One Legend Hails Another

"It could not happen to a nicer fella. He is for me a footballing person, it is all about the football and the fans." said Wright
"It would be different if it was someone you didn't like and was a horrible person, giving it all the time, but he is not like that.
"He deserves it, he is a fantastic player. He has won everything, apart from the Champions League, which I am praying he can do.
"It is no mean feat to come second to a player like that. It is not easy for me to say something like that, but when you are talking about someone like that coming along and beating you, it is an easier pill to swallow."
Wrighty admits he has one regret, having never got the chance to partner Titi in attack for The Gunners.
"I am a predatory striker," added Wright. "That is why people say they would have liked to see us playing together.
"He does what he does outside the box and I would be inside waiting to get bits and that would be good to see."
Hey Jack,
Happiness out of 10 may be something like?
i think last night puts paid to anyone that says we should sell him, as i said yesterday we would be crazy to do that TH14 stays
shows you how good wright was he took 20 less games to get to 185 goals,he was a much better finisher than thierry but henry has more to his game,
Serge, I would be happy to see Titi play for us as long as his legs can help him to stand.
My concern is,Will he love to stay IF we dont win any medal this season?
comments after the match havent helped me either in thinking he has made his head up on what to do next summer.
Congs to him.
Jobby, Wrighty WAS the Big Thing, Titi is The Real Big Thing.
remember too,he didnt start as a striker, Wrighty on the other hand was that.
Titi took 8 games to score for Arsenal, can someone here give me the stats of Wrighty?
In overall contribution I would say Titi comes a head, Wrighty Goal wise MAY come a head.
nil yeah he did keep his options open last night thats for sure he is a clever player and a clever man why would you not keep your cards close to your chest and see what arsenal come up with, i see wenger buying some one in january just to get that player ready for the new season at ashburton, i reckon a new striker will be at the club after the next transfer window, still think that henry will stay though
Henry will have a great season and an even better world cup. He wants to place himself in the shop window.
Why do you call him Titi? It sounds so gay.
Anon 10:46,no love lost on you,if you were an Arsenal fan,which of course NOT,then you would be familiar with TITI.
Serge, atleast for us fans, he wouldnt have mentioned it out after 37 days of press digest on how he has refused to sign,blah scares.
I do hope AW signs in Jan, as the case right now,Injuries are more worrying me than our own performance in the EPL.
I've kind of lost count on which game we actually came out minus injuries ever since Titi got injured.
nil, you are right I am a Spurs fan which is probably why I do not understand why you call him Titi.
I am not on a wind up, it just seems a gay thing to call him. If you can explain it, then cool.
Also, I read some comments yesterday that Wenger had lost the plot a little. Has that view now changed?
You could argue that as he did not want to play Titi(!) for no more than 30 minutes, and his hand was forced, he got lucky.
This is not a wind up, an honest question.
I say this because some gooners seem very sensitive today.
Ok. I thought there may have been more to it.
Think he should try and lose that nickname, personally.
Rae, Owen???? I really have ????, we actually need " a fox", Owen is bit of a gamble,i would rather leave that to RVP.
Wrighty is definately a better goalscorer than Henry.
He reached the total in less games, in a team that was nowhere near as good as the current players.
He had to score with Jensen supplying him for fuck sake.
Me, I would go with Tonny,then Wrighty,Henry,Glen,Seaman,PV, and suprisingly,i liked Winterburn.
McGoldrick was total shit. This must be a joke you're having.
RvP can be that for sure..Rae. i have no doubts on that.
But if we consider Arsene's type of game,then i think he just doesnt FEEL those types of players. If we are to consider forwards he has brought in,i cant remember any who quanlifies to be "a Fox".i feel he loves all round players and those that play the CF type of games,take a look at the Wiltords,Kanu's,Ali,Anelka etc...I think he just doesnt feel "Foxs"..
nil wrightys record is league appearances 212 goals 128, league cup apps29 gls 29, Fa cup apps16 gls 12 europe apps 21 gls 21,
henry league 228 gls 140,Fa Cup apps 18 gls 10 europe apps 68 gls 38
To annon 11:03 am.
I dont think wenger has lost the plot at all. He might have miscalculated some of the transfer targets over the summer and also the impact of some of the youth this year but the thing about wenger is he is a revolutionary manager not afraid to try new things or to break the mould, and i think he is trying some thing new and trying to break the old mould of arsenals team play for ashburton, Champions league and teams playing 4-5-1.I remember his first season in charge and even the senior arsenal player were questioning his training and management methods as he revolutionised the primeier league. Now i think he trying something new, a game more suited for europe and also he is trying to imitate Ajax in the development of very, very good youth players who can compete in both the league and champions league.
Anon 11:27.. I was saying he has lost the plot. I was quoting was said yesterday on here and wondering if his decision over Henry playing, which was not his intention,did he get lucky and does that change the view of the people that posted yesterday.
anon 11.27 at least some one else sees what i see well done good comment
Serge, Thanks for your stats,according to them Wrighty has 190 goals in 278 apperances thats an average of 1.46 goals a game.
Henry has 188 goals in 314 appearances,thats an average of 1.67 goals a game.
they have 36 games between them in favour of Titi.
Clear my head on this pls...look like the stats seem to be misguiding me a little bit
With all these stats I think someone needs a life. Serge you are in definate need of a Playboy magazine!
Mr Serge, I think Titi has played 302 games for the club. are my wrong?
Any one heard of this Dubious Goal Panel scrapping Persie's goal against Birmingham?
Its ridiculous...i wont use the "C" word but they just look ....
It was an own goal by Clemence. RVP cannot claim it.
That would be nearly as bad as Lampard insisting the goal against Wales was his, even though the replays showed it going in off Owen's foot. And the reason our Frank gave for not letting Owen have the rightful credit, 'because its his mum's birthday'. What a wank.
Anon.12:20, Did you watch the highlights of the Bayer-Juv game last night?
The first goal, Is it an Own goal by the Keeper or Its a straight a way goal by the opposition?
Keeper own goal
thanks for your opinion though it looks you haven't watched it or its highlights
Quickly saw the goal on Breakfast TV as I was leaving for work. What I can remember it was a cross which swerved and hit the keeper on the leg and went in.
Is that the one?
What I can remember the GK could have stopped it and it was his leg that diverted it into the goal. The ball was not going in until the keeper diverted it. Own goal. Correct me if I am wrong only I was looking behind me while walking out of the door. Did I miss something.
Spot on.It hit his leg,But the Ball was gettin in.thats my argument,as long as the ball seems to be on target,then a deflection occurs, i thought the goal is allowed not as an own goal.Thats the same case with that Bayer goal and so is it with RvP's goal.
Ian Wright has held the scoring record since September 1997, when he surpassed Cliff Bastin's mark with a hat-trick against Bolton Wanderers.
Henry has played 14 more games in the famous white-sleeved shirts than Wright to reach his record haul, although the new Gunners goal king has scored five fewer goals from the penalty spot.
Henry has been much more reliant on his dominant right foot than Wright, and the Frenchman has scored just seven (4 percent) of his goals using his head compared with the now television presenter's 23 (12 percent).
Henry will now be looking to set the record as high as possible to ensure The Gunners regain their lost ground in The Premiership.
Player Games Goals
Thierry Henry 303 186
Ian Wright 288 185
Cliff Bastin 395 178
How Thierry Henry Ian Wright
Header 7 23
Left Foot 31 39
Right Foot 146 121
Other 2 2
Inside (open play) 131 139
Penalties 22 27
Outside (open play) 20 19
Free Kicks 13 0
Total 186 185
Thanks for COPY-PASTE from SKY.
Good stats though.
looks about right there anon either way they are both arsenal superstars
Nil...I hear what you are saying. But, RVP's goal was going wide until it hit Clemence and then Taylor fumbled it.
I thought the Bayer goal last night that the shot was not going in. But as I have said I did not watch it fully.
Lets put this record straight.That Bayer Goal was ON target. About RvP's stike,it looked to be curling out YES but i dont think this panel will be any good to football,its like saying Electronic Replays be made before a judgement is made,thats rediculous atleast to me.
Football is a human game where human judgements should be allowed, i am taking this as some journalists who have created for them selves jobs.
nil... sorry you are talking like a prat.
who cares, you won didn't you.stop moaning like a tart
Whats the difference between you and a spud fan..NON
And the similarity...You are all frickin Idiots and Cunts
Are you worse than them...Almost but given a week of scum,you'll overide the sprunks
Is there any thing better you can do on this forum? simple...Just shut the fuck up and get to your mums house, c'se she is not going to let you enter after 7pm.
Actually, Anon 2:24,there is a programme on Sky right now where they are looking for someone who has similarities of a chimp..why not apply, you will be better off being next to your look likes than trying to be human...
nil...are we stressed out. Arn't you the rascist from yesterday.
All big talk from a little dicked mother fucker, who has to act big to try and get some creditability.
You were boring the ass off of people on here withyour moaning. Piss off and fuck your mother some more.
See we can all use foul language you ignorent twat.
what a twat you are...Talk of a racist then talk of a word that doesn't exist in my Volumes.
I dont talk dirty...and foul language has never been mine.
But please TRY to SPELL well otherwise your message wont reach its destination. "withyour" is that hebrew?
Anyway,You are a spud fan which i do understand....No love lost on you Bro,
You did attack Jack here last night,calling him all sorts of names,If you think you can get me off,you are wrong dude..
You got to me first, called me a "prat","tart",who cares, you get me high,am not going to play with you.
But above all, INTRODUCE your self,why hide identity?
nil.. how thick are you. While typing I missed a space, fuckhead. That is not mis-spelling, little dick.
I think you need to work on your grammar. By the way, that isn't your mum's mum!
Using the hebrew line again like yesterday, I suppose you will insult your fellow gooners who are Jewish, like you did yesterday.
You sad, ass licking spunk lover.
nil..I didn't attack Jack yesterday, you boring little man.
Fuck off you racist scum, I will not waste anymore time on a homosexual cretin like yourself.
What do you mean by 'volumes'. Is that the space between your ears.
Go on anon 3:05 you tell him.
Am straight.
Introduce your self.
Talk of Jewish,If you are one,then am lost.Jewish dont have such bad language.I've been in Israel twice,and haven't lost any love with them.
Gotta say this,Be more composed.
If you want to be respected,talk clean,show composure,and know who you are.
Am not going to Be an English teacher,Volumes is an English word.
lets get on with the football chat guys, dont let the spurs fans get you rilled nil,
Hi chaps, dont get involved. Saw your welcome back Mr. Serge but had a long lunch so sorry for lack of reply and thanks. Off down the pub again now so have a good one and remember this is transition. It isn't pretty but we are still progressing in the C.L.
Christiano Ronaldo is a rapist apparantly.....any more news on that
Surprised to see nil get support after his anti-jewish statements on the blog yesterday.
Seems like people have forgotten that there is a large number of gooners are jewish.
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