Ryan Hopes "To Make An Impact"

Local boy Ryan Smith, who is still only 18 played for us in our Carling Cup run last season - and looks quite a prospect. He is lucky to still be playing at all after a near career ending injury but he is fired up and ready to make a name for himself;
Earlier he told Arsenal.com...
"I’ve enjoyed playing in the Carling Cup and it would be nice if I can play in that again. I hope to really make an impact this year. I want people to know who I am.”
Watch this space...!!!
every premiership team that has moved into a new stadium has been subsequently relegated.
Well look at Man city and tell me Mow have they moved into a new stadium and got relegted.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't MoW that said that.
what a wank that scum has said.i do agree not MoW has said that.
Talking of that,what do all of us feel about Bently leaving this season on loan again,i do think it will affect his desire to play for Arsenal again and might decide to call a towel here
Badly researched bunch of tripe. Certainly not MoW's work.
Also, the Derbys, Southamptons and Sunderlands of this world are hardly a yardstick for Arsenal.
I don't think we will see Bentley in an Arsenal shirt again...could be wrong though!
Bentley is anooying. All that talent, but he wastes it by believing his own hype.
The truth is though NIL he wasn't going to oust what we have this season and wants to play first team football. Wenger obviously wants him for the future or he'd have let him go permanantly.
Dont forget he went to Norwich last season to gain first team experience and was injured for a long period. Hopefully he'll come back with a full season under his belt and prove his potential at The Emirates.
He's definitely gifted...but as Anon(4:22) said earlier he lets it go to his head a bit.
didn`t bergkampsay bentley got the skill but he doubts he got the pace to be really top class
i doubt bergkamp said that. after all, he's proved that you don't need the pace to succeed
Hi guys. I did say that. it was meant as a joke of course. damn, though, Man City. i forgot about them. so really my joke is factually incorrect and unfunny.
i'll get my coat...
hi i'm a huge gooner but i really do wish i supported spurs. an honest club thats now on the up and doesn't tell fans they've got money when they dont
Is it just a coincidence that the Spurs morons only appear after school hours???
We have had some pretty sensible and intelligent conversation on here today with Spurs, and after 4.30 the idiot arrives.
Theres no way a huge Gooner would turn around and say he/she wished they supported Spuds...
Have a good evening all, i'm off home. Anon.4.53, dont forget to do your homework.
'Night Westside!
Why oh why do you just regurgitate news - blogs are supposed to be about opinions and you are the only one who never has one
No-one asks you to come here my friend - if you don't like how i do things, you know what to do....
there's no rules about the format of blogs. this blog is more of a chat room at times. the people who post comments provide the opinion. it's a format that works well i reckon.
some blogs rant on each day with badly written pretentious bullshite diatribe. thank god we don't have to put up with that....
well i for one love this blog its the only one i ever go on apart from a boxing site that i also have a lot of time for keep up the good work nyssie mate
Thanks guys!!!
It's great to have CLASS people on here. You fellas make it what it is!
Thanks again!
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