ARE Mr Murdoch ?
Yeah now and again
Why dont you answer some more questions that I havent asked ?
Why dont you change your name to
Licking old labias
Tell me about it - hours just fly by with it
Doesnt make you popular around the house much
Ace combat 3 was pretty useful.
GT is / was a laugh.
On a serious note wht do you all think of the George Best thing.
Psnlly i think hes a twat thats wasted someone elses liver
Then again you can get 20k on the open market for your liver.
Think kidneys are 15k a pop ?
What fuckingpart of the universe do you live in ?
" I come onto this scummy site after the mighty spurs give you a good thumping tonight"
TONIGHT ??????????????
Yeah spot on.
I agree edgardavids. Best is a dick. He jumped the queue to get surgery cos of who he is. He is told - IF YOU DRINK YOU WILL DIE - and the cunt decides to go on the piss....he deserves to die. I think the bloke is a prick.
Did you know that apparently Jeremy Beadle has a HUGE cock....but on the other hand it's really quite small!
Yeah thats a great point - every year he had a new fucking book out.
Same old same old yet it never changed.
Dont feel sorry for him at all - how many people get a 2nd chance ?
Heheheh...quite good thfc!
Marriage - The right thing ??????
Serge - yeah spot on.
I have a theory - Just give half of everything you have to someone you dont like - ha ha ha
All his books are like one liners ie Blessed etc.
will the next one be called
Jack -
Marketing and sales Job ?
Big Issue sales - Cannon Street ?
Getting a degree is great (dont have one personally) however most grads these days have the common sense and streetwise savvy of a potato.
Not a dig at you per se Jack just most of em are interpersonally inept
What line of business you in ?
lots of lager
Yeah - you never know - us minicab drivers have hidden depths.
Barnet if your VERY talented
Your a telesales Junior ?
Double Glazing ? Mens Underwear ?
Those Big issue boys make me laugh.
If reyes is dean gafney is Fabregas
Martin (if he had long hair)
So whos Pauline ???? Freddie ?
Jack you must meet lots of women in your job ?
You had to be sent there by a judge ?
Wheres that Joke from - Ive rmbrd it from yrs ago - Is it chubby brown ?
Serge / Tricky
Its Fucking NIL making the Forlan stories up in his Sun Column
An Arabian King has 28 daughters and one son - the son is the eldest and the apple of his fathers eye (its not jack btw)
For his 5th bday the KIng asks the son what he would like as a gift
I would like a playstation father.
The father Buys Him Sony
For his 10th birthday he is asked the same question
For my birthday this year I would like a clock for my wall.
The father buys him a 100k gold plated Rolex clock
For his 15th bdya agin the same question is asked
This year father I would like a cowboy outfit
The father duly responds and buys him
Manchester United
Fucking hate Milwall fans with a passion
The definition of Millwall Fan
"non football likeing chav twat with ideas above there station"
I know a few millwall fans and they are all the same - Its frightening - there just plain thick.
Look at whos played for em Denis Wise ???? Says it all.
Was in a bar once and he was there his girlfriend started talking to me (completely innocent) he started kicking off at her.
He literally is like a shitty litle dog - Fucking wanker
But everyone (with half a mind) is aying that about spurs st the moment.
Fucking refreshing isnt it ?
My step dad ( a derby county fan) was telling me yday theres a story in one of there local rags that Raziak might be going on loan to forest ????
Cant see it myself just from mido cover perpsective but cant do wonders for your conf can it being linked to fucking forest.
Christ wed get a game for them at the moment
Dicks (who could at least play)
What arsene is doing is actually quite good for the likes of US.
He gets all these little nippers from spain and france - thus leaving us to steal all the best young english talent.
Aaron lennon £1m ????.Thats THE deal of the last transfer window.
Plus with jol we can go an nick the cream of the Dutch which I reck is the next big influx.
Weve had the french (at arsenal)
Spanish (at liverpool) doesnt seem to be working mind - its a fucking season long siesta there
and now us an the dutch,Not being biased but ive always thought the dutch way of playing was the bollocks.
Theres a book called brilliant orange all about dutch football cant rec it highly enough its a fucking great read.
Basic conclusion because Holland is such a small country with space at a premium that the dutch mentality has been passed down onto football - hence economic passing - small precise and effective.
whenver i hear the words stefen Freund i think of one thing.
GG called him the German Roy keane.
Thanks George.
He ran his fucking heart out tho and was always up for a ruck.
I get pissed off at sky when they always seem to get GG along as the guest when were playing .
WHY do they do it ?
He never has a decent word to say and I cant understand a word he says anyway.I switch on the subtitles
Yeah i remember - he was giving it large to keane then keane turned on him and he took of like ben johnson.
Fucking funny
Thats an orignal question.
I was at the spurs arsenal game a couple of yrs ago when the guy in a head dress ran on withe the bin laden shirt on - that was fucking funny.
What did the clever police do ? took him thru the east stand.
What did the east stand do ?
Beat the shit out of him
yeah that ginola bloke is in and out isnt he ???????
all that shagging must be tiring -still serge has a great gaff and a fucking top drinks cabinet
All this history bollocks is soooooooooooooo old hat.
Were having quite a decent dicsussion here
Try and be original
It was Fulham that Ginola was on for wasnt it ?
When he cam out at half time and got a standing ovation it was the nuts.
Then I look across and see whos now in his old position and just weep.
Andy Reid V David Ginola - Fuck me.
Saiying that tho we now have a whole team that can play wheres when DG was there he was the sole source generally of flair.
Loved Ginola Totally.
App Arsenal also had the chance to sign him when GG was the manager and Ginola was st PSG.
Funnnily enough GG said no
Prick,but luckily for us we got him after that other dour scottish twat dalglish had fucked him over.
I think spurs fans have learnt there lessons from the past - whereas before at one of our other false dawns wed be giving it large only to end up with egg on our face.
NOW i think were all just seeing it actually happen and being a bit quieter - not with you lot because - well your arsenal - but as a spurs fan off the last 20 yrs i can honestly say this is the best squad weve ever had (in my time)
As im typing this its just been said HENRY DEF OUT
Chelsea have fucked it for all of us
Why do you call Terry Henry TITI
Or should I just make an educated guess ?
Aaron lennon - 1m
SW philips - 25m
Now when it comes to the resale - if either club go that way.
SWP £6m ?? - 19m loss
AL - £10m - 9m profit
Prefer it our way
Drogbas making a film
"Bambi on ice"
Funny that Wigan put better offers than Newc for parker and owen resp.
Wigan 4th
Newc what 14th
Funny,Scott parker goes to the "bigger" club ?
lets blame the hard pitch for our lack of fitness shall we,Funny Robson never had that problem
Tricky / Jack / THFC
Fat Kid ?
Leave Reid out of this
Insomnia / Jack
Are you two in denial.
Why dont you just get it over and Fuck ?
Hey Nil can be your best man
The worrying thing is I think jacks up for it.
Hed be allright for a wedding ring too ?
Nah aint got the hump with you mate.
heres NILS best mans speech
sure knw it for time 1st swa jakc.
Gride or Broom ?
No eddy england not oneevery.Glad im A live
Your very quiet ?
You booking a hotel room ?
Ordering Rohypnol ?
Insomnia - make sure you dont take your eye of your drink
NIl is Prob an arsenal player ha ha ha
Was his name Gary Doherty ?
Or hes gone home to dye his hair
thats a tricky one.Can we call it a draw?
When he says sales and marketing of jewellery.
Think Del Boy - Suitcase - oxford street.
NIL is his lookout
By the time NIL has spotted the police Jack would be in jail .
j j jj j j jj jn jon jak jjjjjj j j j itss a live - plice they come
or sa lins vuld day -
yu kin mon
Right Im of for the day.
Insmnia etc see you on the other side.
Ill be back 10am monday Fucking gloating my tits off as we go 6 pts clear of you dirty ass ripping gooners.
As martin jol would say
"you seen our Cok"
3-1 Spurs - GET IN.
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