AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
where do i register?
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
Upper, Block A
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
Serge You are such a shemale
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
Tax dodger Jack
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
arsenal n spurs suck,
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
Whats happening on here
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
Insomnia - laters bruv
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
Gooner - yes im a "spud". I take it your a dickhead?
Eskiboy - handbag? what the fuck. Im not even getting stressed. If u want to see handbags, watch Jack and WSG on our sites, its hilarous.
By the way, your a mug
Gooner - your thick as pig shit, aint u?
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Nyssie's Gooner Blog
An up to the minute news blog for all things Arsenal
Friday, September 30, 2005
Le Boss Won't Rush Titi
AW has revealed he will not rush TH14 back to fitness...
"With Thierry, we have decided to go for a slow progression. Only his pain barrier decides how far he can go and that is very difficult to predict at the moment."
Let's hope he's not out too much longer...
posted by NyssietheGooner at 10:16 AM
jack said...
fiar enough i guess. arsene waited with sol too and didn't rush him back and we can all see that was the correct decision so lets hope the same happens with TH. What happened on this blog last night nyssie? came on this morning and had no idea what people were going on about! all i saw were random footie jokes and random stats!
10:34 AM
legrandesaucisse said...
True but I would rather he takes his time to make sure he really gets over it. No point in rushing him back if he breaks down and is off for another month. I would like to think that sol will remain captain when titi returns but I suppose that won't happen.
10:35 AM
NyssietheGooner said...
Dunno jack! Saw them aswell this morning - haven't read any yet tho...!!!
10:49 AM
jack said...
where is evryone today? suppose we'll get the usual shit from blog head sometime soon no doubt. school closes early on fridays doesn't it?
12:53 PM
jobby said...
well jack,
just dont see the point in posting anything unless there is a footie topic to talk about, instead of the playground shite which has taken over here lately.
1:01 PM
jack said...
good point! although don't think they're here at the mo so what do you reckon bout sunday?
1:02 PM
jack said...
how do i get my name to appear in blue like yours and nyssies? at least noone will be able to impersonate me then
1:03 PM
SHORTY said...
i've wrote you a song for the playground
Jobby's got no nobby,
Jobby's got no nobby
Jobby jobby jobby,
Got no nobby nobby nobby
What do you think?
1:05 PM
jack said...
nyssie you'll be pleased to know that ostrich mike riley isn't in charge of our game anymore.
1:06 PM
jack said...
its fucking annoying, i cant log to the spurs blog anymore and that mr hotspur is on there and they think he's me!
1:36 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
You need to register jack - then your name will be in blue!
1:55 PM
mr serge said...
hey guys i would prefer them to take time with titi there is no point rushing him back and him being out for even longer, still chuffed witht the ajax result i called the team spot on as well, do you guys reckon we will risk giba?
1:59 PM
jack said...
where do i register?
2:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Cant remember! I think you do to www.blogger.com
Try it!
2:31 PM
Jack said...
i'm in!
2:58 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Good man! Nice one Jack...!
3:02 PM
Jack said...
what do you reckon bout sunday then nyssie?
3:04 PM
jobby said...
alright lads, was on an extended liquid lunch there.
Shorty, well done very witty.
As for sunday i dont think gilb should be chanced, Flamini will do a job there no problem, in fact he's exactly what we need in some of these games against lower opposition who's midfield try to just kick us, with fla we have a workhorse who'll kick back.
Im not sure who we'll play up front. If i had my way id drop pires, who has been poor this season although i didnt see the CL game. Id play reyes on the left, and play hleb and RvP up front with Hleb in a slightly deeper, bergkamp like role. Rest of the team picks itself.
3:04 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I pretty confident...I reckon either 2-0 or 2-1.
I've swapped tickets with my mate for this one. I'm in the West Upper and he's in the East!
Looking forward to seeing the pitch from a different angle!!!
3:13 PM
Jack said...
i reckon we should play same team as tuesday night with RVP coming off the bench if need be. agree about flamini. he worked so hard on tuesday and he's a bit like the parlour type player we maybe lacked last year. only 21 as well which is very promising
3:16 PM
Jack said...
so you normally sit east nyssie? upper or lower? i sit east lower block j
3:16 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Upper, Block A
3:29 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
I agree Jack, Flamini reminds me a lot of Parlour.
3:31 PM
Jack said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:35 PM
NyssietheGooner said...
Laters jack! Enjoy the game!
3:36 PM
mr serge said...
jobby i would not play hleb up front he can't score for toffee, he has a 1 in 10 ratio in the bundesliga unless he plays just behind rvp to set him up
3:55 PM
jobby said...
thats where i wanted him, just behind RvP. I reckon its his best position cause he has a great eye for a pass. He can pull strings like bergkamp, and im confident if played there his goalscoring would improve and even if it didnt, how many does bergkamp score these days?
4:01 PM
jobby said...
now im not knocking dennis,i think he has been an unbeleivable servant for us,im just making a point
4:02 PM
Bong said...
Just a quick 1 today-
Jack, prentending to be other people on sites.... very sad.
Very sad when u have to slag me as some1 else, then say "Bong, look what so and so said about u".
Gooners, jacks been on our sites prentending to be 3 different people.
Jack your very sad, and to think i was pissed off by u yesterday, schizo
4:28 PM
mr serge said...
totally agree with you jobby dennis does not score more than 10 a season, hleb would do that, i also think that he will get goals in his game when he settles, pires hardly scored for metz and marseille 56 goals in 257 games, for arsenal he has scored 89 in 210 games a much better ratio and against tougher opposition than in france
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge you said that you would eat your hat if Arsenal did not beat West Ham.
How did it taste?
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
bong lets talk football not other bloggers i know your only 17 and thats not a prob but lets keep it topical mate:)
4:34 PM
mr serge said...
anon 4.34 spot on mate it tasted very bitter indeed mate had to add salt and vinegar and it would still not go down,its still early in the prem,and i am happy with our performance in europe, but west ham have exceeded my expectations of the well done the irons
4:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I think 1-0 2 the arsenal 2morro
5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
to log on to spuds site:try opening a page ,then go to 'tools' select internet options then select 'delete cookies' if that don't work then delete history on the same page
bon chance
fred bloggs
9:05 PM
Jack said...
Hello lads, what did everyne think of the performance yesterday? i thought we were quality and had it not been for taylor, the score could have easily been 5-0. i know it evevntually took a deflected shot to win the game but if you don't shhot you don't score so it was nice to see someone having a go for a change!
12:45 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
1:14 PM
Jack said...
looks like its just you and me on here shorty. so how r u?
1:18 PM
jobby said...
Perfromance yesterday was ok, im still not convinced though. Im looking forward to our next tough away premiership game, that will measure how the lads have improved.
2:00 PM
mr serge said...
we played ok yesterday we should have won 4 - 0 though taylor was excellent,
4:39 PM
SHORTY said...
Your shit
5:11 PM
SHORTY said...
were going to finish above you this season
Not really, You are a little bit worried though aint you
6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Serge You are such a shemale
2:44 PM
Jack said...
not really worried at all shorty. sorry to dissapoint!
9:47 AM
SHORTY said...
Dont lie jack, I know alot of gooners, and the smug look is definitely gone from there faces,
You may not be wooried about us but your a little worried about your club
10:01 AM
Jack said...
sorry shorty, thought you were asking if i was worried that sours would finish above us. course i'm worried bout the club. think every club is worried barring chelski cos they're so far out in front. i just think everyone has gotta sit tight and hope that roman gets bored with his little toy soon.
10:33 AM
Hackney Gooner said...
SOL is back.....we've got some experience and stability at the back....we just need to start killing teams off....reyas needs to find his shooting boots and once he does...with or without Henry, its slowly coming together!
2:00 PM
Jack said...
totally agree hackney gooner. reyes has been fucking quality recently, just needs one of his efforts to go in and then they'll all go in. Come on you gunners!!!!
2:18 PM
SHORTY said...
Hackney gooner,
Your a mug
2:51 PM
Jack said...
shorty, why is it only you who can take the banter? you're spurs mates are such dickheads sometimes. thye say they want banter and then start crying when i give it. have a word mate!
3:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a whinging little shit.
4:00 PM
Jack said...
bla bla bla bla anon. get a name. and some balls
4:06 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
arsenal r shit plain and simple, kiss the dream goodbye homeboys
4:23 PM
Jack said...
yes plain and simple we are shit. good point blondie
4:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Arsenal are in no way a shit team. They have had problems but they are slowly dissapearing. The next 6 months are gonna be exciting time for us and i for one am looking forward to beating some top quality teams...maybe even the mighty chelski!!
4:39 PM
Blondie Dredd said...
shiiiiit, wycombe are betta infront of goal then arsenal r without titi, so shit infronta goal that goalkeepers feel bad and let u score goals, gooner fans jus go ahead and thank mr Maik for the 3 points on the weekend,
4:43 PM
La Gunners said...
We aint got no one to thank. Through-out the whole game everyone new we would score it was just a matter of time. Cheers Percy
5:01 PM
g00ner said...
hi nyssie ive put ure link on my blog.... can u put mine on please
8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you are such a loser it is unreal.
All you do is suck up to Spurs supporters on their blog, and then come on here and slag them off and pretend to be so hard.
You and Serge are a joke. The pair of you come on here and suck up to Nyssie and the WSG.
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
LaGooner are you on acid or something. Support your team yes, but talk completely out of your la ass is something else.
8:07 AM
Jack said...
anon 8:06, i think you're the one kidding yourself thinking you're hard son. coming on here trying to look cool, u haven't even got the bollocks to put a name on your comments. as for sucking up to the scum, i must be doing a fucking bad job of it seeing as i've been blocked from the shite website cos i wind everyone up too much. other than that you make lots of sense. what a cunt you are
9:29 AM
Jack said...
where r ya nyssie!! we need a new post up!
9:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack you're not winding anyone up, spurs supporters just realise what a sad pathetic little virgin you are and cannot be bothered with you taking up their time.
10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jack is missing Nyssie. No one to suck up to.
10:58 AM
Jack said...
Yes of course i'm not winding you up!! thats why you;ve followed me here and are still really upset!! if i'm so sad why you still responding to me? be the bigger man and ignore me if you're so hard. bet you cant
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't delude yourself Jack. I only came on here because of what Shorty said about you, and it turns out to be true.
You have to have a reasonable IQ to wind up effectivelt and you obviously don't.
Save your breath, you will need it to inflate your girlfriend later.
12:10 PM
Jack said...
effectivelt? what does that mean? my iq is obviously not high enough
12:15 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack, why are you always kissing Nyssies arse on here, then going on the Spurs site, and slagging all the gooners off.
Nyssie, West side, where are you? I need your help, please put my name in blue, it goes with the white.
Very sad Jack
12:26 PM
Jack said...
i'll tell you what's sad-you constantly going on about how sad i am and yet you still continue to repond to me. don't respond if i'm such a loser. i said before i bet you wouldn't be able to resist and i'm right. you'll still respond now cos you cant help yourself. and please find me these articles where i slag off gooners. i'd love to see them
12:30 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You used the word respond three times, and managed to spell it right twice.
As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
Even West Side knows about your little games on the other site.
12:35 PM
Jack said...
insomnia you cock! should of guessed it was you. you obviously cant read a date properly. those posts were from last friday. the page just hasn't been updated yet.
12:35 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
I don't have a sleep issue.
12:37 PM
Jack said...
12:37 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
You said I have insomnia.
12:38 PM
Jack said...
no i didn't
12:39 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
5th comment up.
12:40 PM
Jack said...
do you know what i find strange insomnia? you moan and moan and moan when i'm on your site, then when i'm not there you come over here. you must really love me
12:41 PM
Jack said...
i didn't say you've got insomnia. i called you insomnia
12:42 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Don't be so Gay Jack, I told you, I don't have a sleep problem.
12:42 PM
Jack said...
you just gonna ignore my post at 12:41?
12:43 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon you are a Gay. Jacks right.
12:45 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
No I like to reponding to you, and as you are usually on here talking to yourself, I thought you might someone to talk to.
All alone in this dark desolate place.
12:47 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunners. Grow up.
12:47 PM
Jack said...
that didn't make much sense now did it?
12:48 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Nor does supporting the gooners.
12:49 PM
Jack said...
12:51 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack I don't need to spell it out to you, do I?
12:54 PM
Jack said...
yes please. my IQ is so low i cant work out why it doesn't make sense to support a team who my grandad supported, have won 13 titles, 10 FA Cups etc.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Looks like la gunners is lost for words.
12:56 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Glory hunter. I bet your grandad, god willing, he is still around, wouldn't like you sucking up to all the Spurs fans, now would he?
12:59 PM
Jack said...
unfortunately he's not around anymore. although when i first got my season ticket(1988) we hadn't won the league for 17 years so wouldn't call myself a glory hunter. as for chatting to spurs fans, his wife was a spurs fan so he couldn't have to many complaints!
1:01 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Did he buy it for you?
1:02 PM
Jack said...
well i was 5 so couldn't afford it myself. when are you gonna stop asking stupid questions or do you like being made to look like a cunt by a gooner?
1:04 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Anyway Jack, I am off to lunch now.
perhaps you can play with la gunner, if he can think of any words with over two syllables in.
1:05 PM
La Gunners said...
You know what, some of us have to work...You've already been to the DSS this morning so you got loads of time.
1:05 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist, but doesn't your Daddy buy your ticket now. Or is that a secret on this site.
Besides you are the one always talking through your bush.
Oh, and la gunner I am just of to sign on. Thanks for paying your tax's.
1:12 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why your a spurs fan. Cos its a cheap day out. For the £2 a week you get a ticket is bought and you get you cock sucked by a 65 year old with false teeth. You must be desperate you shit.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack you seem really stressed out. Is it because you cannot suck up to Nyssie or WSG.
You are such a sad lonely prick, bet you still live at home with mummy and daddy and have never been with a girl.
1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
LAGOONER Your job can't be that difficult working in a kebab shop
1:16 PM
Anonymous said...
lagooner I didn't know your mum is 65. Nice of her to oblige thou.
1:17 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
la gunner, how very profound of you. Tell me did you go to school with Blog Head.
1:18 PM
La Gunners said...
When have you ever seen a computer in a Kebab Shop. You dont seem that bright. It just reinforces the idea that most spurs fans are thick. I suggest you go back to eveing school...Oh i forgot you aint got no money. Tried busking??
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner never went to scholl, he had to help in the kebab shop.
1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
What the fuck is eveing school. You use the pc in the library on your breaks.
1:20 PM
Jack said...
why do i seem stressed out? i've just answered every one of his questions and made him look like a right cunt. i've just finished uni so yes i still live at home. is there something wrong with that? as far as i was aware most 2 year olds still live at home. been with my bird now for two years and she's a watford fan but her family are all scum so have lots of fun with them. anything else?
1:21 PM
Anonymous said...
See jack is not on here. School must have started for the afternoon.
1:21 PM
Jack said...
22 yeard olds, not 2 year olds!!!
1:22 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats right. I was earning more then you will ever dream off.
1:22 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:21 sorry what were you saying?
1:23 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack i think Anon is dixlexsic
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack 1:21 showing your mental age, there, one would assume.
1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Tax dodger Jack
1:24 PM
Jack said...
its so funny how i get slated on the spurs site, them all telling me to fuck off cos they don't want me around etc.. then when i'm not on they all suddenly come on here to talk to me. you must all really miss me
1:24 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La gunner, the word is dyslexic. Now who's thick.
Jack how can you have him on here, showing you up like that?
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Still living at home with mummy and daddy and having them pay for your season ticket. LOL.
Disgraceful living at home at your age.
Has the g/f let you have sex yet. I heard that she is 'the good time had by all'.
1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
1:27 PM
Jack said...
disgraceful living at home at 22? hahaha. its not my fault i'm not eligible for a council house like yourself is it?
1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Is £3.50 per hour a lot for you then. You should and get a real job mate, see some serious money.
1:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It is your fault Jack because you won't get off your fat lazy ass and make your own way in the world, you sad loser cunt.
You're still NOT a man. Living at home and letting mummy and daddy keep you.
Fucking disgrace.
1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm only 24 and have bought my own place.
Being 22 is not a defence
1:31 PM
La Gunners said...
What like your £2 a week from tax payers.....I am on a lot more than £3.50 an hour. But you wouldnt believe that. Where your from £1 per hour is a great job, cleaning the streets. You remind me of trigger from "only fools and horses". Bit stupid and not always there!!
1:33 PM
Jack said...
right lets see, i've spent 3 years at uni totally supporting myself and spent a year travelling before that. i'm at work at the moment and happily pay rent at home. just cos you've got no money and come from some shit poor background doesn't mean you have the right to hate any family who happen to have a bit of money. what do you want my parents to do? throw there money away. get a life mate and concentrate on earning your own money. you sound like you need it.
1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner, kebab shops don't pay that much mate.
I bet you have'nt even got a job, you just make it up.
1:34 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:31, my bird finished uni next year so we're waiting till then before we move in together. prob some time next year i'd imagine. is that ok for you?
1:35 PM
La Gunners said...
I dont need to prove anything to you...CHAV!
1:36 PM
Jack said...
i know i've said it before but why r u lot all on here? thought you hated me and couldn't stand talking to me? thats why you always asked me to leave your scum site no?
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack How can you not see that you are a disgraceful scrounging ponce. You have missed the point completely.
I have a business MBA, and worked while I studied and passed with distinction, and bought property. I am not afraid of hard work and want everything easy, like you. You sad mummy's boy.
1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack..Living at home, mummy and daddy supporting you and you still have not fucked your g/f of 2 years. This gets better.
1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunner Chavs are Chelsea you wanker
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Listen you are a 50 year old man living in a council estate. No money, no job and no woman. You wake up in the morning check the bins for food collect your money and then pretend to be a Spurs fan as the tickets are cheap.
1:39 PM
La Gunners said...
Anyway, i have to go...will continue this later today.
1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners you really need to get out more, mate. you've lost the fucking plot.
must be working in the kebab shop and watching bridget jones movies. its fucking you up
1:41 PM
Jack said...
oooooohhhhhh a distinction!! didn't you do a proper degree? i've just got a 2:1 in business and marketing, worked all the way through like you and currently work as a sales and marketing executive. as i said there was no point moving out as i may as well wait till my girlfriend finishes when we will get a place together. as for the guy going on about my sex life, stop being a fucking pervert. do you seriously think i'm gonna talk about it with you?
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners break time up, back to the kebab shop
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
2:1 is that it. any tosser can get a 2:1.
1:42 PM
Jack said...
and your point is anon 1:42?
1:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Some of us believe in hard work and standing on our own two feet.
You took the easy option by going to Uni.
You will find that in the real world employers want qualifications and proof that you can work hard. There current view of tax dodgers is that it is an easy option.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
any wanker can get a 2:1 at university because that's all you do. Nearly every student I have met says he has a 2:1.
It is easy to get compared with combining study and work. Employers are not impressed by students anymore.
1:47 PM
Jack said...
easy option!!!! you make me laugh. 4 grand a year fees, 300 quid a month rent plus everything else. was hardly easy as i'm sure the guy boasting about his distinction will tell you. on a serious note can you stop posting as anon cos i don't know who i'm talking too half the time
1:47 PM
Jack said...
my employer was but there you go
1:48 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon 1:45, i have to say that i agree with you on that one.
1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
in the real world employers view people who have studied at university as having an easy option because it is full time study. it does not ground the person in surviving in the real world of business. you will find that unless your cv can support that 2:1 in other ways that people less qualified than you will be employed.
1:50 PM
La Gunners said...
anon - what did you study then?
1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks la gunners. Jacky boy seems to have missed the point.
1:51 PM
La Gunners said...
Your still thick though. You probably got a 2:1 in Refuse collection
1:52 PM
Jack said...
you're obviously older than me so you'd know more about it but it does piss me off when people just assume uni is fucking easy. its fucking hard, especially when you're working loads of hours to get the money to support yourself through it too. i worked for 6 months full time before i wenmt travelling so i do know all about hard work as well. but you cant just assume that all employers hate people with degrees. my employer thought it was quality and that was the reason i got the job over some other guy who'd worked full time for the last 4 years
1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners the correct spelling is you're and not your.
Actually, it was a 2:2 in refuse collection, but thanks for the compliment.
1:54 PM
Jack said...
i haven't missed the point, i think we just have different opinions about university compared to the real world!! anyway, i'm off to lunch, back on in about 20 mins
1:55 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
Jack you usually talk to yourself on here. You know, when you log on as different people, and slag your mates off.
Anyway Jacks right. Why pay for anything yourself, when Mummy, and Daddy pay for it for you. You don't need to work hard do you Jack? You can always inherit. You can also marry some rich bird from Watford, who is finished Uni next year, whatever that means.
Is this distinct enough for you Jack?
I'm hungry, I think i'll get a kebab. Where's your shop LA, and would you reccomend Donner, or Shish?
Upa D Arses. as Sol would say.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack grow up. 'You worked hard for 6 months'. What do you want ' a fucking medal'.
You say that you're 22 but you speak a lot younger. You talking about a degree or a GCSE.
I don't thing 24 is a lot older than 22, which I told you earlier. I suppose maths was not part of the degree then.
1:56 PM
La Gunners said...
I reccomend a shish but its a matter of what you prefer, besides shops closed now.
1:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
Jack wheres ya hand bag u dirty slag!!!
1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Jack's eating his packed lunch that mummy made him.
2:00 PM
La Gunners said...
2:01 PM
La Gunners said...
You guys are too funny
2:01 PM
Eskiboy said...
Dairylea lunchables hahahha u twat
2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
la gunners...I think I have upset Jacky boy.
2:02 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, Dont you consider eating Kebabs Cannibalism over here?
Oh, and does Jack's parents pay for his?
2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you think his mummy will allow him a fizzy drink or just water.
Hope he does'nt spill any down his cardy.
2:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 2:24
He has a gooner bib.
2:05 PM
Eskiboy said...
anon, theres a line where if you push a joke to far it becomes unfunny, n u jus passed it
2:06 PM
Jack said...
do you know whats funny, even if i was 2 i'd still have seen the arsenal win more titles at the lane then you'd have seen spurs win
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
sorry eskiboy, i didn't know you sat next to him in class.
2:07 PM
La Gunners said...
Anon, you talk about Jack and his parents as if you are currently experiencing this yourself. You aint really got a degree, you aint got a house of your own. Bloody hell you sound like you 10 years old you fucking tart.
2:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
fuck all of u its the red devils 2 the death
2:08 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack 2:07
Well said!!
2:10 PM
Jack said...
anon 1:56 what r u talking about? i was pointing out i've worked full time before and whats the whole i'm 24 stuff all about? well done you're 24, so what? i was saying i'd be in my own place next year when i'm 23 thats all
2:12 PM
Allworkandnoplaymakesjackaclosetspursfan said...
La Gunners, there is no such word as aint.
2:13 PM
Jack said...
i see there's not much going on on the spurs blog today. never realised you needed me such
2:15 PM
La Gunners said...
Thats why he's here. Twat AINT got any friends
2:17 PM
Insomnia said...
Jack/Jacob,just seen your link on the spurs blog,thought I'd have a read on here.You are barking up the wrong tree accusing me earlier,I dont do anon,I dont give a fuck who reads what I write I let whoever know its me Insomnia.I do,however find it hilarious that other people on here have picked up on what I've stated for weeks now about you being a little Daddys boy,and dont try giving it about I worked for a whole 6 months before I went travelling shite,you went to a Kabutz in Tel Aviv and you know it,travelling my arse,and all that shite about paying your way in uni,bollocks,daddy cant get his wittle bwoy his season ticket and then see him go without at uni,bollocks,he probably bought the house you lived in and charged your roomies rent.
2:58 PM
Jack said...
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh insomnia touchy!! its not hard to pick up on stuff like that seeing as you mention it in EVERY post.by the way its not spelt kabutz. and can you please tell me why the spurs blog is soooooooooooo quiet today?
3:11 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia u pussy bhoy, yea so callin yourself insomnia aint being anon? did your mother name u insomnia?
3:13 PM
Big J said...
did yours name you Eskiboy??
Anyway Jack, Dave, Solly, Mr Hotspur, whatever you call yourself, isn't time you did some work? got a life perhaps?
Maybe turn off your computer and go outside? take your girlfriend out for the day... all this spare time and you spend it arguing with Anons?
Get a life.
Everyone else on here who's a gooner, got no problems with any of ya. Nice site, and your articles seem pretty informed, so well done Nyssie (and any other contributors). Just a shame you hang round with that nob refferred to as Jack.
Still, we can't all inherit lots of money, sit on the web all day and lie about our lives can we jacob??
3:18 PM
Insomnia said...
My father named me,whats your excuse eskiboy,do they call you that coz your dick is as small as an eskimo child?
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
This post has been removed by the author.
3:19 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia Only you would know what size an Eskimo Childs dick is!!
3:22 PM
Eskiboy said...
i gave your mum n girl insomnia with my dick, kept them on their toes n awake all nite, u cant keep a blow up doll entertained u limp dick twat
3:23 PM
Jack said...
big j you r a cock. you'vbe just given this whole speech on your site about not disrespecting families and then you go and talk about mine as if you've known them your whole life. you don't know a fucking thing about my family and you never will. these are supposed to be football sites so why do you always have to bring in family stuff?
3:24 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob I am proud that I dont know how to spell kabutz,just like I am proud that everything I have in my life,my own successful business,lovely wife who incidently I married when I was 21 living in a flat I bought,2 daughters 12,11 child due on sunday,all that I did by myself,no daddy spoiling me and doing it all for me so I repayed him with a whopping 2.1 at crappy uni,no jacob i stood on my own 2 feet and did it all by myself,you on the other hand jacob you will never amount to shit,the peak of your lifetime achievement will be when you get everything your daddy leaves behing when he dies,you should be proud
3:26 PM
Jack said...
and big j, just cos i'm jewish doesn't automatically make me rich you know. you sound like a fucking member of the BNP with that attitude
3:26 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack its a defensive action when he doesnt even who his father is.
3:27 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy & la gunners
Aint you 2 gay boys got homework to do?
3:27 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, go and join the BNP mate, you belong there with that attitude. so what, my dad likes to take me to football. big deal. why do you assume i get everything else paid for me? you're just a racist cunt and everyone knows it
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
u manz need counselling, jerry springer or suttink
3:27 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia by the way i already did my geography n biology homework with your girl, practical lesson hahaha
3:29 PM
La Gunners said...
Jack, listen be fair to insomnia, he aint got a dad to take him to watch football.
By the way ARSENAL RULES!!!!
3:30 PM
La Gunners said...
3:30 PM
Eskiboy said...
arsenal n spurs suck,
3:31 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,jacob jacob,always hiding behind the"your a racist cunt" banner,I have not stated anything racial in my comments,all I've said is daddy pays your way,and always will do,if I was wrong you wouldn't bite so.
For the record I am Irish,my forefathers have suffered but I live in a multicultural world,I employ men,women,black,asian and jewish staff,but no gays,eskiboys dad works for someone else
3:45 PM
Jack said...
don't really know where the daddy boy things came from but assumed you were refering to the fact i was jewish. as for not being racist, you've gone on about israel and tel aviv, called me jacob and a few other things. i know you don't meanit racially but it can be seen that way.
3:50 PM
Eskiboy said...
its a heart to heart moment, insomnia would use a tissue to stop the tear drop but he used them all wen he wanked off to the blow up doll, i swear u called jack a yido?? i swear thas racist rite?
3:52 PM
Jack said...
good point eskiboy, knew there was something else
3:54 PM
Insomnia said...
I'm Irish,and on the terraces at the lane I chant Yidos yidos yidos,does that make me racist too.
Another point to mention is,the description of racist is someone who hates one particular race,creed,type etc...Therefore I cant be racist coz I hate everyone.
Eskiboy be careful not to choke on your bedtime ribena in 30 minutes ok darling
3:58 PM
Eskiboy said...
yep i shall be carefull, pitty your sister didnt get the same advice shes been coughing up on cock for days now
4:02 PM
La Gunners said...
Insomnia that is a racist comment. You dick, people like you dont even deserve to be in a multicultural city. By shouting those comments dont you think you are offending people. Anyway you better go insomnia the butane gas has run out on your caravan.
4:03 PM
Insomnia said...
La gunners,I did a bit of french at school and if I aint mistaken la gunners means,suck cock,very apt user name for you,au revoir
4:05 PM
La Gunners said...
Ummm no. you obviously failed that course. Didnt even know they taught people on a trailer park
4:06 PM
Insomnia said...
I live in England not america,trailer park,you retard
4:07 PM
La Gunners said...
OK caravan park which is actually a Tesco's carpark.
4:08 PM
Eskiboy said...
i wudnt even have that there insomnia hes tryna say that your washin line is next to the trolley park, n u cook your potatoes off the curb, oi insomnia i fought u was sposed to b Mr Johny Dangerous how u gon let manz play u like that?
4:12 PM
Insomnia said...
eski boy and la gunners,are you the same person?
Care in the community eh,is your real name anne?
argh argh arghh,yes anne its a computer
argh argh arrrr
yes anne your funny
4:23 PM
Eskiboy said...
like insomniai i aint playin around are nuttink, but r u on crack? i think you should talk to frank, goodluck to you
4:26 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy you are 1 hell of an illiterate fuck wit retard,stop sniffing that prit stick that you've got in your pencil case,and while I think about it you should stop licking batteries as well
4:32 PM
Eskiboy said...
i cant it keeps me going, u can talk u shit stabber, went i meant crack i didnt mean the drug u homo
4:35 PM
Eskiboy said...
n how old r u? everyones young to you!! go pop a viagra n play checkers u gay racist, crack sniffin cock sucka
4:37 PM
Insomnia said...
eskiboy well stated on your last comment,I take it back you aint an illiterate retard at all,and you do your team proud,take a bow,now wake up and try reading what you just typed anne,arrgh argghh errh....
4:38 PM
g00ner said...
hi people check out my site... let me know wat u think... im a first timer to this u see..
4:39 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,talk to your mummy and get an education,you dont sniff crack you smoke it,retard
4:40 PM
Bong said...
Whats happening on here
4:42 PM
Jack said...
not too sure bong, i've basically been watching insomnia and a utd fan rip it our of each other for about an hour. quite entertaining
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
bong,the little bwoys are up past there bed time mate
4:44 PM
Insomnia said...
Jacob,you love it when I tear into other people,you should relax and not take it personal when its your turn!
4:46 PM
Tom said...
hey g00ner... http://1971goonerblog2004.blogspot.com... its great... keep up the good work, dont worry people will eventually begin to leave comments
4:46 PM
Insomnia said...
Hey gooner,its shit,no-one will comment,but keep believing,keep believing
4:49 PM
Eskiboy said...
insomnia's mad coz hes about 30 years too late to loose is virginity,
4:50 PM
Jack said...
insomnia, you know i can take it but it just winds me up when i get blamed for everything on your site!!
4:52 PM
g00ner said...
it seems to me insomnia... your a really old man who sits at home on child porn, and goes on blogs and pretends to be a "somebody" when really... in reality your fucking scum.....
4:53 PM
Insomnia said...
Eskiboy,every time you type you highlight what a retard you are.The word is lose not loose
4:54 PM
Insomnia said...
ooooohhhhh,touch a nerve did I gay boy?
Your site is still shit,keep up the good work
4:55 PM
Bong said...
U must be loving it that this poor blog is picking up.
U should worship us Spurs fans for that
4:56 PM
g00ner said...
how can it be good work if according to you its shit, not that i value your opinion or anything... heres a tip.. kill your self you fucking inbred
4:57 PM
Eskiboy said...
wot r u on dictionary patrol? i aint gonna take my time n type to please your sorry self, u still understood wot i mean rite? so have a coke n a smile n shut the fuck up
4:58 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
I think the reason u got kicked off the Spurs blog was when u were pretending to be other people.
I.e. "Bong is as bad as Bloghead" u told me Mr Hotspur said about me. But that was u, and thats just fucked up. Any1 can do that
4:59 PM
Jack said...
laters lads, i'm off home
4:59 PM
Eskiboy said...
not another fuckin spurs fan? u lot sound like your proud of supporting spurs! why would someone be so thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM
Jack said...
bong-that seriously was a colleague. i know its hard to convince you but whatever. i've said so many times i cant stand anons or pretending to be other people. believe me or not, it doesn't really matter though
5:02 PM
Insomnia said...
Adios loosers I'm off kill myself coz gooner put up suck a strong case,keep up the good work,retard
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Jack -
U always leave at suspicious times. I bet Mr Hotspur turns up in a min and slags me off, ha ha .
Eskiboy - Whats your story?
Supporting Spurs coz im "thick"?
Nothing to do with being born in Tottenham and growing up with my family supporting Spurs is it?
Not like u, u problay supported Manu till last year and next year youll support Chelsea, prick
5:02 PM
Bong said...
Insomnia - laters bruv
5:04 PM
g00ner said...
can i just ask... who Acctually supports the arsenal? or am i talkin to a bunch of spuds from shite hart lane
5:07 PM
Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
5:10 PM
Tord Grip said...
Even Mr Eriksson thinks you're a cunt, Jack
5:17 PM
g00ner said...
i take it bong is a fucking spud
5:20 PM
Eskiboy said...
Bong did u bring your handbag as well, u spurs supports r well bitchy like women!!! i like that gooner!! SHITE HART LANE, but no gooner im not listenin to you!! hahah bong u fuckin pussy
5:20 PM
Mr Hotspur said...
Sorry Bong, i got it wrong the other day. I ment to say that Jack is as bad as Bloghead, not you. I actually think your really sound.
5:21 PM
Bong said...
See Jack, its that easy. I dont ever do that, its stupid
5:22 PM
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Bong said...
No, Gooner, your talking to yourself coz im not fucking listening to you
your not gettin stressed huh? madame haha
Im going now, to smoke some pot.
Jack - never mind son, dry your eyes and 2moro come on our site and kiss some more arse in the hope theyll let u back in.
GOOner - i take it u havnt got the hang of capslock yet, fucking stupid 9 year old. Go sit on your daddys lap some more.
Eskiboy - Ladyboy?
Nessie - where are u, your whole blogs turning shite without your devine, masterful intellect running things, ha ha
WSG - Campbell in a dress, i laughed so hard.
Laters ladys, see u tomorrow maybe
Where's mummy's boy Jack.
22 living at home with mummy and daddy, and his parents pay for his season ticket.
How sad and embarrasing is that?
Mummy's boy Jack, I hope your mummy cut the crust off your jam sandwiches for lunch.
Is it true Jacky boy, that your girlfriend has only been unfaithful to you twice?
The first time with your best friend and the second time with the household cavalry!
Mummy boy Jack. I wouldn't have my family pay for my season ticket.
My parents are financially comfortable, but I believe that you stand on your own two feet in this world, that is what separates the men from the moaning tarts.
It is a disgrace that you have mummy and daddy finance you at 22. You use them because you are not man enough to make your own way.
How can you have been to university and miss this point. Or, is that deep down you know you are in the wrong and that you are a sponging ponce.
How can someone who has been to university have such a chav view to life and his own family.
Your name is correct for you, your attitude is 'I'm alright, fuck everyone else. Even my parents.'
They must be so proud of you!
Cheap insults Jacky boy. Glad to see that the expensive university education was money well spent!
Leave uni. and spend all your time on here sucking up to Nyssie and WSG. What an investment.
Mummy's boy Jack. You are now really making yourself look very bad.
Have some pride in yourself, and stand on your own two feet.
If it was not bad enough that someone of you age is supported by their parents while they toss off at university, the way you keep missing the point is painfully embarrassing. You cannot grasp the concept that what you are doing is wrong. Check yesterdays posts and you will see that even la gunner was in agreement.
There is a difference between support and someoen taking liberties, and at 22 you are definately doing that.
How can you not see it, its amazing how blinkered you are. Either that or your so called friends are all chav attitude spongers as well.
What a fucking loser you are. Your girlfriend will soon be off with a 'real' man and not a dickless mummy's boy.
Dickless wonder Jack, yesterday 'la gunner' posted that he agreed with what anon was saying about you and what you are doing is wrong, and even posted how funny it was the slating you were getting.
Surely, with fellow gooners thinking that you are wrong and very sad, you must now realise that your sponging lifestyle is wrong.
Fucking hell, you cannot have gone to university and be so mother fucking thick.
If you still cannot see it, then there is no hope of explaining it (even though it has been explained in Janet and John style on many occassions).
Are you thick or are you too ashamed to face the facts and you just lock yourself away in fantasy land?
I bet your girlfriend longs for a man and not a wimpish pussy tart like you.
Ok mummy's boy Jack.
You are 22 and live with mummy and daddy, who finance you. The liberties you are taking is that at your age mummy and daddy should not be financing you. You hold down a job, study and have your own place. You took the pussy way of being at Uni. with the stressful 6 hours of lectures per week. You took the easy option.
So, sponging off mum and dad are the liberties you are taking. IS THIS CLEAR FOR EVEN A MORON LIKE YOU TO UNDERSTAND.
At 22 you are suppose to pay your own way in this world.
Your comments now are making you look like a cunt, and you will have difficulty coming on here again after your recent dumb comments.
Interesting debate.
How comes Jack you can't grasp what is being said. Even a spud could understand it.
Mummy's boy Jack. You are so fucking easy to wind up. Fancy giving all that information out on a blog.
Grow up.
Jacky boy, you have just proved that you are a pussy by explaining yourself.
Anyone else would have just told him to fuck off.
You've just done it again you retard.
You are priceless. All this going on and you still do not understand it. You just have no idea whats going, have you?
Ask someone to help you.
Well said Jobby. All Jack does is encourage it and ends up looking stupid himself.
don't be such a prat anonymous. you're the one who looks stupid making up random stuff about someone elses family. you got nothing better to do? and you telling me if someone was taking the piss out of your family you wouldn't respond? course you would. get a life and grow up
wells said gooner 3. i've been watching this blog all day but for someone reason couldn't post butits working again now. jack's a legend on this site and rest assured anon there's no gooners on here who think he's the one who looks stupid. come on you gunners!!
No one took the piss out of Jack's family, they took it out of him. Like a prat he gave it credence.
Is that you Jack pretending to be other people. i hope not otherwise this is getting out of hand.
Jack is far from a legend. I back him as a gooner but jesus he was stupid to respond.
fuck jack fuck the gooners, fuck those retards that call themselves spurs its about the red devils baby
eskiboy you are the biggest fucking twat there is. fuck off and support the chavs cos manure are finished.
hahahahah u wankstain go suck on a horse's left testicle coz arsenal aint shit n spurs arent even worth commenting on
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