Le Boss: "Ch*lsea Can Collapse"

"They are unreachable so far," AW told L'Equipe.
"But perhaps they will become human again. Sometimes one blip is enough."
"This year, more than ever, at Boxing Day, we will reach the 18th match, while usually we have passed the 20th."
"So everything will be settled at that time. Ch*lsea can collapse. We can be back but we can't make any mistakes again."
Slightly optimistic I feel. Can't see how the Christmas period is likely to affect Chelsea as much as it will us considering they have 11 internationals on the bench.
westside its not as optimistic as jose saying they are going to win the league by christmas and against us as well, i think they have a loss coming very soon and then we will see they size of there acorns mate, come on you gunners we will be 9 pts behind if we win our game in hand, we have been further behind than that and won the league
shorty you have more chance of getting a blowjob from ossie ardilles than taking 3 points against the gunners, please try and outplay us!!!!! i am terrified of Mido and defoe not
Here we go....
Serge is a 40 yr old SheMale virgin.
shorty good retort to my comment, i assure you i am not gay :) or french
If Arsenal miss out on an automatic CL place, or even a CL position, on goal difference by one goal. Will the gooners still think that the Henry/Pires should have tired what they did?
It was unprofessional and unoriginal. I think it shows the ego of Henry.
Plus, what a lame excuse Pires gave, 'my leg went numb'. Robbo made a mistake but at least he did not come out with playground shit.
Love the comment by Charlie Nicholas on Sky's Gillette Soccer Saturday about Robert Pires. Nicholas said 'Pires has been scared of Danny Mills all game and is now behaving like a 14 year old and throwing a tantrum'.
Suppose thats better than his usual cheating by diving all the time.
The last Arsenal game I saw was on TV and as I accidently knocked the set Pires fell over!
At the Gunners’ Annual General Meeting, the French coach confessed he was interested in signing three young England internationals before he was beaten to the post by the White Hart Lane club.
Manager Wenger was responding to criticism of overlooking English talent in the transfer market, something he has been accused of in the past.
However, had he had his way, the Spurs trio of Michael Carrick, Jermain Defoe and Paul Robinson would be regulars at Highbury rather than White Hart Lane.
Carrick and Defoe were then at Wets Ham United whilst Robinson was at Leeds United, yet despite his interest, Wenger was unable to conclude deals for any of the three stars.
And the three of them only cost £11.5m.
Still no answer to the post at 12:18
Thats not the ame Jack, as you well know.
There was no need for it. It was purely driven by personal ego and no consideration for the team.
Your example is based on a management decision regarding players fitness levels and fixtures. If a team pulls a goal back then that is down to the opposition's ability. What happened Saturday had nothing to do with the opposition and was brought by two players ego's.
How do you feel about Wenger's admission at the Arsenal AGM when he admitted that he want Carrick, Defoe and Robinson but could not clinch the deals. It's not like Spurs paid huge amounts for them, or massive salaries (Defoe was reportedly on £15k per week until he was offered a new contract) and Keane was the highest earner, before Davids, on £35k per week. But, Arsenal still lost out. Seems strange to me that one.
Maybe Carrick, Defoe etc were aware, but wanted first team football? I can't imagine another reason why anyone would opt for spurs over Arsenal.
No comeback Jack.
They wouldn't have been guaranteed first team football at Spurs. When Danny Murphy wanted that in his contract, Spurs refused, and that was why the deal fell through.
That's what I am saying. Why a team in the CL could not sign them. It is just not these three, there have been plenty of decent players available that Wenger did not sign.
By admitting that at the AGM, on top of the Viera sale, must have affected his creditability.
Maybe it is as simple that they did not want CAMPbell or 'I live with a gay Swedish porn star' Freddie in the same dressing room as them!
The way the league is at the moment goal difference can be very important. If you miss out on second and so have to play a qualifier at the start of next season, the players will have to return early to training after a world cup.
This can not be ideal.
It surprises me that there seems to be things not right at Arsenal, yet a majority of supporters are happy to pretend otherwise. I believe in supporting your club, but be realistic.
Is 'creditability' a new word??? I must say I prefer the old one...credability.
The problem of typing too fast while speaking to clients on the telephone.
I will try harder next time.
The trouble is, to sign quality players in January is dependent on their clubs being knocked out of the champions league.
Anon.12.51, because we are not slagging our team off does not mean that we are entirely happy, it means we are loyal. You pricks are bouncing off the walls because you are 3 points in front of us having played a game more. Realism is something that should be reciprocal. Standards have been set and we aren't matching ours whilst you are exceeding yours considerably. Says a lot doesn't it??
Arsenal are not on the way down, despite how much I would like that to be the truth as a Spurs fan. But, all is not rosy.
Begeegs summed it up, you should be able to be realistic without the accusations that you are not a true supporter.
Well said WSG!
Just like there are gooners with their heads up their arse about things being rosy at Arsenal; there are Spurs fans that have gone over the top. You are right, being realistic a top six finish is the best we can hope for and the top three will be the usual suspects.
I thought we next Saturday would be a draw or a gooner win, but with no Davids it looks favourable for your lot.
It's not a case of caring Jack. I thought this was a gooner football blog, and that you wouldn't be interested with whats going on at the Lane. That's why I talked about Arsenal.
The trouble is Jack, Spurs are still potential and it can still very easily go the wrong way. Over a season, experienced pro's normally make the difference.
After watching the whole Spurs match I thought we deserved the draw, and that Man U are pretty toothless.
Take Rooney out of the team and they are pretty poor.
The only problem with Jol is that he looks like Barry out of Eastenders. Other than that, we are happy with him.
I hope Janine kills him and you get Christian Gross or Ossie Ardiles back.
Pleash Janine pleash! I shwear I didnt eat all da shpashe cakesh!
Christian Gross's managerial record was better than GG and Hoddle's!
If i'm honest i can't begrudge sp*rs a bit of success after years of ineptitude. i'd rather a chelski, arse and spuds 1,2 3 and see the mancs crash and burn to be honest.
talk of vieira going to utd. i always had a hunch that might happen. he always spoke of them in hihh esteem when he played for us.
Hold on Shorty. Pires had a good excuse for that, his 'leg went numb'. Along with his brain, I thinks.
Be careful mow, you gooners have had your embarrassing periods as well.
How short memories some people have.
Even Henry was wetting himself in the interview after the match, he doubled up laughing when providing Pires' excuse.
Short memories or glory hunting supporters who have jumped on the band wagon?
Eddy The Red said...
I can't believe everybody is so casual about the Henry/Pires farce. Doesn't this one incident sum up the nightmare that our season is becoming? Wenger will do anything to keep Henry happy so he'll sign a new contract. Henry and Pires are playing silly buggers because they know that with the paper-thin squad we've got our season is meaningless so they might as well have a laugh. And they couldn't care less because they're both going to somewhere else next year. Can you imagine that happening if we were in the hunt for the Premiership and every point was vital?
Bergkamp was very unamused by it all.
2:01 PM
Depends if he can get Freddie out of his ass in time.
I know you're not the sharpest tool in the box Jack but have a day off once in a while.
Hi Gooners.
I just had an argument with a man u fan, according to him,Van has been top scorer in the CL since he joined, this is absolute rubbish.(i thought morientes was the top scorer in 2003/2004 when with monaco)
Can someone give a link please!!!
Well if Henry will keep shagging Pires and Campbell, what do you suspect.
I think your players will be back now that Davids will not be playing.
They were shitting themselves.
How do you know Henry is a doubt.
I saw the gooners celebrating Pires goal on Saturday. You have some fat fucks as supporters. No wonder you are selling so many season tickets for the new stadium, tow seats per ass!
Anon 2:15, am one who will never accept that TH and Bobby are having a laugh since they will be off in the summer.
No player in a challenging team wants to get out of a season without a medal(may be players of spurs who are not after the league cup but only finishing a head of Arsenal)
Having said that, Mistakes happen,can someone remember last season when Kanu had an empty net to score,only to try something extra ordinary, thus he missed to score an empty net...i think as titi said it, when you take such a risk and score,the goal remains in the minds of fans for long.
Afternoon lads
Why would that worry us. the only people you pissed off were your own supporters.
Are you one of the fat bastards mentioned in the previous post.
Racist nil is back.
Fernando,so how did you know that Sol is Gay?
Not only is nil a racist but thick as shit as well.
You all a bit "sulky" about bobby and tel fucking up on Saturday.
As me old mate paul weller said
"thats entertainment"
Another training ground routine works superbly.
Ed, Good afternoon
Fuck me your not very chatty in here are you.
Hello jack - quiet place youve got here ?
Jack what was it saying? did i miss something.
I saw and read it.
edgar,we all make it sound. so shout it up and we follow the queue
MMM - i think it will be close.
Cant believe sky havent put it on either - for the purist you have Fulham V Wigan,Quality
Jack, feel me in.
are my missing something?
So Edgar, who is going to play instead of you on Saturday??
i agree that what pires and henry did was wrong and very un arsenal like bergy looked very angry with them,probably thinking"fucking idiots"but there is no need to crucify them,i am glad you spurs boys think you have a chance we will talk about your loss to us next monday
His last bird was ropey as fuck. At last he has gone for quality.
jack you have a much higher regard for your players than us spurs fans. bergkamp being out would not fill us with hope. if old man bergkamp is one of your better players you really are in trouble
WSG,nice one.
I here they are not playing for the title but to finish top of Arsenal,if it mysteriously happends that we dont finish second.
I have this gut feeling that we might pull out of the odds and win the EPL.
Doesnt make sense - would the neutral fan rather watch Fham v Wig
Fulham have 5 fans and Wigan fans get there tickets free with Rugby league tickets.
Westside Gooner
I think
anon 2.44 bergy may not be the player he was but he would still get into your team, i think spurs fans hate him because when he signed for us he was on his way to WHLane in sugars limo and he made the driver wait while he went to highbury and signed,
westside sol ex was ugly as sin,
don't agree with the spurs fan who doesn't rate bergkamp. i'm a spurs fan and i think he's quality. as davids has showed, it doesn't matter how old you are
its not going to be a ferocious war at the lane both teams will try and outplay each other
Mr Serge
Fact of the matter is when Bergkamp was about to sign he double double checked with his agent that we werent interested - hes a lifelong spurs fan.
Sadly we didnt sign him.
Can you hear the drums ?
You'll miss Davids I think. He adds solidity to your midfield. Much the reason we are missing Vieira.
Fernando, last question,what were you doing in a gay website?
Anyway,we haven't come in here to talk of who is and who is not gay.
I really dont care, as long as he does good at the pitch.
It's a pity no Davids on Saturday. I would have loved to him up against the light weights Fabrigas and Flamini
Nyssie...If the gooners lose on Saturday, will you post on the Monday?
You have a terrible habit of not posting after a defeat.
If Tainio plays he doesn't mind have a kicking match.
Agreed.Another quality decision from Uriah Rennie.
Still I think mendes will be a good replacement for this match.
hes the one that can just sit,mop up ,tackle.
Sadly there was no such thing as the internet last time you lot beat us so it would be a unique scenario for us all.
Do you think the umpa lumpa reid will play
Edgar, Mendes played in the C.L final for Porto didn't he??
Fernando, I would prefer DB10 to all those you have mentioned in regards to the current arsenal team.
Westside Gooner
At least Mendes has a Champs lge winners medal - which is one more than any arsenal midfielder will ever have.
Facts wrong again WSG, but you are good for a laugh, a bit like Pires.
fernando if those forwards have half the career dennis has had then they will be superstars, i would swap him for defoe but the others can all feck of mido is not even your player,and i don't rate him either, keane has 1 good game every 4 they are not fit to clean his boots
Yep - think Davids has two also maybe one (def one with Ajax)
Just think Jol isnt a fan (mendes).
serge you need to watch mido more. i didnt rate him at first but this season he has come into his own. his work rate and movement are superb
Bergkamp is class.
No hiding it.
Just wish wed have signed him when we had the chance - still we had
Chris Armstrong so he wouldnt have fitted in ha ha ah
Anon 2.57, facts wrong about what??
anon 2.56 you are putting in your 1st team players for our reserves,apart from lehman and robinson, but if you said toure instead of dawson, sol instead of king,silva instead of carrick i would say hell yes, and as for fabregas he is 18 years old and playing regular CL footie you keep you CM ers
Anon 2:56,strongly with all my heart, i would rather have Lehman than Robinson in regards to the current form.
nil what a load of bollox. you really saying that lehmann is better tha robinson , even on current form lehmann is not fit to clean robbos boots. how many other gooners agree with you.
You serious RE Lehmann ?
You borrowed Wengers glasses ?
I rate Carrick. Good player and if Wenger knew he was outing Paddy we should have made more of an effort.
serge 3:01 post, you must have been sniffing the kebab fat again to believe that.
Edgar, Mendes has CL medal..hell yeah,
So would i choose Traore(Liverpool) over Ashley because the former has a CL medal, Hell NO
Carrick is class.For the 1st time in years we have a decent midfield as opposed to one decent mfielder and 3/4 average ones
but nil you forget mendes is a class act. sadly for some reason jol doesn't rate him
but nil you forget mendes is a class act. sadly for some reason jol doesn't rate him
davids has 1 CL medal with ajax and 4 runners up medals with milan and juve, mendes one with porto, our players dont have 1 but 4 do have world cup winners medals,and 3 have european cup medals whats your point, davids won that when he was world class and not with your club
Fair point
So does Harry Kewell - that blokes a disgrace.
davids has 2 cl medals, for the record.
will nyssies post on monday if you lot lose
I stand strong with what i said, i would go with Lehman.
I may be wrong in here, but to just ask,Who has more clean sheets? having in mind Arsenal have not been having a constant back four.
Also, Arsenal have no "maestro" like Eddy in the CM.
your not on the same planet nil. most gooners talk sense and then you post
Not being biased but Lehmann isnt same league as Robbo ? its something like 30 games since wba scored twice - the last time it happened guess who the keeper was ?
Correct.Jenny Lehmann
What I or some of us here forget is, Eddy,Mendes won the CL a couple of seasons ago,If am to choose a player, i go with the current ability and contribution.
With due respect,i would go with the current not the former.
edgar davids has only 1 champs league medal he was runner up 4 times,trust me i know my footie
and as for jens i would swap him for fatty robbo for sure
in that case nil robbo is STILL better than the german long streak of paralysed piss that occupies your goal.
will nyssie post if gooners lose. he normally doesn't after a defeat
That doesnt make ANY sense ?
serge you know fuck all about football. The statement about preferring Lehman's proves that point.
I bet you are one of those fat gooners I saw in the crowd when Pires celebrated his goal. You have two season tickets, one for each ass cheek.
With honesty,Robinson has had a good season no doubt...but we should also consider players who have been playing a head of him. Arsenal have changed their back four with Toure and Ralph being the only consistent players.
If you look at the CM, the same has been, not with standing that we have been light weight on that front to.
To me a keeper is good when he makes REALLY good saves, Cech is a good keeper with lots of clean sheets with Chelsea but if you look at his record with the Czech Rep. he too conceedes as many as Jens for that matter.
nyssies is a bottle merchant.
Your right.
Ajax 95 - the rest are runners up
Were not comparing there Intl careers.
to quote you "CURRENT" prem.
Cech has much better back for at chelsea than he does for Czeech rep.
Your talking cack
anon 3.18 i said i would swap him for robbo so this signifies that i do not prefer the german to him right? as for one f the fatties in the crowd no i am not fat at all so was not me mate :) you got me mixed up and i do know about footie pal i probably know more about your team than you do
Spurs haven't had a stable defence this season either. In 10 games, because of injuries, Spurs have had to use King, Stalteri, Lee, Kelly, Gardner, Naybet, Edman and Dawson.
Very consistent back four. Now what is you argument.
edgar i like the banter between our clubs the younger spurs fans are more aggresive and less knowlegable than the older guys, just like the youth of today
Aye - bang on.
For the record I would take Robinson over Mad Jens. Although Jens' form has been better of late, Robinson has been in great form. I know somebody is going to mention his fuck up at O.T now. And that save against the sheep shaggers was fantastic.
serge likes anyone that doesn't oppose him. sorry mate we're not all creeps
Id someone has a pop then they clearly know fuck all about football.
Just glad we got him when we did,£1,5m has to be THE bargain of the decade.he is our schmeichel - minus being danish,gobby,rednosed and a fucking idiot.
That aside tho - LEGEND.
Edgar,thats exactly what am saying. Our back four have left Jens being more exposed than your back four and CM's have done to Robbo.
Cech has a better four at chelsea you are right, So should we conclude he is better than Buffon because he has more clean sheets? I think NO.
He hardly makes saves,when playing for chelsea.....SO his true self is when he has a mediocre four when playing for Czech Rep like the way Jens has been with Arsenal.
I'll step though and say,Robbo has been good,but his true self would be seen if he was in a team like Arsenal who either are light weight or just expose the keeper because of the "ATTACKING" game.
To be fair anon.3.28 I fucking hate all things Spurs, but it doesn't mean we can't be objective. I'm sure Edgar hates Arsenal with a passion but this is what they were saying about being grown ups. Now run along and finish your homework.
Youve lost me.Im sure there was a point in there somewhere tho.
I take it for a rest.
anon 3.28 why do you remain anon and snipe at us all day a tad cowardly wouldnt you say i dont mind the banter i dont like the disrespectfull personal comments
So before we all go off the beaten track. My team for Spurs(A).
WSG i would go for
RvP(if well by then)
Give me an Honest Answer to this.
Will Henry leave at the end of the Season (this one)
Eddy,I would say NO.
Reason being.He loves it here in London.
I would also add that, I feel he just wants to make the Club sign atleast someone who will try to cover the missing link in the team.
I honestly think he would like to stay. If we sign a couple (maybe 3) good players I believe he will be here next season.
Do you have the cash tho to sign 3 more decent players
Nil, Pires always does well against Spurs. Although he hasn't been playing well I wouldn't drop him for this game. Experience is key in Derby matches. Mixed with the youth obviously.
I think him being a captain, he talks to Arsene and knows that the Cash is present and would love to see it spent.
I think the cash is there to spend. Wenger will only go for exactly what he wants and if he cannot get that player he'll get no-one.
mr davids i think henry is being clever and hedging his bets, if he signed already he would not have any say in if we buy or not, this way he is saying to the board match my ambition or i am off, i have no doubt in my mind he will stay if hill wood losens the purse strings, maybe torres in jan would be a good start
I think that Henry being captain has weighed him down.
Thanks for your views Fernando, they will be stored accordingly.
WSG, you're right,But i would play Reyes in the Mid,Pires has done well against Spurs but his current form hasn't won my heart though.
I think i would play RvP upfront with Titi,though the last time they did RvP looked invisible i.e. against Sparta.
Why do you pose as Fernando one minute and anon the next??
jack is it true you take it up the ass
jack you really are a waste of space. your comments on here are stupid. stick to reading shoot magazine and leave the chat to men
Your obsession with poofs is quite alarming. If you want to talk about ass bandits go back to your own site as you all seem to know plenty about it.
Eddy am going to be sceptical when answering that.You look to be trying to get how us fans feel and wind us up at the end of the day.
Titi has never been weighed down by being captain.
He has played 6 matches, 4 in the league and 1 in the CL 1 inn the CS and he has 5 goals,so about weighing him down i dont think so.
Arsenal has money to spend, i would also think again that, If AW with whatever reason he may give decides not to buy in Jan,TH wil wait upto the summer and he sees whats up the sleeves,if Arsene then doesn't buy in the summer,then I think Henry will leave and he will prove that he too has no heart with Arsenal again.
anon 4.13 to be fair sol's position was different to henrys, sol never even played in europe until he came to us, henry gets regular chapions league footie and is in with a shout of honours every year, he is 28 and its his last huge contract coming up.good on him putting pressure on the board
dan mac-you r a knob! how can you talk about men when you come on here impersonating others? LOSER
If Arsenal genuinely had the money Wenger would have spent it. There have been players he has wanted but not signed, hence his admission at the AGM when he said that he tried to sign Robinson, Carrick and Defoe but lost out to Spurs.
Arsenal have pretended to go for players in the press just to appease their fans, with no real intention of signing them. How else can you explain one of the top CL teams being unable to attract players.
Actually serge, campbell did play in europe for spurs. sorry yo contradict your vast football kbnowledge, particularly as you say, you know more about my club than i do!
what other club can offer him garanteed champions league footie and a challenge for honours every year, real,chelsea,milan, are the only other clubs,he has had a taste of being left out (juve) real have 5 world class strikers, so he will be benched for some games, chelsea we would not sell him to them,milan? they have shevchenko and gilardino they would not want to rock the boat
Does anyone really know who the real danmac is
Dan Mac fuck off back to your own site you jewish cunt. infact why dont all of you stinking yids fuck off. Especially the caps lock cunt.
henry will go to barca where he can play in the same team as Eto, Ronaldinho and Deco. whta a team that will then be.
plus cole off to real madrid.
Did Sol play when Stevie Carr scored that corker in Germany??
WSG does that mean the arsenal jewish supporters you racist cunt
By the way that wasn't me saying all that anti-semitic shit.
yes, he played in all the matches.
thats a bit racist 4 32. but couldnt agree more
Anyone on here would know that isn't my style. Nyssie can you block that cunt signing in as different people??
That definitely wasn't WSG...
sorry i meant never played in the champs league not the 2 appearences he had for you in the UEFA cup but 2 appearances are hardly significant are they?
Who was it then. did you leave your computer for a split second . racist prick
WSG you are going to be next "racist" as i was called in here....
I would if i could WSG - I've got NO time for that sort of carry on....
Whoever wrote that should sort their fucking life out.
it was actually 4 matches. but i was surprised after your arrogant statement about your football knowledge that you got it wrong.
The best thing to do is register - that way your name will appear in blue - and no-one can duplicate it.
WSG we know thats not you mate!as for henry going to barca will that garantee him the european cup?no way how many times has barca won champs league?
good riddance caps lock prick
amazing how you all get sensitive about this, but when nil was racist you backed him. hypocrites
Off for a wank. see you all tomorrow
barca have more chance with henry in their team than arsenal
i thought you had been verbal wanking on here fatso
anon 4.38 he played a whole 4 matches in ten years at spurs?,you must be proud i wonder why he signed for us then hmmmmmmmm, still i know more than you pal, you are not brave enough to put a name to your posts bigman
Anon 4:40 And so was Sol with Arsenal as compared with Spurs.
that was not me that said i was off for a wank funny though i would have been longer if it were me lol. anon 4.41 thanks for the compliment
if you know so much how did you get it wrong, fatso.
the point i am making is not the amount of games but how wrong you are after your arrogant statement. like most thing you post, nothing more than verbal wanking
serge you would have to find it under the roles of lard first
Tricky here, thought I'd check out the other side of the evlutionary scale. Jack, so this is where you hide. Interesting. Bit difficult to read this font on the black background.
I scolled through some stuff, haven't seen WSG on the spurs forum for a while. It seems his split personality disorder is going well.
Anyway, should probably just post this now and see what repost it gets. Most the blogs are quite short.
This is becoming awful.
Spurs!!! do here justice and try to think more better than spelling in here "Wank","cunt' etc
Jack, the tickets were dispatched on Friday according to the club. Start panicking mate.
nil can you be anything than a racist scumbag who talks rubbish, ie lehman better than robbo.
yawn, yawn
we've got your money and we don't care
jacky mummys boy, wash your mouth out
We are going to smash u up on Saturday.
i only paid £50. saw you coming mate
Anon 4:51...thanks for your judgement.Does that make you better now.
bong don't be nasty to mummys boy jack. you know he cries easily.
where's two season ticket(one for each ass cheek) serge
High octane stuff this isn't it.
Just had another scroll through. You appear to attract a high number of freaks to this site, is that normal or is it just today?
By the way, Spurs 1 - Arsenal 0. 'Bout time we took advantage of our current position. Lehman is somewhat prone to the occaisional calamity under pressure (guess that's why he's not germany number one still - and khan must in his forties by now) although David James has apparently applied for copyright to that particular expression.
ps, yes, this makes me a spurs fan to all those a little confused.
Mine were booked by our away day mate who always does the arrangements, so I dont know if ours are there yet. I'll find out tonight and let you know tomorrow. I'm off now so if anyone else gets abused by that fuckwit pretending to be me, then it isn't.
yes it does racist, thankyou
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