Jens Up For World Cup

"I'm convinced that I'll be playing," he told Bild.
"There are still nine months to go until the World Cup kicks off and as long as I get the opportunity to play a certain amount of internationals I'm still in with every chance."
"I've been playing at a consistently high level for three or four years and that will pay off in the end.
"If I had any doubts then I could pack my things and go home now instead of playing in the next two matches. Nobody wants a doubter in goal."
Heh. This is a great blog - Just keep an eye on NewsNow and plagiarise each story and post it here! Well Done!
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Now Arsenal have signed the mighty Mart Poom... the legend that couldn't get a game at high flying Sunderland then Jens isn't going to be first choice for his club side, let alone the National one..
ROFLMAO... what was Wenger thinking?
Agree with above. Analysis and comment are all well and good but re-hashing links from newsnow is a poor show.
Anon's 6:03 and 7:10 I have regular visitors to this site daily. They don't have a problem with how I do things, why is it that you feel the urge to tell me how wrong I'm going? I've said it before and I'll say it again; no-one is holding a gun to your head to come on here...if you don't like it go and read something else...
yeh man ... Lehmann rocks ... who else has got his confidence? none other than our good old Lehmann. He's a top keeper if he don't do silly stuff and I really like the way he threw water at the referees. well, but I couldn't say the suspension was worth it. like they say, do anything but don't get caught ... haha
Does it really matter if the story comes from NewsNow? I don't think NyssietheGooner has a team of journalists sniffing out Arsenal stories for him, so the best way to get the stories is report what is on the other websites. The reason I visit this site is to get the opinions of other Arsenal fans on the stories, so the fact that it may have been sourced through NewsNow is kind of irrelevant.
Nyssie, I like your site a lot fella. It's the only one I grace with my infinate wisdom. So, if 1 post wonders dont like it then fuck them. We all make our own choices and your regular posters like the way you do things, so ignore these pricks and let them start their own if they choose. Dont go changing.
See this story of TH14 being unhappy has reared it's ugly head again. Dont like the look of that.
Doesnt look good Westside - but it may be the usual papertalk crap we've grown accustomed to!!
Thanks for the encouragement fellas!!!!
Your blog is Nice especially because of the informed comments from your regular readers.
I have never posted a comment before but was forced to because of the uncalled for criticism from these people.
Bottom line is Noone forced them to read the Blog!
On topic: I think TH!$ will stay. The press need to sell their papers at this low news times and no news is as big as Henry wantuing out of Arsenal; probarbly bigger than Viera out. Henry has been more vocal with his loyalties, it may be more of price of contract and duration than anything else keeping him from rushing to sign. Remeber that this news contrat will take him over 30 years and after that, like DB10 before him, he will have to sign on every year if he wants to stay on, which he will mark my words.
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