Big Sol: "We Were Solid"

"We were solid," said Sol. "The youngsters were very disciplined and the older players raised their game and took more responsibility."
"The lads have played a few games together now. There were a few disappointments in the early part of the season. But, after cleans sheets, confidence flows back into the team with every game that goes by."
"I am not getting carried away but it is a great start in the Champions League. Every game is a precious and you have to go for the win. We are doing well but we have to keep it going as a team."
"Also you have to remember that the players who are out of the side will grow and enhance the team as this competition goes on. We will need them as we go forward, that is for sure."
I think he would have been were it not for his injuries
Cole? Captain? You're having a laugh right? The guy doesn't even deserve to play for Arsenal, let alone be given that honour!
Sol should be captain because he's an inspirational character - large and influential, respected and consistent. Thierry's only captain in the hope that it'll convince him to stay - in my view, it won't. He'll leave Arsenal either at Christmas or this summer. And high tempo passing in the first half? When? We barely had the ball Flamini (as usual) and Fabregas were unable to exert any pressure in the middle of the park, and all our attacks had to come down the wings.
anon 2:14, what wre u watching? u say flamini as usual was unable to exert any pressure. i presume you missed the first goal then? just in case u did, flamini intercepted a pass, drove forward, passed to reyes who passed tp freddie who put it away
flamini is going to be a better player than petit for us he made the 1st goal with his tenacity, and was excellent last night, was i watching the same game? sol is definately the player who should be captain. i think that it takes a bit of henrys game away from him,
Congrats. Goons
U must feel good beating 1 of the poorest Ajax teams possibly ever.
Still, a wins a win so fair play, i thought youd lose heavily.
And 4 all u goons who r complaining about The Man commentating on your game last nite (i mean Teddy of course), let me just tell u that nearly every time i watch Spurs i have to put up with that whiny, pathetic, withering twat of a cunt Alan Smith talking about MY team like the cretin he is.
Agianst Fulham-
[Fulham looking really dangerous now, really stretching the game]
He said this after 20 mins, after fulhams first counter attack after 20mins and a goal of serious spurs pressure.
What a dickhead Alan Smith is, and u moan about Teddy.
Your right bout Pleat- what a prick he is
Because we fielded our strongest first team didn't we bong?
Bong needs to chill out. Anyone fancy a trip to Grimsby? I hear its nice this time of year.
bong, as you said a win is a win but remember its not always that easy to beat a poor team. remember grimsby? i however think that ajax aren't really that poor but whatever
Possibly 1 of the poorest Ajax teams of all time i said.
Is that not true?
We all know it is.
Grimsby. Classic
That was me at 2.52
Whats that bout fielding your strongest team???
think he was saying that we didn't have our strongest teaam out there either last night
Funny i didnt say nothing about what kind of team u put out.
I did say fair play cretins, i thought youd lose heavily.
Nice to read Sol's comments.
Hows he doing nowadays. Lovely man that Sol Campbell is
any reason you've got my name in your screename? you must really love me
Bloghead -
Every one might as well stop saying stuff now, it will look foolish and stupid compared to the wisdom bloghead produces
Who is that?
gonna be honest, don't know what "outing" means
Bloghead -
Seriously mate, get some new material. Im not a racist, so it doesnt bother me.
Jack - it means your gay
oh i get it now. must be something to do with moving on a free to your nearest rivals then winning three FA Cups and 2 Title then? in that case, you're not outing me
I think every Spurs fan on the net knows who the embarrassment to Tottenham is.
Its name is Bloghead
Im going to smoke some pot. B back soon cretins
no animosity at all. i love having the spurs fans on here. its something for us gooners to laugh at
yes exactly that blog head. thought i was gay anyway?
Where is the racist comment? Tell me guys so I can remove it. I'm not up for that shit on here...
When did he say it blog head?
There is no racist comments, its just a tedious joke Blogheads been using for far too long.
Little hint gooners - dont believe what bloghead says
Nyssie - dont be a fool, dont pander to blogheads primitive needs
was just about to say nyssie, blog head is talking shit. i've chatted to bong loads of times and we may have a few arguments but its only footie banter. he's no racist
OK. Theres nothing wrong with a bit of banter between rival football fans - it can be a laugh...but no need for racism. Thats just fucking ignorant
yes of course blog head, nyssies gonna trust you!! your own fans don't trust you, why should nyssie?
Bong if is was hilers wing man youd be the first person id persecute, stupid twathead
I mean - Bloghead, if i really was Hitlers 'wing man' you would be the first person id persecute, dickwad.
This puff is ok!
Bloghead your a cretin
Your mums a crack whore
Gone a bit quiet bloghead - has lessons started again???
Nyssie - rather than delete comments, you should be pleased your blogs picking up.
It was a bit quiet on here before wasnt it???
You see that little icon at the bottom of the page under the counter? The one that says ADDFREE STATS? That allows me to see ALL of your IP addresses, where you are on the planet, where you linked to this site from etc.
I really can't be arsed to start blocking IPs.
So come on lads keep it sweet, eh?
I go wherever the banter is Bloghead.
Which explains why i spend most of my day with my head up your mothers big cunt
Just clarify something for me....are bong and bloghead both Tottenham fans?
Nyssie -
Yes i am. Why???
Doesn't matter...
bloghead aint a spurs fan he's always giving them shit
Yeah, im a gooner and a racist.
Quality banter as usual Bloghead. Where do u get your talent?
Seriously, why dont u come on the spurs blog anymore?
Havnt seen any evidence of people "hating" me on the spurs site bloghead, and even if they did then bothered bcoz its only internet banter.
I dont class internet people as "mates" bloghead, something i bet you do my geeky spotty very stupid friend
Amen Dan Mac
Bloghead your such a prick.
Did u set out to become the biggest prick on these blogs on purpose,
or did it just happen naturally?
Brilliant, bloghead. Simply brilliant
Thats it Bloghead, crawl back under that rock u came from
U big twat
Theres 2 many childish shite on here, and its ruinin whats used 2 be a very good blog, so cut it out.
This is a Arsenal blog not a spurs blog!!!!!!!
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