Sol: "We Have Got to Roll Our Sleeves Up..."

As we all know, we are distinctly lacking in certain departments due to injury, suspension etc. But Sol believes the younger members of our squad are more than capable of performing and getting a result.
"Obviously we would prefer it if we had most of our players fit and available, but we have got to roll our sleeves up and keep it going," said Sol.
"The main thing is the players believing in themselves. We have got to win some [Champions League] games and set our stall out to get points in the bag.
"We don't want to be scrapping around in the last few games to get through."
No Jobby its only on itv2. itv have the rights to tuesday night champions league games involving english clubs. Sky have the rights to all wednesday night games in the champions league & the foreign teams on a tuesday.
No just ITV2 I think Jobby.
Tonight's line up should be:
Obviously thats is Bobby's fit. What do you think? Any other suggestions?
Shorty, it is not naturally in my persona to be rude but you clearly are a very annoying cunt.
Go and talk about your fantastic victory last night with your silly mates and let the Champions League be discussed by teams that are actually in the competition.
Run along now.
Thats actually quite funny. Well done Shorty!
See you don't have to be a prick all the time!
Well said Westside....leave the Champions League to the big clubs shorty.
Hop back onto your spuds blogs and convince each other how bright the future is, and how GREAT Tottenham are!
You lot KILL me!!!
What would a Tottenham fan know about European nights....?
Europe for you lot means a week in Shagaluf!!
1 person goes into your site and posts Shorty. If you want sensible football conversation then happy days, but judging by previous conversations that seems beyond you. Let me start, so you must be happy to be in the top 4. What did you make of the game last night??
Do you think ajax will cause arsenal as many problems as grimsby caused the spuds?? I suppose the spuds can console themselves with the fact it was not their first team out there last week.........Oh it was!! Jenas worth 7 milion, did anyone see how bad he actually is last night & Davids the saviour is well & truly past it!! Any gooner that slated wenger for not signing those two should be hanging their head in shame!!
I agree 3 points is the main thing. As for taking 4 points off us this season does that mean you are finally going to get a win at Highbury or at the Lane?? After watching that game last night and Villa and Grimsby I think you'll be lucky to take 1 point. Even if we play the way we have away so far this season we are a lot better than you. Fulham are awful and we should have scored more than the 4 at Highbury this season.
shorty, i was quite surprised to see u posting last night at 7:30. do you not go to the games at the lane? and i didn't invite you on, i asked you to come and get that prick blog head to fuck off!!
Jack, 1 person from that site went to the game. I was reading the comments and some didn't even watch it on the box. It's not as if they'd struggle for tickets.
i want that bong to come back on. he was quite amusing!! i liked his comments about me sucking up to them and then calling them cunts!!
I thought cab drivers earned reasonable money Shorty?? Sorry, I feel guilty now. Those poor Chelsea fans must be underprivelidged too. Bless.
if you were that into your team, you'd make sure you could afford to go shorty. give up something for the extra cash.
insomnia, why do you insist on calling me jack if you're so sure of my "real" name?
yes please
shorty, you know that i don't find your comments childish. i've told you so many times i find your comments fucking hilarious and they make me laugh.
insomnia, its amazing how often ass fucking comes up when you're around. see if you can respond without mentioning sol, me or my family.
Thats original shorty...
I've got a couple of mates who have blogs aswell. Not Arsenal, but Liverpool and Tottenham and it seems to me that the Tottenham fans ALWAYS wanna row. They even coat each other. What is it with the spud mentality?
Is it that you're bitter that your team NEVER wins fuck all? Every season is the same...starts off with 'the futures blue and white' and all that shit, but you ALWAYS slip back to mid table obscurity!
You boys SLAY me - daily!
At least I have a mum...I hear you got two dads and a chemistry set as parents...
i like that one nyssie!! don't mind if i nick it to use on my mates do you?
Go for it Jack mate!!!
insomnia you're really starting to scare me. how do you know so much about my social life and family background?
You can keep on with this mum theme all day long, it stopped bothering me after junior school. You do seem a little touchy about being a pikey and not having any money though. Sorry if anyone has offended you and your armchair supporting mates.
Read your comments and that should cure your insomnia.
Sorry if you find it confusing but I'm typing and not talking, so I'll keep the cock in my mouth thanks.
Shorty, my dad did take me to games when I was as young as you, that's why I buy myself a season ticket now. Because I can.
westside, i'm gonna be in your position next year. not looking forward to shelling out 1200 pounds!! still, at least we're rewarded for our money. lots of trophies, world class players and great footie. its no wonder the scum don't turn up for their games
insomnia are you blind. he put cock not cocks. and i said i've gotta pay next year. open your eyes
insomnia, i really wasn't aware it was that sad to be on good terms with your own dad. just cos u live in a council estate and prob have 3 dads, of which you don't actually know if any of them are actually yours, don't get jealous of other people
sorry to post this again but no response last time
Jack, mine is the same as this year £983. There is apparantly an agreement that pricing increase will be in line with inflation for the first few years at least 1.5-2.5%. I think the upper teirs will be more expensive but I'm hoping for a similar positon to I have now, but I wont know until Feb when we chose our seats.
westside, where do you sit? i'm east lower
insomnia, i'm guessing you don't have a bird or mates? must be why you've got so much anger inside of you. never mind, ugly people can always find someone. go to a dating agency or something. u seem like a lovely guy. you'll have no problems
West Lower, block Q. Halfway line.
i'm right opposite you! block j east lower on half way line. so the tickets remain in the 900's for next season? thank fuck for that!!
judging by your comment on the spurs blog just now, you've got a thing for shorty so don't wanna interupt.
So it said in the covering letter.
i'm being serious too.i'd love to be wth insomnia but he loves you. you're on fire apparently
Just read Insomnia's comments. No wonder he is always going on about cock sucking. Shorty, oh Shorty you're on fire. Didn't think cab diesel burned that well.
bye insomnia, love you xxxxxxxxxx
Jack is an attention seeking kid who gets this and the spuds blog talking about nothing but him
Hes boring everyone to death
so westdide, predictions for tonight? sorry shorty, you cant play, you're not ineurope
anon 1:01, aaaaaahhhhhh, do you get upset that everyone talks about me? sorry u little baby, go and suck your dummy
1-1 or 0-0 tonight I think Jack. Cant see too much to inspire me with Reyes the only fit forward. What worries me is if we go a goal down.
Hate to say it but I have a feeling that if we DO go a goal down, we could be in for a hiding.
Sol: "We Have Got to Roll Our Sleeves Up..."
"...and get fisting"
Jack youre an attention seeking putz
shorty ou know i find you funny but you've gotta come up with some new material. this whole detective stuff is boring now. and anon, if you think i'm such an attention seeker, stop giving me so much fucking attention you cunt!
Quincy looked quite lively when he came on at Upton Park although he spent most of his time running into blind alleys. He reminds me a little of Boa Morte although I hope I'm wrong. Too early to tell with him so I guess he is worth a chance. It has to be better than playing Freddie up front, we know that doesn't work.
no idea shorty. i don't spend my time watching day time telly. apartt from neighbours obviously. who doesn't watch neighbours?
Gotta be honest Jack, I dont. Mrs Westside does though.
westsidegooner, I think your being somewhat harsh on quincy there, he never gets a run in the team infact he never gets in the team so you cannot label him poor before he has a chance!! Its like arseblog & other sites slagging off song who played for a whole 5 mins the other night, I find it ridiculous!! It says something when you have to prove your a world beater in 5 mins or your labelled sh*t
thought u were off out for a few pints? did u have one and realise u missed shorty too much?
Anon 1.47 I'm not saying that Quincy is shit by any means. In fact I have said he should play tonight. My only observation so far was that he looked bright when he came on against West Ham, but he did seem a bit Forrest Gumpesque. As you say he needs a run in the side to establish his worth.
shorty's cum. u jealous?
Insomnia, when you grow up do you aspire to be Shorty's bitch?? Just saw you bigging him up on the north London jealousy website again.
Jacob,i'm pining for you,if i can get westside gay ride caught cheating on you maybe you'll go out with me,than your daddy can get me tickets too x x
cant believe you lied to me. i hate u
You can afford to go to games then Insomnia. Unlike most of your mates.
so one minute i#'m gay cos i drink other blokes cum, next i'm a woman? i'm more confused than edgar davids was when he found out no BIG clubs wanted to sign him
im a total twat i hate the gooner scum really and ive mugged them all off for months,i like little boys like wenger does tho
westside your a prick
ooooohhhhhhh good one!! still sad how the only hope spurs fans have is of arsenal players leaving.its kind of like you feel that if we don't have success, its like you getting success.
"I wanna go to a C.L club"
"O.K then a UEFA Cup club"
Oh alright, fuckit, I'll go to any shit that will pay me 4.5m a year to sit on the bench for 70% of the season.
nysssie or whatever your name is, your a cunt
westide, jack 2:20 is definately me. just in case you think it may be a spurs fan pretending to be me
bla bla bla bla insomnia. any new comments? or will u just stick with same old tried and tested "jack is jewish, hahaha" jokes?
stop being so annoying shorty and insomnia. it was funny at first but now you're just embarrassing other spurs fans. so what if his dad pays for his ticket? my dad still pays for my younger brothers and he's 22 as well. grow up and get a life both of you
The reason I always go on about eveyone sucking cock is because it's what I do best. My name and number is up in every loo this side of Warrington and I'm just dying for a gooner dick.
Well said Rlowspur. It becomes rather tedious after 5 minutes or so.
surely you're a bit embarrassed to be typing such a load of shit at your age? i presume you're not young what with having 3 kids and all that? unless you followed in your parents footsteps and had kids at 13, 14, and 15?
jack your a prick shut the fuck up
Jack, it isn't difficult to spot the Spud that cant spell you are. For the last time it is "YOU'RE" you thick cunt.
I feel that many Arsenal fans have adopted a kind of football snobbery view towards Arsenal compared to other teams, where we perceive ourselves to be the royalty of football. This thinking even extends to when we lose games, consoling ourselves with the view that the team that defeated us is far technically inferior to us and that they have adopted some sort of neanderthal approach to winning that is beneath us. We turn our nose up at this and walk of in a huff content with the fact that they will never aspire to our unique level of football.
Some feelings about the slick passing and pace of our game are justified because I don't feel that there is another team that can do it as well as us. This is not always enough though and at times I think we are to football what the Harlem Globe Trotters are to Basketball. I fully believe that we can retain our slick style but mix in some basic threatening football to improve our all round attack and therefore have the ability to break down even the most stubborn defence.
Example Chelsea, the most stubborn of defences. We had 58% posession to their 42 but lost the game and if we are honest never really threatened them. Not many teams enjoy that level of posession against them, but it is due to our quick slick game that we did, but we needed to use that greater posession to hurt them. Trying to play through the middle of them was never going to work, they can defend that all day.
Our main problem is we never score in open play from balls delivered from wide positions, i.e with our head. We could have moved the ball around and teased Chelsea then suddenly move it wide to deliver a dangerous curling ball in behind the defenders for our players to run onto. The problem is that our forward line and attacking midfielders never make those runs and the ball flies dangerously across the box with the nearest player 15yds away, or the wide player looks up realises no-one will attack his intended cross and cuts back inside and plays to one of our deep central players again who is 50 yds out. If it was a competition to see how often you could work the ball from one side of the pitch to the other while remaining between 40 to 50 yds out we would win hands down. It is not that we are physically incapable of crossing and attacking the ball it's just that we choose not to do it. Do we need to run around trying to buy players in the hope we get more of a threat with this style of attack or does AW give the simple instruction to play our normal slick game but to mix some dangerous balls from wide with 3 - 4 players taking a chance and attacking the ball to see if they can get on the end of it. They are paid a lot of money and if the manager says I want you to do this they will do it.
So back to Owen, maybe he is not as good as TH at keepy-uppy and exhibition skills, but he is a chancing in the box striker who will never be more than a few yds away from any dangerous ball going into the box, hence his excellent scoring record at all levels. So agreed, he is not as skillful as TH, not quite in the same royalty and blue-blood category, but is he any less effective as a striker
Why do gooners keep speliing lose as loose.
Get it right for fuck's sake.
This from a man that spells spelling "speliing"....geek.
you do know spelling is spelt with two l's and 1 i don't you?
Serge...You said that if you don't beat West Ham that you would eat your hat. How was it?
Simple typo when you lot are thick homosexual cunts
Great response cunti, well done.
i've got a bad feeling about tonight boys,i think we could be on the wrong side of a real tonking,wait and see if i'm wrong slate me tommorrow by all means, its just i'm starting to think that are time has come and gone,now chelski have taken over i cant see things being the same for a while at least.
i know jobby mate its just my gut feeling,ive spent too long on the spud site i think but i really dont think were the team we were and maybe are best times have gone.
jobby so whats your prediction for tonight mate?
jobby whats the point in blind optimism were all going to have to face the fact that we might be on the decline,anyway see ya
Then they fucked your mum bloghead
alright jobby, this is the real jack. i left work at half 4 yesterday so none of those comments were me. if you look at my posts at 2:18 and 2:20 for example you'll realise they weren't me. someone scummer obviously quite likes me and wants to be me!
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