
Not a great deal happening this morning - everyone's still going on about the Titi and Bobby show from Saturday!
What a cock-up that was! All I can say is that I'm glad we can talk about it with a smile on our faces now. If we hadn't have got all 3 points I would've been an EXTREMELY pissed off Nyssie.
Afterwards TH14 had this to say...
“I want to apologise to all the fans because it wasn’t the right thing to do. Next time I will take all the penalties."
“When Cruyff did it at Ajax everyone went ballistic. It was not a lack of respect.
“We should not have done it but it is a game and people keep forgetting it’s entertainment also. We can laugh about it now.”
I must say that I'm not relishing a trip to Shite H*rt Lane on Saturday. The Scum will be on a high after securing a point against ManUre.
One Plus though; Davids will be out.
Worry ye not Nyssie, we'll turn it on this weekend.
Hope so WSG! I've got a good mate who's a Tottingham fan....he'll tear into me if we lose.
But... I have warned him if they beat us, I'm gonna kick the shit out of him!!!
Good lad, that's the way forward. Just kick the shit out of him beforehand in case we lose.
yes kick the shit out of him i have a spud mate as well and he is giving it the large, i think i will kick him in just in case as well
henry tried to do a cruyff on saturday and was left with egg on pires's face i think it was a silly time to try it but we won anyway so no harm done.i was at the game and a few of the lads that were with me were disgusted but i think its balsy and respect them for trying it
its a shame davids is out for st tots day :)
I've been reading so many comments in the papers from Sp*rs fans thinking they are going to beat us this time around, I can't wait to shut them up!!
one of the anon spurs fans said we were going to lose 2-0 lennon and davids scoring on a post last week,well looks like he needs to clean his crystal ball, no davids and i hope they play lennon against us he was anon against manure on saturday, come on then you white scum,we won the league at white hart lane,lalalalalalaaaaa
serge you couldnt fight your way out of a wet paper bag
anon 12.22 hahaha thats because i am small and timid you fool!
serge you are full of shit. u come on here bragging about busiensses and money and people you know. lies to make up for the fact that you are a sad fat fuck
My tuppensworth is a bit more optimistic. I've resigned myself to the fact that our thrill machine's gonna be temperamental and occasionally go a bit daft this season. "Pear-shaped" say some, "Turbulent" say I. The ground is LITERALLY moving from under all our feet and the players too are gone a bit wobbly. Arsene's normally fluid planning is spasm-ing away round ceaseless team upheaval as we all wonder what's happened to the famous RED AND WHITE. Get all the weird and wonderful of football and squeeze it into the last year at Highbury.
Black nets? I ask you...
Even funnier is the fact that we've been winning while shaking our heads since last years' FA Cup Final. Champion's League? Yum always liked it...
Sure the madness is gonna mean we lose some along the way but are the chances of a crazed dog pitch invasion helping us win down at the Lane?
Come on you Red..currantyellows!
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