Vieira: "...They Will Get Even Stronger Without Me"

Talking to NUTS magazine he said:
"It still hurts to have left Arsenal. I was there for ten years and I owe everything to the club. It will always be close to my heart.
"Wenger has a great eye for talent and I am sure he is already looking - they will get even stronger without me."
Lets hope he's right....
So Spurs have furtehr enhanced their ridiculously large squad by signing Jermaine Jenas for around £8 million. You have to say they are doing good business and that is a great buy. Hes young, english and talented with a bright future ahead of him.
Why oh why did Arsene not move to sign a player he 'admires' when the fee was eventually cut down to less than £10 million. Yet another poor bit of transfer actitvity by us and it's pissing me right off now. Jenas along with Cesc, Flamini and Gilberto would have made us a force, but no, we let him go to our rivals and allow them to get stronger and even closer to us i would think.
Welcome back Nyssie.
Wonder if we have a massive press conference planned today for Mart Poom??
Fucking Mart Poom I ask you.
The financial situation cant be as positive at Highbury as we have been led to believe. I refuse to accept that we haven't bought a world class goalkeeper in if we had the funds to do so.
I'm normally one of the more positive (blinkered) of people, but this surely sends the wrong messages out of our ambition.
If Mart 'ugly fuck' Poom is all weve got to look forward to then there surely is problems. We almost sign one of the best up and coming keepers in Viera, but then say no because of a medical 'problem' that isnt even a 'problem'. So who do we go for instead... A 33 year old, injury prone Estonian who has no european experience. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
come on lets get serious now, he's obviously not the greatest player in the world cos firstly newcastle wouldn't get rid of him and secondly, the newcastle midfield is shocking so he should have no problem getting in their team, but he does. he's not the great talent he was once tipped to become which i believe is why the likes of us, chelsea, man utd and liverpool weren't interested. its about time we all got over the fact that we're not buying anyone and started getting behind the manager and the team. look what a good support did for liverpool in the CL last year. lets hope we can create the same sort of atmosphere at highbury
Jenas is a bad mistake by Wenger, along with no signing of a keeper and selling viera without a replacement lined up.
Westside might be right, is there a financial problem at the club.
OOOOHHHHH He is desperately ugly. Looks like he has been smacked round the face with a sockfull of wet shit. Shame old Keown has gone, the ugly competition would have gone right to the wire. Get Eric Gates out of retirement and buy Shaun Goater and we'll have had the lot.
Seriously though, I can believe that our so called budget at the start of the summer of 30m hasn't been touched. In fact we are profit up. What is that all about when we were a fair distance off the Chavs last season.
I'm becoming rather dissillusioned
I'm beginning to get a horrible feeling about this season.
Does anyone else feel the same?
Oh put a sock in it.
Do you really think jenas is worth 8 million pounds ??? Do you really think SWP is worth 21 million pounds ???
The fact that he is english is completely irrelevant, apart from the fact that he will cost two, if not three times the price a foreigner will cost.
I'm proud to be supporting a club that does not splash out a penny more than what they think a player's value is. If CASSANO, one of the most electrifying footballers on the planet today, is valued by roma at 12 million pounds, then how oh how is jermaine jenas, an over-rated, over-hyped, average english footballer who struggles to even make it into newcastle's starting 11 - worth 8 million pounds ?????
So are you telling me Michael Owen (16 mill) or SWP (21 mill) are better than Robinho (14 mill) or Cassano (12 mill) ? RUBBISH !
Well said Jack! I wouldn't be completely surprised if Arsene unveiled 2 new players at a press conference this afternoon though. Whatever happens though we must get behind our team!
westside, are you trying to imply that you only go to games to look at good looking men? who gives a fuck if they're ugly? and gilio, how do you know this keeper was one of best in th world? what are you basing that on? we haven't signed anyone, big fucking deal. we probably could have gone out and spent 50 million on new players but then we'd probably end up like leeds. especially with the new stadium costing so much. fine, we may not win something this year, but we've got nothing to complain about have we with the amount of success he's brought us. a bit of patience goes a long way and next year we'll be back. although i do feel we've got it in us to wina trophy this year too.
Jenas at £8M is good business. Wenger came out and stated that he rated him, and he is not a bad judge of a player (Henry, Viera, Cesc, etc.), but said he was over valued at £20M.
If he only cost £8M why did we not go for him. Can't see him choosing the Spuds over us.
Well put man, the fact that the player is english has nothing to do with his footballing ability.
Its not like the club isnt trying to buy anybody, we put massive bids in for Robinho and Baptista but both rejected us. How is that wenger's fault ?
When he really wants a player he is not afraid to put a massive bid in, its not his fault that so far the players he has wanted have not been so keen on playing in england.
So all of you morons who are calling out for us to just throw away all our money on footballers like jenas just because they are english - you can suck on my balls, coz thats just not gonna happen.
Oooh Westaide! That Thierry Henry is a fine example of a man don't you think? Heehee! Sorry man, I just couldn't resist!
Stop whining you bunch of glory hunting cunts.
Jenas isn't worth 8 fucking pence.
Poom was a good keeper who's had ONE major injury that's kept him out for a while, and considering he was touted at up to GBP5m a couple of years ago, to get him on a free is fine.
So fuck off back to supporting Man United and leave Wenger alone; he's the best manager we've ever had and if he doesn't want to pay stupid money for fucking shit players then good luck to him.
Anon..11:51 If you have to make a comment please think it through first.
We should'nt throw money at any player, but Jenas and Owen would hae provided quality and depth. Newcastle paid over the odds for Owen, but the Jenas fee was about right.
Jack, I was joking you silly man. As for the fella going on about SWP, Jenas, Owen and the like I have no idea who you are trying to make a point to, but nobody has mentioned any of these players apart from Jenas.
Wenger has stated that he rates Jenas, but not at 20 mio. That price has subsequently dropped to less than half that amount and we haven't heard another word.
I will be there week in and week out as usual, all I am inferring is that the club are not being entirely honest about the funds we have to spend.
Dont forget that season tickets are still being sold in the new stadium and the last thing the club need is for fans to think we are in a difficult financial situation and will not be signing any significant players in the near future.
well said Roquestar
westside, sorry for not getting your hilarious joke. however, we put bids of 13 mill in for baptista and robinho which i don't think we would have done if we didn't have the money. as for selling season tickets, my mate has been on the waiting list for 4 years and he's been told he probably won't get one.
What happened to the £40 million we had for transfers, plus the money from Vieras sale? I'm not doubting AW's brilliant managerial skills, but can Cesc last a whole season and if he's injured who replaces him?
11:50 AM
according to sky sports we might be getting Andreas Isaksson instead of poom.
Jack, we could have put a bid of 30m in for Crespo and known the bid wouldn't be accepted so does that make it a ligitimate offer? I think Wenger is the best manager to have walked the marble halls and the club is undoubtable brilliantly run, my sole point is that I dont believe there are as much funds available to Wenger as was being mooted by the press.
If any of you read the Independent you will know that they implied something similar back in June.
The financial papers have suggested that our finances are not as healthy as the club makes us believe.
Backing up what Westside is saying.
thats not really a fair comment. baptista was on the verge of signing. as for the financial papers, i read in them that once we're in the new stadium we'll be the most profitable club in britain, beating utd by 20mill. and according to reuters, we're currently the fastest growing sports rand in european football. and in fairness anon 12:10, your point doesn't back up what westside said. you're saying the club is implying we have loads of money and the papers are implying we dont whereas westside is saying that the press is implying we have loads of money.
The toruble is we are walking on a tightrope. The future is bright provided there are no hiccups, delay in the building of the stadium, constantly in the CL. However, if we cannot compete in the transfer market this becomes a risk.
nyssie, who are these cunts with links to their sites!! they're starting to really piss me off!!
If we cannot persuade the big players to come, cannot afford Jenas for fucksake and sell Viera because we need the money. Something is not right.
I will be glad to be proved wrong on this.
Can we stop the bitching.
If Arsene believes that we do not need the likes of Scott Parker, Michael Owen, Edgar Davids, SWP, Essien, Jenas then we should back him.
Fuck Jenas.
Carrick is the one that got away. £3.5m last year. No that was a mistake by AW. I'm sure even he'd agree on that.
he is just being nice he will be sorley missed
Anon..12:26 The day is bad enough as it is without reminding me of missing out on Scott Parker for around £6M. And Carrick, shit, I forgot about him.
hello fat she male
i am not upset at losing out on owen,parker,jenas at all i am upset we lost out on baptista and robinho but we will probaly sign one of them after the world cup i cant see real playin those 2 and raul,ronaldo,one will ask to leave, we will never over pay for a player its just not arsenal, i agree carrick is the 1 we should have got,
what the fuck just happened?
There has been some bloody good midfielders we could have signed in the last 12 months, and not for a lot of money.
Some here was talking about Cassano,Robinho on comparison to Owen and the likes,dont piss people here off,Annonymous 12:26 said it right,the day is already JAR worth 17 either? for you who are saying AW isnt spending much on players who are not worth the penny? I do agree he is a good manager but he is making more mistakes atleast for the last couple of months.He missed out on Carrick,Scott,today Jenas,tomorrow we will again be connected to Viera(keeper) after he has had a nice season,fuck this day.fuck those too who cant see a problem
nil, give him a fucking chance. the only thing we can go on at the moment is that we've won 3 titles and 4 FA Cups since he's been here and thats good enough for me. if we fuck up this season then fine, come on here may and slate him, but until he's proved wrong, don't fucking have a go at him.
and i suppose you were one of the few who could "see a problem" in 2003? we all know what happened then don't we?
Both Nil and Jack have a point. Some good young players, Carrick, Scott Parker, have been missed but Arsene has won so much recently he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
The problem is, if we keep missing out on affordable quality players and we don't sign the top stars, then we may fall behind the rest.
For not only are we NOT signing them but the other contenders ARE.
we have a world class team doomongers stop it, apart from chelsea and manure no other team can compete with us in the league, if chelski lose terry,lampard or makelelelelelelelelellee they will strugle as their system is so rigid man usa are light as well we are 3 games into the season chill the fuck out, are we gonna bitch until may? hope not,its world cup year as well big players will not move unless they have to as they do not want to jeopordise their places only 1 big player in his prime moved this year taht did not have to vieira,all the others ie owen moved out of necesity
Other clubs are signing quality young players and we are not. If we are not going to sign players for a year until we move into the new stadium, then all we are doing is giving the other clubs the opportunity to catch up.
Mr Serge we should not be so arrogant as to think that we cannot be caught.
Its a bloody fuckin day for f*ks sake.He said JJ wasnt worth 20M which i do agree,when JJ's price is lowed,he makes no approach,what the f*k is that? But then JAR is worth 17M(bloody hell) its all crap.before anyone of you starts doubting me,Am 23 now,been supporting Arsenal since 95 when the PL began being screened at my home country,after all this we are linked to some POOM guy who is 3rd choice at Sunderland as per now.AW has atleast lost plot this summer.
Jobby...Arsene did not even make a bid for Parker. How do you know Chelscumm would not have sold him to us, if you can predict such things can you give me 6 numbers for the lottery tonight!
The point is we did not even try. I personally think Parker went too cheap and if Arsene paid £10M he would have been worth it.
6 numbers for tonight's lottery, i like that one
The player wanted to leave and the club accepted his transfer request. At the end of the day, if AFC offered the money and Parker only wanted to go to us, then the transfer would have happened.
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no it wouldn't anon 1:15. you telling me if vieira said he only wanted to go to man u we'd have sold him there? no chance.
I think your wrong Jack. Chelscum have so much money to buy who they want it does not concern them.
Viera to Manure is a different issue because the clubs are too close in size and ability.
Whereas Chelsum can buy whoever they want.
But even if not Parker, no excuse for not signing Carrick, Jenas, SWP last season when Man City only wanted £10m, Robinson £1.5mor even Davids for his experience in helping the younger players.
Shit, I've just seen how many of these signed for the spud wankers.
i think thats the point. chelsea have so much money, why let one of their players go to their closest rivals? they don't need to sell. as for the others, who knows why. although if we'd gone for swp i think chelsea would've as well. as for robinson, i'm still not convinced. remember the 5-4 game? he was awful. maybe he just stands out more cos he's in a shit team. or maybe his mistakes don't get higlighted cos he doesn't p;ay for 1 of the big 3.
Jack...maybe. We will have to agree to disagree on that one!
As for Robinson I think the jury is still out on that one. Poss. England no.1 purely on the grounds that he makes less mistakes then his rivals. Though I don't really remember him having a bad game for England.
I think for £1.5m he would have been worth a punt.
fair point!!
I quite rate Shay Given.
Maybe should have made a concerted effort to sign him last season when he was unhappy at Newcastle. With the signing of Owen he may be happy to stay now.
Just hope the rumours that Dudek might sign are a joke. Please god.
Nil has just posted that on the Sunderland website have announced that Poom has signed for us.
God, Nooooo
This is a stupid year for Arsenal... They cant win the EPL because of Chelsea... They cant win Champs league because of Real, Barca... They cant win FA cup because of Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool, New Castle... They cant even win league cup because of Tottenham...
Good point Jobby....Souness is shite and Newcastle won't win anything with him in charge. Then in the summer there will be players to pick up
If there is going to be any night of no sleep for me,its this one. 1.POOOOM signs.what a joke yet true.3rd choice of sunderland coming to fight for the No.1 jersey at arsenal.
2.No sign of the two world class players we were promised.
3.Neither TH,Gilberto to have signed,can it be that they are holding up to see what Ambition AW has.
4.I will also be keeping my eyes open on Sky news,whether we have announced anyone......
What a week never know POOM is the second world class player we were promised
Teemu Tainio and Paul Stalteri are walking around the offices of White Hart Lane.
TT: What’s in this one?
He opens a door and finds Martin Jol holding a puffy-faced Frank Arnesen in headlock. He is repeatedly punching him.
MJ: That’s from Ledley. This one’s from Jermain. That’s from Mido….
He notices the two new signings.
MJ: Is it September 1st already?
Paul shakes his head. Martin gives a toothy grin.
MJ: Good. We’ve got a big squad to get through.
He goes back to Frank’s ‘gardening leave’ as the new boys close the door.
The Inter Milan players are training on the San Siro pitch the night before a friendly.
They are disturbed by a commotion in the tunnel. Two men have broken free of security guards’ clutches and running towards the pitch. They are Johnnie Jackson and Goran Bunjevcevic.
JJ: Alright Bunje mate, we’ve made it. What a deal eh? A year in the wilderness and now this.
GB: I know, my friend. I couldn’t believe my ears when Mr Levy said we were part of the transfer for Davids.
Johnnie steals the ball off a stunned Adriano and knocks it to his mate.
JJ: Bonjourno boys. You’ve got yourselves one hell of a pair here. Come on Goran let’s show em what we’re made of. Wait…Wait!
The two players are dragged off the pitch by Italian policemen who beat them senseless on the touchline and haul them off down the tunnel. An Italian cameraman watches the scenes.
Meanwhile back in England, an office television shows Sky Sports News airing footage of the incident. A large chair swivels around to reveal little Daniel Levy sitting in a grey suit, stroking a cat, with his little finger pressed to the corner of his mouth. He lets out an evil laugh.
How pathetic!! not only have they signed Poom but he is injured & out of action for 4 weeks!! so whats the point, he misses the champions league matches that lehmann is suspended for!!
My heart is sobbing.AW sells Taylor..he brings in POOM.
sells Viera..brings in Song
can we realy muscle it out against teams like JUV in midfield,if we are drawn against them in the CL.what apity.before you say,football is played as a unit,remember our strength in our play has always depended on the CM.Pires is getting older each day that passes so are my and you.Ljumberg is looking to be havin an injury inflax in recent is JAR who is showing alot of seasonality in his form.DB10 is like Pires so is SOL,before i too begins to think that these lads like cesc can take the challenge let me remind my self that other teams are just not taking the challenge,they have already done that.JJ would have been a good buy for us,so would have been Owen,after missing these i thought we would be linked to Torres,alass POOM comes into picture and he actually signs,may be am dreaming,can someone here let me know that all this has been going on.
yeah and Viera has joined Villareal who will play Man Utd, and if he plays i bet he will rub our noses in it by playing brilliantly. Good business to get Poom though, im thrilled to bits with that. Nice one Arsenal. What a summer its been...
i'm getting confused here. am i on some spurs blog? all you lot moaning before the season has even got going properly just remids me so much of being around my scum mates. i don't understand what you think there s to gain by moaning the whole fucking time. as for saying nice one arsenal, think about how much joy they've given us over the years before jumping on the bandwaggon to slate them. so many trophies on a shoestring budget compared to other clubs so why change that now?
As a Spurs fan all this has been hilarious. Seems like you have taken over from us for naff, embarrassing signings.
The future's bright, it's blue and white.
isn't it funny spurs fan how all spurs fans think they've had a great start to season and that we've had a shit one. yet look at the table and you'll see us a point behind, with a game in hand. oh how the small things make you lot happy.
At long last Spurs are going in the right direction. True we are not anywhere near your level yet, but the future is looking promising.
It seems to coincide with AW making mistakes in the transfer market, and what seems financial difficulties at the club.
I hope you do well over the next couple of years to stop Chelscum winning everything, so the billionaire pisses off, and give us a chance to catch up.
From a Spurs point of view there seems to be a lot of fickle supporters on here today. Is it always like this?
yes anon 3:11. there's al;ways people on here moaning the whole time when there's nothing to moan about yet.
All I can say Jack that if this was the reaction of fellow Spurs fans after the years of success that you guys have had, I would be pretty embarrassed.
Constructive criticism is fine and healthy, but the bitching is totally unecessary considering the last few years.
Probably glory hunters who moved across from Man U and will be supporting Chelscum by the end of the season.
anon 3:20, thats exactly what i've been saying all day. we've been spoilt rotten for the last few years so we've got absolutely no right to moan. especially as we fucking won something last year anyway. as for back up keeper, who knows, maybe he'll be good!
Jack...I'll stop giving the Spurs point of view to all your comments.
Have a good blog.
i've got to be honest rae, not for a couple of years. but he has been injured. i do remember though that he was a quality keeper when fit and we were linked with a 5mill bid a few years ago. i just don't want to judge him before he's even pulled on the shirt. its hardly gonna give him confidence knowing that loads of fans are saying he's shit already is it? as for almunia, i bet everyone on here was loving him when he saved the pens in the shoot out against sheff utd.
How fucking bad is that. a yid coming on here and putting the record straight for the moaning pussy's bitching away.
What is the fucking world coming to.
we are still in for issakson he is having a medical this afternoon if arsenal sort out a fee beleived to be in the region of 3.5 million
ps stop fucking moaning we are 1 of 3 contenders for the title,remember this time last season everyone was saying we are going to go another year unbeaten and we are the 3invincibles etc?we lose 1 game and all of a sudden our world falls apart,well chelscum are on that kind of run 1 defeat and all that confidence could dissapear, terry is out for 4 weeks now as well,and lampard has played 160 consecutive games he will get a knock soon law of averages tells you that, their system relies on those 2 being fit and makelelele if they are out chels are average
Mr Serge...Where did you get this from. There is nothing on Sky Sports, the web sites or newsnow.
Don't make statements if they are not true.
Mr Serge...we have already had the conversation about 'stop moaning'. Please keep up.
here is the link anon 4.09
They have NEVER been correct on that website.
Baptista and Robinho are the only players we 'missed out on'.
They are the only players we've been seriously linked to that have the quality to walk into our team and add to our play in a positive fashion.
The fact that each were over 10 million shows we DO have money to spend, and shit, the fact that a pair of Brazilians choose the sunshine of Madrid over the gloom of London is hardly a surprise, is it??? Spain and to a lesser extent Italy will always be the preferable destination for south american players.
The way some of you are going on you'd think Robinho and Baptista chose some 2nd rate premiership team like sp*rs over us!
As for all the talk of the English players we should have signed, few are even close to being good enough to get in our first 11. Terry, Ferdinand, Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney being the exceptions, and there's no way we'd get any of them!
There is also a case for Carrick and Robinson, true, but they were not up to Arsenal standard when they were up for sale... and would they have progressed the way they have had they not been playing first team football the last year or two?
Anon..4:45 Do we believe that we really intended to sign these players, or the club trying to satisfy the supporters.
Personally, I'd rather wait and sign a pair of players of Robinho/Baptista's quality than waste 20+ million on an overrated englishman like SWP.
Do you want to wait for another Henry, or would you be happier wasting the cash on another Wiltord?
The problem is AW does not know what to do. he appears very indecisive.
If they were merely trying to placate the supporters, then they would do a much better job of it I'm sure!
Is a pair of young Brazilians choosing RM over us really such a surprise? Such a surprise that there must be some sort of conspiracy behind it... that we couldn't really have been trailing them?
They're a bigger, more illustrious club and they have a climate, culture and language that suits south americans better than London does. Simple facts.
I would have been thrilled if either had chosen us over RM, but I would also have been shocked... wouldn't you???
There is something strange going on at the club that does not seem right.
I don't think he's indecisive, I think he's aware that if he spends the cash on a 'good' player like Owen, he won't have the funds available if another thierry henry becomes available.
I'm rather glad that he's careful with the pennies. I think we're the only successful team in the Prem that lives within its means.
You could say Man Utd do too... but they had to sell their soul to do it.
"There is something strange going on at the club that does not seem right."
Could be a little less vague?
We sold our captain who (as everyone who has watched him play for the last two seasons will tell you) was past his best. Not past it, but past his best certainly. Cesc and Vieira were incompatible as a pairing, and with our Vieira prompted attacks looking more and more predictable, we took the cash and went with the new blood.
We spent most of that cash (wages aside) on Hleb, so we obviously didn't need the money as much as we needed to alter our playing style.
We tried to sign 2 players who chose RM over us... hardly a surprise.
If there is a world class GK out there that is not only available, but suffiently better than Lehmann that the 10-20million fee can be justified, then I haven't seen him and I don't think anybody else has either.
We don't need squad players, we need guaranteed first team starters. Are any of the english contingent mentioned by people better than what we have? Not IMO.
Blinkered view 5:14
The future is shite....the shite in blue and white. Fuck off you Spurs.
Look my friend. Let me point out something you have missed. 1961-Spurs..well done, 1971,1989,1991,1998,2002,2004-Arsenal. The Spurs go trying on.
bless spurs fans for having hope they will finish in the top ten this year lol
serge r u the guy the yids and the chelsea are taking the piss out of on there blogs
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