AW: "It's a Very Exciting Time"

"I feel we have as strong a squad now as when the team went undefeated," AW said.
"But it's up to us to show it. When I see the quality I see in training, it's about how much we want to show it on the pitch.
"It's a very exciting time. We are questioned about the quality of the team we have - but that shows how strong we are."
"We have been hit hard with injuries," Le Boss continued.
"We lost our three games after the international breaks - those were very difficult away fixtures.
"And not only did we play away and lose after the breaks, but each time we lost a key player, which was a high price to pay.
"If someone I rate becomes available in the transfer market, I will look to make a move.
"But I'm not in a desperate need [to buy] and I am very confident we will come back."
To be frank, I don't know how he can sit there and say we are as strong as the season before last. This is one thing about Wenger that is starting to get on my tits a bit. He wears the 'company face' a bit too much at times and won't admit to problems that we evidently have.
Your thoughts....?
I agree that this is an exciting time in that the kids have a huge amount of potential and it'll be interesting to see which direction the rebuilding of the team takes us. A few quality signings and we'll be a force again.
However to say we're as strong as a couple of seasons ago is ludicrous!!
This Vela kid we've apparently got training with us is supposed to be an exceptional talent, but surely Wenger should have learnt his lesson with the whole Baptista saga. What's the point in chasing players who really don't want to come here?
I must admit that I was far more excited and confident going to games (especially away) a couple of seasons ago and even last season. I love Wenger, but you have to say eventually that you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all..... anyway you know how it goes.
Baptista is a proven player with bags of experience and a hefty price tag that was coverted by top clubs all around europe (and Spurs), bit different situation to this kid.
Wenger is off his rocker. How can the squad be as good as it was 2 years ago when Vieira and Edu have left? Also, Pires form has declined considerably since then, and Bergkamp is less effetive too.
Add to the fact that Ljungberg gets injured almost constantly now, as does Campbell, and it's pretty obvious Wenger is talking out his arse.
I appreciate that he needs to portray a positive image, but it's getting to the point that nothing he says is worth reading anymore.
I have two healthy pair of eyes and Arsenal have only put in one decent performance this season (Ajax), and we didn't start the season with a bagful of injuries.
He needs players 5 or 6. No kids. Otherwise this team will never catch Chelsea - not for 5 years at least.
Agree, but my point was the reports make it sound like his hearts not in it. If you can believe anything you read!!
Do me a favour guys, ignore shorty. He clearly knows fuck all about football and just comes on here to be abusive and make himself feel like a big man. He's a bit of a cunt if the truth be known...
The kid's quoted as saying "my future lies in Spanish football". His current club are apparently happy for him to come here but he needs convincing. With the weather we've had over the last week I say good luck.
It goes without saying Nyssie 10.32. Although I think you may have been a little unfair to cunts, most of us actually have a good use for them.
True true WSG!
Gotta be honest Shorty, you do bring a smile to my face occaisionally....why don't you try talking footie instead of trying to wind people up?
Are you actually going to the game this week Shorty or playing the pauper card again??
Nah...I can't be bothered. Carry on mate...
i agree with all the fan who visit this site .the fact is Mr wenger has started losing his vision these days .Did he still remember the squard that went 49 games un bitten ? and he copmpares it with the current this is a lie.Let the manager adimit the truth.Now when i here that he will not buy in jan and his the same person telling us that we will win the CL either this season or next season .If that his in his mind let him forget every thing.B'se we can not win the CL with the curent squard.And on adition to that if we lose henry then wenger will be like a driver who is taking blind supporters
Anon 10.44 What language is that please??
That's better Shorty. I agree that it should be a good game. Can't believe that Sky have chosen to air the Wigan game. Perhaps they dont like have viewers.
i agree with all the fan who visit this site .the fact is Mr wenger has started losing his vision these days .Did he still remember the squard that went 49 games un bitten ? and he copmpares it with the current this is a lie.Let the manager adimit the truth.Now when i here that he will not buy in jan and his the same person telling us that we will win the CL either this season or next season .If that is in his mind let him forget every thing.B'se we can not win the CL with the curent squard.And on adition to that if we lose henry then wenger will be like a driver who is taking blind supporters
It's obvious there is financial restraints at the club, but they won't admit it.
It's alright saying that he will only sign quality players, but in January you are relying upon big teams being knocked out of the CL so that these players may be available.
Total bollocks.
I think it is a little blinkered to assume that all the best players are playing for C.L teams. An example Torres.
Do you really believe that Wenger will go for Torres?
Arsenal are doing exactly what Spurs have done for so many years and that is to make half hearted attempts to sign players, leak it to the press, just to appease supporters.
Total bollocks.
If Wenger admits that he could not sign Carrick, Defoe and Robinson, for that little transfer money and wages. That they chose Spurs instead, what hope have we got of signing Torres. Be realistic.
What is 10:52 on about?
On another subject, what did you make of David's booking at the weekend?? I saw MJ moaning but I thought it was a blatant yellow.
Who cares what is going on with Spurs?
Anon11.02, I have no idea, my language base does n't spread to Katmandu.
O.K if I can't ween you out lets answer your questions. Torres has a clause in his contract to allow him to leave for 12 million. All clubs apart from Chelsea have financial constraints. Look at our financial year end figures to dispel your last accusation of the club having no money.
Becareful Westside, you may be accused of being a racist!
I said that they are fooling supporters by going for players they have no real intention of signing.
There's no money because of the new stadium, but the club can't admit it. Fair enough but don't embarrass us by trying for players and then failing.
I agree Shorty but in today's football that tackle was a booking whether it was his first foul or his 10th. At Highbury on Saturday there were 2 or 3 tackles that could have resulted in a straight red these days and Bergkamp was lucky not to be red card with Mills for a reaction straight after he was booked. The lack of consistancy is a big problem now and you can normally gauge how a player should behave by looking at the referee. Joey Barton made 3 bad tackles before being booked and another 2-3 after. At one stage old Mr.Burns..sorry Mike Riley went to his pocket and realised who it was before promptly doing nothing.
Personally Shorty I would rather have our youth team out and beat your first team.
Though I will concede that Davids was unlucky, and now without him you don't have a chance in hell.
Davids deserved the booking, but Smith also deserved the booking for the foul on Davids, which was worse. The difference between the two is that Davids got up and walked away without a moan, as Smith cried and moaned like an overgrown tart. Shame really, he was playing well.
What do you think the paedophile select eleven will be tonight. I wonder how many went through the casting couch treatment before signing terms.
Anon 11.12. I fully comprehend what you are saying and the fact that you come on here every day saying it leads me to believe that you are doing the same as the rest of Spurs fans on here in trying to spread negativity. As soon as you realise it wont work the better. But until then, please continue.
Disagree Jack. It seems bleeding obvious to me, yet a large number of supporters ignore it.
We are playing the price of not investing in two/three top quality players a couple of years ago which would have taken us to the next level.
In one way it is good he is careful with the money, but in another way he is holding us back.
What are you on about now westside? Sorry, I thought it was a football blog where you can voice opinions. Did not realise it was a propaganda blog.
anon 11.10 you really have ahang up about racism you have systematically accused arsenal fan after arsenal fan of this grow up i have not seen any racism from these lads,ie,jack,westside,and nil back off and talk football not politics
You have voiced yours and I've disagreed. What's your point???
Mr Serge, it was a joke regarding previous comments on here, and as Westside said 'what language is this'.
Everyone is so sensitive on here today.
Westside you were the one that started with the false accussations. There is no point to make. I put a topic up for discussion and that is all. For some reason you are being a complete asshole today. You're not usually like this.
Serge you have totally misread that post.
with thierry leaving at the end of the seson, and sol and bergkamp coming to the end of there careers that is three big players to replace. you have no money and there are more attractive clubs in the premiership to join. going to enjoy the demise of the goons
sorry if i did anon
i honestly do not think henry will leave as i said yesterday its his leverage to get us to sign new player,if he signs then he has no say in whop comes in to the team,we do have money to spend but arsene is reluctant to get any more kids, he needs players between 22-27 we lack players in that age group,they are either 29 plus or 21 and under
No problems Serge. It seems that the Spuds have wound everyone up on here and now they are being over sensitive. Can't have a discussion on here anymore.
always ready to have a constructive conversation,its hard enough to work and read the blogs and post without having to avoid the young spurs fans giving it the large,eve though their team has underacheived for 20 years, we do not regard spurs as a rival to us,chelski and manure are our rivals,spurs are our neighbours we dont like. you just dont talk to them
Anon 11.30, if I have misread the situation I apologise. With so many Spurs anons on here it is difficult to know who is who.
allworkandnoplay etc of course man u and chelsea regard us as major rivals, we beat one in the last cup final and the other one has beaten us once in ten years, we also have been 1st or 2nd in the last 8 years i think we belong on the top rung dont you :)
off to lunch i await your answer when i get back
shorty you jewish prick. fuck off and grow a foreskin
Jack if you cant see arsenals demise you must have a pair of edgars rose tinted glasses on. heard they are flogging them down highbury
This is the same Pires who has scored against you more times than I can remember. Even forgetting last season when he was only on the pitch for 20 minutes the was one occassion he done it twice in a week (league game at Highbury and Cup semi final). Keep taking the piss Shorty I'm sure it'll really upset him. Although you may not have seen some of these games if they weren't on in the pub.
And you spell it Campbell for fuck sake.
westside commenting on shortys spelling of campbell. arent you the same prick who thought sol was short for solomon
That grow a foreskin shit wasn't me. Funny, as soon as Fernando turns up all this rascist shit starts. As I have said before any rascist shit being attributed to me IS NOT ME>
How do I register Jack??
jack it is me. had enough of the fuckers
Back from the massage parlour where i had lunch today. a couple of chinese cum pies. can email you the address jack. very inexpensive.
why do people keep posting with my name such juvenile tendancies i'm going to register so you know its me silly spurs fans it is truly half term cant wait till you lil wankers go back to school
That can't be Srge back from lunch already. That's too quick for the fat fuck.
If you're gay Jack, that explains why your girlfriend likes to be spit roasted by her university friends.
Sorry Westside. Did not know he was your little fat friend. A season ticket for each ass cheek.
Do you help him wobble about or are you another of the Arsenal fatties.
Is it true that the only reason you have a sell out at your home games is that its two seats to one fat arse. That will explain the capacity and how quiet it is there.
Westside, glad you agree that is the case at the Library.
Because Jack you are doing a Sol CAMPbell. By being seen with a girl you hope that it will dispel the rumours. But of course, you cannot deliver.
So does she like being at Uni.?
That's called the Don Juan syndrome for you morons.
Well, Jack, you are a very twisted person.
I predict
Spurs 2 - You 0
Jesus its like your ground in here.
How come its sooooo quiet ?
West side
I meant this site?
And if your all Fans wont you be there so unable to be here at the same time ?
Thsi is funny - read it
Analogy Of The Day
'Morientes is a bit like bird flu. He's been lethal in other countries and
we keep getting told it's only a matter of time before he makes his mark
here, but there's no sign of it yet' - From The Liverpool Daily Post. Next
they'll be telling us that he's feeling a bit beaky...
Jack did your dad buy you the ticket for the match
As a Spurs supporter I hate to say it but I think it will either be a draw or a narrow gooner win.
I think Mido will score. Didn't rate him at first but he is looking class lately.
Pity no Davids. Would have loved to see him against your new hard man Fabrigas.
It was during the Westham match when he stood toe to toe with Sheringham. Sheringham burst out laughing.
Someone should have a word with Cesc before he gets hurt.
Shorty has trouble spelling camp. But the gooners seem to have no trouble with this.
WSG nice seeing you around.
five nil to the Arsenal. No porblems
The point which was being made is that Fabrigas is far from being a hard man, and just looks funny.
You must have noticed the change from last season.
Mr.Serge,I would go for that,though it would be more like being in a fantacy league.
Bobby Zamora!
We dont all love Jenas - the juries out - hes had two good games and as a spurs fan I hope he carries on - were not fickle - were just purists.
Teddy is a Legend,In football terms not just spurs.
Got a gut feeling that we will spank them this time.
Edgar, do us all a favour and stop creeping to the gooner scum. You're a disgrace.
Can you spell or what ?
Its Fanatasy FFS.
Shall the spurs fans do a whip round for some spelling lessons ?
Leave my personal life out of this Shorty.
I hate gooner scum.
You dont know me.So fuck off.
Im sure shorty etc will back me up.
Its not creeping its a called a conversation.
Give it a go
What score do you have in mind nil
edgar the traitor
edgar you sucked up to them big time yesterday. no getting out of that one. its on the blogs.
Fuck off Jack you're the biggest creep of all.
Eddy,Shorty is not better either.Before you get lessons going on, simple advice,get it started at the lane before you get them to the bury.
Yeah your right - im a traitor.
Imn secretly a gooner - thats why ive nearly a 1000 posts on a spurs blog.
YOU are the disgrace having a go at ME.Youve turned on a fellow spurs fan.
Shit. No pulling the wool over your eyes Shorty.
Up the arse.
Lads wondered if you could help me. I can't see over my stomach, have I got a hard on yet?
Didnt get any of that.
Your going to Bury ?
Mate the match is at the Lane.Thats White Hart not Gigg.
Fuck im funny.
Mr.Serge i would go for 1-2 for Arsenal.
Jack you are such a loser. No wonder your girlfriend gets fucked from kingdom come at university. and you daddy still pays for your season ticket and you live at home,
Did you get the idea for your name from
A - How many goals you will score this saturday ?
B - Your IQ
edgar, thats fucking funny
by the way, i take it up the arse
How many sentences you have succesfully put together ? suggested to get English lessons going,I did suggest,Shorty has had a string of mis-spellings too, thats why i gave that suggestion. Before you give me Those lessons,get them started at the lane first...with shorty being the first "PUPIL"
you bet i do, us gooners love nothing better
Are you Igor Stepanovs ?
You thick fucking idiot.
Get back on the secure wing
Mate are you a Doctor with a Double barrelled name ???
Nil By Mouth ?
Eddy, dont you have more better questions than that?
I would be more prepared to have a better conversation than answering all those.
Shorty, how short are you actually.
Your name is none to be proud of either.
Id love to but I fear my Intellect wont be able to take it.
Give me a Topic to discuss ?
edgar you're a cunt. so r u jack. as for calling me a gooner, think you're the one who could be mistaken for one of them edgar
Are you a "putz" ?
edgar, thats what i called someone on here yesterday. nicking my words now, maybe you're a scouser after all
This bloke is really thick,he cant spell his own name.
Its really "i hate gooners cum"
Must be a Chelsea fan.
You should have read a few weeks back how Benitez made noice after his team had a draw with Chelsea, he talked of how Chelsea fear Liverpool, the same way Jenas has been talking, days later they were defeated.
This is the same with these spurs fellows, days ago, they drew with Man U.
Thats because your really Bloghead.
Your the only person outside of the 1950's that ever uses that word.
Youve seen too many repeats of "Happy Days"
Can someone get a translator on here for Nil ???
Eddy, Topic: How short is shorty.
By the way someone is logging on as me.
So they can fuck off.
6ft 4
Shorty is Ironic
Serious question.
Where are you from ?
Point taken Shorty, there is no need to swear in here.
And (no offence to ANY REAL arsenal Fans here)
BLOGHEAD/ IHGS probably LOVES gooners CUM.
Jack your girlfriend still swallowing cum from all those uni. lads.
Daddy still paying for your season ticket.
the only joke is you jack
What a serious question.
If such questions rank as your "serious" questions, then i really have doubts on your intellect.
Just interested thats all.
thats still better than being a mummys boy living at home and having daddy buy you things
girlfriend enjoying university?
but jack your girlfriend loves me.
don't be late home from work, mummy has your favourite tea.
is your name jack, or really timothy
Is everything ok ?
Can we call anyone for you ?
Come on Nil
Where you from ?
No insult on you, but your height may just be a reflection of your intelligence.
Dwafts always have problems understanding others and consider people slightly taller than them as taller.
If am Insane,you may be slightly insane than me.
What the fuck is a Dwaft
Ive never heard of anyone having a lisp when typing ?
Are you Jonathan Ross
"consider people slightly taller than them as taller"
You wotter
Eddy,I will never answer that.
Reason being, we are completely different, you support a team that is not interested in trophies, i do support one that is always fighting for honours.
NILS Fave Arsenal player
Wobert Pires
So why so you support Arsenal Then ha ha ha ?
Theres a team in West London that might Interest you ?
Wotter....whats that?
Fucking hope not
and can someone close the window - its dwafty in here
Wotter is Rotter to you.
Whats you fave band
Wed hot chilli peppers
I do like it Insomnia - but to be honest im more of a Kwonenburg man myself
Fave UB40 song ?
WED WED wine
Eddy, Two years back i was asking the same questions, by then:
I was shorter than i am right now.
I have grown both mentally and height wise.
So i wont blame you for asking such questions.
Do you play the Wottery ?
Your on fucking drugs mate.
I think your on the wong site.
This is what we do.
Weve taken over your blog - just like were taking 3 points on saturday.
Eddy, You have really showed what a real low life junky you are.
I have to go now back to the Blue and white side of Blogland .
Cheers for the Hospitality Jack/ WSG
Nil - I hope it all works out ok bro - Keep on Twucking
DO you think your managers name is really Arsene Renger ?
Do you suggest you "Fell" or "Feel"
I know - but give us the material and we will use it.
Wock N Roll Baby
Eddy...As i said earlier, i used to ask such questions 2 years back.
No love lost on you bro.
No wove man ?
Anyway must dash - this has been fun.
Insomnia / shorty etc - see you on the other side.
Thanks for having us.
WSG i would go for 2-1,
Jens coming out of the lane with a clean sheet will be like my biggest highlight of the month.
I would rather say, you are a lad who wants to be noticed, keep it up, you never know you might succeed.
Sorry cant resist .
nil said...
WSG i would go for 2-1,
Jens coming out of the lane with a clean sheet will be like my biggest highlight of the month.
Surely the highlight of your month is visiting day ?
Bye bye
nil has pulled loads of times. his right hand muscle NOT a girl.
fatty, you're back. great news. that was one hell of a long lunch break.
at that rate you will need more than the current two season tickets you have, you will need four (two for each ass cheek).
I hope you left some kebabs for the rest of us.
still pretending that you run a business.
serge you are such a child. a very at one at that
This is a topic that is near to my heart... Many thanks!
Where are your contact details though?
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