Jose Antonio: "We Love Having Him Here"

There will no doubt be a renewed attempt by Barca or one of the other 'giants' to lure our skipper either in January or next summer, but JAR wants Thierry to stay put;
"I signed a new contract with Arsenal this summer because I believe in this project," said JAR. "I just hope Thierry will do the same."
"If the club agrees to reward him with a huge new deal because they think it is best for the club, then I am fully behind that.
"We love having him here."
So do we Jose, so do we....
I just hope that we can do enough this season to prove to Henry that we are not a team on the decline. Henry was supposed to be a little concerned with the lack of players coming in to the club this summer but I believe Wenger will make a purchase or two in the January transfer window.
I hope AW does sign one or two players in January...we need more depth in the squad.
its all up to wenger to keep him. he deserves to be on a progressive club. if i were henry i would not sign for arsenal unless star players arrive. he has to be promised that........ he loves arsenal to bits, so do we. he is the best player in the world in his position and if i were him i would want to be at a club challenging for the champions league EVERY YEAR
Its worrying at the hear of such,it then makes it known to us fans that its nolonger the press winding Arsenal fans up.I too if i were to be in Henry's place to do what he is doing,he is 27,pledging along term contract would then see him at 30+ yet there is no sign of winning a CL.I do hope AW swallows some pride and brings in someone.I do imagine if i as a fan can get worried at the sign of POOM coming in what will TH feel then.Ambition might not be the right word but Arsenal especially AW should show some of it so as to keep its star players
Nyssie,i do hope with you that we AW signs some one in Jan,but what worries me more is,good players may be cup tied or wont just be coming since World Cup will just be near,it will be hard for them to change teams since this can affect their chances.i do hope at worst Diop as a partial solution.
Mr Hotspur says...You have to trust Wenger.
I have read comments about not replacing Viera. Wenger realises that there is not another player as good as Viera at his prime. He was a one off and cannot be replaced and so he is changing the team accordingly.
We've spent the last 40yrs looking for the new Dave Mackay! They are one off's and just be glad that they played for your team.
It will be the same in the next few years when Henry retires, leaves whatever. You cannot replace, you move on or you tread water and watch your rivals move ahead. We know a little bit about that.
Wenger sees the future. Look how he has developed not just the team, but the club.
Does some one here feel with me to hear Gilberto gets or earns 18.000 per week? what a joke yet reality.We are a big club but for real should also be able to motivate our players well when it comes to payment.
Some good points Mr Hotspur...
Mr Hotspur says...I have read some doom and gloom comments and even criticising AW.
The complaints are probably from long time supporters who care and love the club, and remember where he has brought you from. Or, from glory hunting suppoerters who have jumped on the band wagon. I can understand the former.
But, Wenger is a creator, not a copier. He has a vision and out of all the managers there are he must be trusted.
what a pleasure mr hotspur to have someone from your club who actually is prepared to talk football. its nice to know that there are some genuine football fans still out there. someof the prats we have on here who call themselves spurs fans should take a leaf out of your book
Well said Jack...
Mr Hotspur, it's a breath of fresh air to have a Tottenham fan on here who doesn't wanna have a verbal tear up all the time.
Good on ya!
Mr Hotspur says...Thanks. As a Tottenham fan your success is hard to take, but as a football fan you deserve the success.
Aw has created the ideal. A winning team that plays attractive football.
Mr Hotspur.. Got to go and do some work now. Have a good blog.
what a fucking legend this mr hotspur is!! he's like the saviour of mankind!!
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