Big Sol is fit once more - and just in time! He should start this Saturday against the scum...
"I think he is back now and I'm pleased with that," said Le Boss. "He had a good performance physically and looked quite strong for the ninety minutes."
Great news Sol is back. Not only do we have the best football team but also the best looking.
WHAT ??????????????????????
Sol is good looking????
Your having a laugh right ?
Oh yes, very good. The impersonations and childishness have started early today.
Im not being childish.
Im Edgar D from a apurs blog.
I mean Ginola was / is good looking.
Does he compare to Sol ?
Me thinks not
You gotta appeal to the chicks man
I'm a dude, dude.
You still gotta appeal to the chicks
Gooner ladies are a very discerning bunch, it's the quality of football the Arsenal play that appeals to them.
Mandy, spot on. Its football that counts at the end of the day.
Reizeger(former Holland and Boro defender) was among the worst looking lads but was better in his old days.
I mean
He was better in his football in his earlier days.
Franny Jeffers is a SORT...
Having said that I still think we should sign David Beckham
How bout Luke Chadwick? Another looker!
Face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle!
Luke Chadwick. Play dot to dot with his spots and find out what he really looks like.
Edgar, Sol is hunky.
Very poor Edgar. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time then post as me? The humour just blows me away.
Mandy ???
Sorry this is the real edgar.
Ive never posted as you .its a lowlife pi4ece of shit called bloghead.
HAted by Arsenal and spurs fans alike
Hey shorty
Your a Dwaft
Mandy, if you don't want anyone posting as you, register. Your name will appear in blue and no-one will be able to use it!
Dwarfs have there use
I think I'll return later when the Spuds kids get bored. I guess we won't be bothered after the weekend when they're put back in their place and yet another Spuds false dawn is confirmed.
Cheers Nyssie, will do.
As sol would say...UP THE ARSE
Sorry, Edgar.
Eddy, not that again.
What do you wanna chat about bro ?
Great result last night. Getting in the groove to thump the spuds on Saturday.
Great result last night. Getting in the groove to thump the spuds on Saturday.
Shorty,Call me whatever names that come to your head.Am not bothered, surely am not.
Shorty, You are a lad with a burning desire of recognition,What you've failed to get to your head is, Calling people names;NUTS etc,gets you no where but just gives me an idea of you.
yeah beating sunderland - thats a real fucking hard task.
Something tells me that we may just give you a bit more a of a game than the dirty mackems
Well said nil. Its about time these spud cunts fuck off. i am totally fed up with them now.
never in a million years edgar. you couldn't even beat Grimsby for fuck sake
Lets chat about...zzzz....
The young lads at Arsenal who are worth a mention in football in comparisson with the spuds kids a like.
your lot can't construct a winning team
Whatever,If you can understand a word that Nil says you are as retarded as he is.
the difference between spurs and arsenal is that our young players are better
How come were above you in the league then ?
Answers on a postcard to N17
you must be the retarded one for supporting the spuds, you cretin
After saturday we will be above you and a game in hand
Stop stop
Is that the best you can do ?
Thats fucking pathetic
You have to win games in hand.There not a given.
You couldnt beat WBA for fukks sake.
What do you do for a living ?Are you Nils teacher or something.
you're pathetic edgar, coming on here trying to stir it up. fuck off to spud land.
i am sick to death of you lot on here
Eddy 12:38, Not all people are English Get that to your head please.
i run my own successful business and have more money then you or your kind will ever have.
NO mate.
Your the pathetic one,Yday we were on here and theres some top lads on here (all gooners) and we had a fun,intelligent conversation.
Funny that you werent here then isnt it ?
Mr Serge
I doubt it very much,then again Florists do make a lot of money.
And whats "my kind"
Are you a Rascist ?
Eddy....Just log off this blog.
you are a frickin idiot.
Mr.Serge, have you read the Andrade transfer rumours?
Fuck off.
Serge is a Rascist who thinks that coming on here telling everyone how much money hes got and how hes better than me or "my kind".
Its a shame as theres some clever lads on here who are ok.
take nil's advice edgar, we don't want your kind
no nil didn't read it, was in a board meeting
edgar you are only tolerated on here. you lot are no longer welcome. you are not fit to clean my boots. i earn more in a week then you do in a year.
edgar you are only tolerated on here. you lot are no longer welcome. you are not fit to clean my boots. i earn more in a week then you do in a year.
edgar you are only tolerated on here. you lot are no longer welcome. you are not fit to clean my boots. i earn more in a week then you do in a year.
Board meeting.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Hats off to you serge your a funny fucker.
For a rascist that is.
fuck off the pair of you. i earn more in a week then you do in a year.
i have a £20m business and drive a £70k car. What you got.
fucking council estate spud supporting losers
Mate your funny.
I used to play that game too when i was 7.
Action man was the chairman of the board and barbie was his pa.
Is that like your company.
for fuck sake. what is the blog turning into these days? who the fuck is on who's side?
i'm totally confused..
to the spuds logged on now, i'd like to know if you're confident of staying above us come May, or whether you're just milking your good form on this blog while it lasts?
you know that one of my employess is actually Routledge's girl friend. I wind him up when he comes to get her after work.
Your council shit kind spud losers should get a life.
Does it excite you to come on a blog and tell people how much you earn.
Dont you think its a bid sad.
Spuds, this is a goonerblog, your kind not welcome.
Nice chatting but I have a business to run and money to make. Two things you poor pricks know nothing about.
Can i get a life like yours ?
Yeah youd better go mate - Show action man whos running the show.
Give barbie a banging from us
you need an education first
children. you're not fit to wash my car
OK serge dude
Whatever you say man,"my kind" know there place.
It will be tight I agree.Spurs arent like we used to be when going one down was norm game over- hence I think we will just edge it
Ive just been out to get Boss man mr serges lunch.
Ill be cleaning his shoes in a bit
Jobby heres a question for you.Us sours fans think most of you on here are ok.
Is Mr Serge always a Total Prick?
Sours ?????
Sorry - trying to type whilst cleaning Sergios boots
I meant
Yeah Edgar
Serge is a total prick
Mr. Serge,
You're a bit of a patronising cock aren't you.
Ooh, look at me, I'm in a board meeting!
Think you're better than us? Think again, the car you drive doesn't define you as being a respectable or even accepted member of society. If you had any sort of education you'd know that!
Most of your arguements are floored by those blinkers you guys keep passinground.
Fact is it will be close, we won't capitulate like we have in the past, and we are perfectly capable of beating you. We are a club on the rise, you're in decline.
And if you really have you're own business I just hope for your sake you're not lying to yourself about other things (being liked, profits turnover etc.)
Oh and try looking Prof Adizes - Corporate Lifecycles, How and why corporations Grow and Die. Spurs are in the 'juvenille phase and are in the ascendancy, whereas the arse are entering 'early bureacracy'. The only eventual outcome for that is business death (you've spent too much, lack innovation and have subjected themselves to too much risk in building a new stadium at the wrong time). Cant' wait for the EU to slap limitations on income from television rights. Intellectualise that you prick.
It's just that you're chosing ot ignore the facts, and it's possibley the most entertaining thing you can do.
Kind regards,
It wasn't really me. Someone is using my name. Honest.
Though I do have my own business and expensive car, which many people don't.
Tricky - Great Post
Ajes Bang on.
Imagine having a arsenil site where the people that post the most are Spurs fans.
If it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny.
Serge you are such a creep. Post that shit and then when people have a go back come up with that fucking excuse.
Sad little man.
Why would ANYBODY pretend to be a sad fucking loser like you.
Fuck off edgar, you are just jealous.
Yeah im jealous.
In fact I wont sleep tonight in the 5 bedroom house in Richmond (that well known poor part of SW london)which I own.
You really are a total Prick.
Being seriouse HOW do you live on 70k a year,I havent earnt that little since my late 20's.
OH dear Serge your not the ONLY one that earns money on here ???
Even the arsenal fans hate you.They all came on our blog when you were in your Board meeting with Ken and Barbie apologising for having YOU as a fan.
Dream on Edgar. I can buy your kind over and over.
You pathetic scum.
Youve bored me now.
I have to say serge has been on here before mentioning how much he earns.
He mentioned it yesterday on the post 'AW: It's a very exciting time'.
If you check it, it was one of the last posts.
Other gooners can confirm he was bragging to a Chelski fuck pig a little while back.
Mr. Serge, oh Mr Serge,Helloo
How are the blinkers working?
Jealousy is not something any true spur could fell for someone who comes out with the trite meaningless, bland statements that you have.
Are you ignoring me, or are you just working up the courage to face what you know to be true. Someone, who you have, no knowledge of what soever, to whom 'I drive a 70K car' just to me reads as 'fragile ego and more interested in status than acceptability'. Couple that with 'which is more than most people have' and I'm starting to think 'napolean complex' obviously it would be difficult for me to say whether that manifests itself from the physical form.
But your overemphasis on superiority clearly stems from some form of concern?
The question now is what?
Is it the game? Or is it your life?
Personally I've gone over some of your previous posts and have come to a conclusion - Pretentious Prick.
PS, I know a guy who's the MD of a £500 million business who's a gooner. Now his position is by the by. Fact is regardless of whom he supports he's a boggle-eyed untrustworthy prize idiot. Status isn't everything you know!
I work for Serges company and can confirm hes a total prick.
Me too
I work for serge PLC and hes a Rascist.
Serge used to be my boss - but I had to leave as the sexual harassment was too much
Sol Campbell
Age 31
All of you fuck off
and Yawwwnnnnnnniiiiinnnnnnngg.
Spurs fans, you are welcome here when football is the topic, when you get in here telling people how good a teacher of English you are, you aint welcome anymore.
For a man that is soooooooooo succesful your temper is a bit suspect
Dont have a coronary
You need all the lessons you can get .
Mr Serge made me dance for him naked once.
George Graham
fucking council shit losers
Please excuse my sons behaviour
He suffers from a "delusional" illness - weve had this problem many times.
Ill call the Police now
Mr Serges Mum
Who is this Serge ?
I didnt see it
Arsene Wenger
The early anon was right, he was mentioning about his board meeting, and heads of departments, yesterday on one of the posts.
Leave Serge alone - Hes a good man
Peter Sutcliffe
Caught out ?
Bothered ?
Fuck off and drive your mini cabs
Eddy, I told you,
but as reminder since i have noticed you're one of the many Spurs fans who cant understand,
Before you get lessons rolling over your sleeves for me, Just take a look at some posts in here from some spurs fans, notably Anon 2:03, You will realise that you still have much to do in the lane before you get me lessons.
I support Arsenal because I am successful and you support the spuds because you're mini cab driving losers.
I'm off for the day. Benefit of when you are the boss.
Nothing like a well thought out constructive argument ?
Some questions for you all then, footie onyl this time.
When King came up against Henry in the last world cup, how many did Henry score?
What is your away record this year (spurs currently 2wins and 3drawn).
Mana for man in midfield, it's probably equal on the defnesive capability) but how is Lauren going to cope with the pace of someone like Lennon?
Howmany of you wish you had at least one english player, playing for your team week in week out? And does that mena you all follow different international teams?
You're still a prick Mr. Serge, by the way. Not the least of which is because you request a conversation based on logic and structure, and as yet I have seen no acknowledgement!
nil you are priceless, son. You're like an episode of 'Hello, Hello'.
BYE Serge dude.
Hope your mums cut the crusts of your sandwiches.
Have fun on your trike
PS, I'm quite successful actually! and that was me above sorry, forgot to sign it, you could probably guess anyway.
Byee, and Mr. Serge don't forget tear stains are hard to get out of leather seats.
Just realised it's half term!
That's why there are loads of knobs on here!!!
Anon 2:12 and you have had problems paraphrasing your words.
weve??? whats that..did you mean we've
Do one pal.This aint your blog no more.
The Spurs boys are here.where have you been all day anyway - Getting a new uniform with your mum ?
Bet nyssie won't post on Monday after the gooners get beat.
Yeah thats right edgardavids...been getting my new school uniform.
My mum's livid - I'm growing so fast these days it's costing her a bomb.
Have you been in the same "board" meeting
Nyssie - Cant you control the people on this blog - Fukk me anyone can post as anyone ?
Sort it out
Of course, he will definately sign on in blue if he wants to give it large.
Gave it large yesterday as well if I can remember. You can esily check.
He has already tried to get out of it once.
Glad to see mummys boy is back.
This blog is really shit.
Its very slow, the same as the scum fans that use it.
Anon 2:26, i bet whether you'll post your un-edited bunch of scum in here on monday after you've lost.
Are you saying that someone like NIL is a bit slow ????
Stopped is a more apt description
How would i know ???????????
I dont really care - Ive had laugh regardless.
Cheers edgardavids....you given me a great idea...
Like what banning us ?
If you do that then that leaves you with 2 other people and NIL
That will be fun
Do we have a bet on this game for saturday ?
Thats what I thought but couldnt remember.
Sorted. Only registered users can post! Now no-one can impersonate anyone else!!!
Why didn't I think of that?!??!?
You are a Dwaft
THAT was the funniest thing ive heard in ages - was laughing on the train home
Its a bit dated - its fun tho
You are a cheeky lad arent you.
I reckon ill win one of them at the very least
Ledley our Leader
I wouldn't ban you lot edgardavids.
You lot kill me.
You don't know how preidctable and bitter you sound all the time.
But then again, if my team had won FUCK ALL for years on end I'd be a bit bitter...
...and now come the lines about how 'our time is coming' and 'Arsenal are going down the shitter' blah blah blah blah...
ajespur, like I said - I don't wanna get rid of you. You boys are fuckin' priceless!!!
71, 2004, 71, 2004
Even IF you do beat us. We've won the league at your ground more times that you've won the league.
Don't be bitter hitman...
Like I said Jack....61, NEVER AGAIN!!!
Shorty...how old are you mate? Seriously.
Someone from the Southern hemispher
Kiwi/sa/nz etc
Your bonkers bro
day one I apple eat.
Rain it tommorow
YOU disturb me GREATLY.
Your as mad as a bag of ferrets
Dont you think that its sad that we are outnumbering your fans about 6-1.
Thats shocking.
Too right.
This is like the old days.
YOU Rock man.Your a walking advert for what drugs can do to a mans brain
He comes from Fuck knows where
He types without a care
NILO Oh oh oh Nilo OH OH OH
He comes on Nyssies Blog
He types just like a dog
He doesnt speak English
I think hes on the Pish
What website
Ha ha ha
Unlucky ?????
You are honoured to have me and all the other Spurs lads here brightening up your otherwise dull,non existent,mid table lives.
"Arsene said he will be playing on saturday"
Are you that desperate ?
did you like your song ?
Because Mr Literate it looks like youve said Wenger is playing himself.
Please tell me where you live so that i and the fellow spurs fans dont send our kids to any of the schools near you.
Thats as maybe but It wasnt a special needs class like yours
Are you Austistic ?
我說滾開 bollocks 你的女性陰部
NEVER call sunderland a prem side.
Are you still here ?
Fuck me.
YOU have a job.
Do you work for the Sun ?
Ive just realised who NIL is
WIgan will finish higher than you
Right im off for the day.
I noticed that jobby....anyway gotta breeze - got a fuckin sales meeting. FUMING!!!
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