Mathieu's Up For It

He said: "It's very pleasing to know that the coach has confidence in his players. We've all had chances to prove ourselves.
"After the sale of Vieira I think our stability will be recovered. We've got real quality in this team," he added.
He also believes that we will be able to challenge at the highest level;
"If we're going to have a great season it will not be down to one player - we've got to work at all aspects of our game.
"I don't think there's any reason why we can't carry it on," he stated.
It's good to hear that the players are confident despite our loss. I'll say it agin though, we NEED to sign someone - and time is not on our side.
Let's sopport our fav blog!!!
Flamin will be an asset not just a squard player, none of AW's buy's are, on the Baptista bid, no hard feeling alright just now realised that Arsenal were trying to get him in June, Look at Viera (Goalie) the shit's arady happened.
Thats the Arse way... Pimping aint easy....
anyone else find it ironic that for the past ten years everyone outside of arsenal has criticised us for buying players instead of developing the youth players and giving them a go and now that we're doing that they're saying we need to buy players and we can't rely on youth? seems to me that evryone dislikes us and probably always will. well lets show these wankers that we're still the best even without the billions that others may have
that's true jack.
I actually think that the arsenal midfield is pretty good right now even without Vieira. We didn't have any trouble coping when Vieira was injured last season. The pre-season match reports might suggest that we are a little short in midfield with Pires not a good midfielder etc, but don't forget we still have Fabregas and Gilberto. And we'll probably sign Alex Song too.
Flamini has improved heaps now. He'll get into the French National Team very soon if he's a regular in Arsenal.
Totally agree with you there Jack. Everyone has been moaning on about the young players not getting any chances. Players like Sidwell, Halls, Pennant etc. And now when we have the chance everyone thinks we should be buying anyone with two good legs.
I personally have a lot of faith in Wenger and if he thinks we´ve got a good enough squad then that´s enough for me.
Flamini will be an asset, I think Quincy was good when he played last year and David Bentley also showed some promise.
Jeepers guys, its the same crap spouted by u lot every day on the young players, quincy this, bentley that. If the young players were going to get a chance, AW would have played them at the weekend for longer spells. Instead, the minute Senderos was injured, who came on, not Eboue or Djourou, but bloody Cygan. This is the way AW will always pick his team, especially at the back. Lauren was roasted time and time again by babel, just as in the Cup final, but Wenger wont change this. Why?, cos he knows thats the best he's got. Lets see who will get a game tonight against Bevern, wont be alot of first teamers i bet. . Quincy, lupoli et al wont get much of a run out in the League, how much did they get last year? RVP got some games, but he still is miles away from the finished article. Flamini is just a younger romford pele, he is not top top grade. Arsenal cant afford to in case they fall too far behind Chelski, then the bigger players get pissed off and will think about the ambition of the club.
The one thing that I have to say is that Arsenal can and will Regain the PL Title.We have the young talent and the experienced players to help those Young ones grow.All the players we have now are the ones that want to be in the team and are the ones that want to win.I think that the other losers like ManU,Chelsea are not going to know what hit them.As for Viera cant wait for an Arsenal - Juventus match-up.Cheers Guys/Gals
well i think Flamini is right cause Arsenal played last year without Gilberto and Edu for much of the season and Patrick Vieira was missing some games (injuries and bans) ...
and just to illustrate that in the game Arsenal vs Chelsea at Highbury Flamini & Fabregas played and they did very well..if Henry wouldnt miss a clear chance from 2 yards that would of been a victory...
Gunners Rule...
Chelski you suckersssssss
I don't see Flamini as the answer. He seems to argicultural too me. Not a great footballer. Ok, he works hard, but will he be the next Petit? I don't personally think so. We only have THREE central midfielders to cover the whole season!! One is 17, or whatever, the other only 19 and the third is about 30 and flys off to South America frequently. Sorry guys. Smell the coffee. We lack serious depth in the centre.
Let's hope Hleb, Pires and Bentley can fill in otherwise we're fucked.
As for Flamini making the French squad - well I really hope he's good enough, but I don't think he is.
I find it highly amusing that a member of the chelsea mafia have to say in the press every day how good they are or trying to put teams like arsenal down by saying how much we miss viera! ok we will but thats our problem! Dont they have the confidence in themselves to just shut up and win the league by playing football!! obviously not!!
we r all talking about d midfield but i think we r ok if we don't av injuries to key player even if we do we can cope don't 4get that arsene still works with these younger players n with arsene if he sees d talent then there is a star in d making viera did not become viera in a day so y all this talk about there is hleb,cesc,flamini,silva,bentley n mvamba so we av all d cover we need u just wait till u c them play b4 judging arsene he knows what he has n he is pleased with them so what d team needs is our support lets give it whole heartedly to them n c what we will get in return.
What were Alan Hansen's words? "You'll never win anything with kids" if I remember correctly...Red Faced Fergie proved him wrong - can we?
I think you need to remember that Flamini is still relatively new to the first team set up and has to be giving time to settle in before you make rash judgements about his talent.
I for one made snap judgements on Petit, Pires and even Henry before they settled properly and started to show us what they were capable of.
Wenger sees Flamini in training every day and oviously feels he is good enough so what makes anyone here more qualified to decide on him??? He is a young lad in a new country and hasn't had a long enough run in the first team yet to dictate whether he is going to cut it or not. This constant pessimism is really starting to fuck me off!!
That's why we're getting Ballack. Watch this space
Well if your right in Ballack...and Wenger finally see's sence to buy Owen (who needs a high profile club...) my dreams will be fulfilled...iv said it all along, they are the only two players we need and we WILL be competing for everything this season!
Time is slowly ticking by....AW thinks his squad is good enough to compete, the players are saying 'trust him' BUT i find it hard to trust a man who has sold the best centre mid-fielder in the world and a good squad player in Edu... we wern't good enough last year, we've lost two big players this year.... WE NEED TO SIGN PLAYERS!
if we finish within 15 points of chelski with our current squad...we've had a good season.
westside gooner, sorry now but how much of muamba have you seen playing, same with quincy, bentley, u hear of a name that has come up thru the ranks and everybody just sticks to hime that he will be cover etc. Smell coffee, these guys are unproven, and the only place we'll see them is in the league cup, a half game in the FA cup, and a couple of minutes off the bench against Wigan,u guys piss me off when you talk about all the good young players, but you prob have never seen these guys playing in an arsenal jersey. its not pessism, i reckon if we keep the first 14 fit and injury free, yes, we have every chance of winning the PL., fu*k roman and his million squids, but dont ye allkeep harping on about the kids as if ye have seen them playing dozens of games. As i said b4, how many minutes did these ytoungsters get at the weekend, and they will be playing later on, and wont be playing Sunday either.
Get a grip. Ballack? When has Wenger ever bought a huge star like Ballack? Campbell and Reyes are the biggest stars to have joined Arsenal since Wenger.
And concerning the number of minutes they´ve played Flamini has played a whole lot of minutes. So far we´ve won all the games. Last year we finished dead last in the Amsterdam tournament. So how´s that for a worse squad. Vieira was long past his best.
i am surprised why arsene hasn't tried hleb in central midfield. Most of the goals he has created have been from central midfield. if lunjberg or pires get injured its about time we put Quincy or Van Persie in their position.Quincy is about 20-21, and is physically strong, so he can be useful even when he is not in prime form. so is the same with Van persie.lets not frustrate them with less opportunities.We just need one midfielder if at all any.Ballack would be great.
For your guide Mr.Anon I think it is quite clear that I wasn't talking about Muamba, Quincy, or Bentley, but Flamini. I imagined that would be relatively clear when I mentioned his name twice, but I guess I had given your intelligence too much credit. Being a season ticket and attending most away games I feel I have seen enough of him to think that he will be a good player.
As for the other players you have mentioned, unless you visit reserve games or Norwich games on a regular basis none of us have seen enough of them to comment. I think therefore you have proven my point and I find it hard to understand just what the fuck you are arguing about.
on the wenger has not bought a superstar thing you are right he usually doesnt and i dont think reyes is in that bracket either the only legitimate superstar that arsenal have bought is overmars, evryone else he made a superstar or in cambells case got for free,
i am not one of the pessimists i feel we can really challenge chelski and get our title back with the players we have, i have been watching arsenal for almost 30 years, arsene is the best thing to happen to us in that time and i trust him implicitely,
i do think we will go for owen though i really do, arsene is just not advertising the fact,he fits all our criteria,he has pace scores goals for fun and is a team player, i cant see ballack coming he will end up at manusa in january he is just not at the age that wenger likes to make a commitment for a player, how many players has he bought at 29 or over in the last 9 years?
there seems to be a lot of young and naive people talking shite on this blog, which is fair enough, but let's put a few things straight.
it was OBVIOUS TO ME after watching Petit, Henry and Pires for only 15 minutes that they had massive potential (in fact, with Henry and Pires I had seen enough of them beforehand to know it already). I look at Flamini and i see Ray Parlour. If we're lucky he'll be half as good as Petit. Now that's my judgement of players. Call it luck or bullshit if you want, but I'm hardly ever wrong.
As for Ballack... this is the biggest load of bollocks i've ever heard. even if we do sign him you have to take into account he's a tantrum throwing slut who's nearly 30. i can't see AW being the slightest bit interested.
I agree with the guy who says we should stop talking about our youngsters like they will save then day when we haven't hardly seen them kick a ball. Quincy and Lupoli my arse. If he's prepared to give Lupoli a run then why let Aliadiere go to (play CL football!) with Celtic???
Now what is a really insteresting question, Nyssie, is what we all collectively think about Owen.
I personally don't care. If we'd kept Vieira and/or signed The Beast(wanker) I would have loved Owen, but I'd rather we didn't sign him now in a desperate attempt to cover up our shortcomings in midfield.
So MoW as you are "harldly ever wrong" who would you play in midfield??? Try to make your selection based on who is legitimately available price and contract wise.
It's a toughie...I personally wouldn't mind to see Owen at Highbury - he can score goals and knows the league well.
I'm just not convinced that up front is where we need to be concentrating - we have got a lot of firepower.
Yes, a second option or a 'Plan B' is needed but we do also need cover in the middle of the park - and at the back. The youngsters at the end of the day are just that. Youngsters.
i would play fabregas and silva with flamini replacing silva and hleb replacing fabregas, although i think that hleb should play a lot this year i would love us to buy owen he would score goals in ubandence and also who would you mark henry or owen,
Good point mr serge - the pair of them would be a defender's nightmare!!!
Ok, well thanks for indulging my inflated ego ;P
I think Carrick is a potential superstar. Like Lamps, he probably needs the pressure of a big club to bring the best out of him - he'll probably rot at Spurs now and never clinch a regular England place. We know AW likes Carrick but I bet he wishes he spent that £3.5m on him last summer. i also think he would have been a decent candidate to replace Keane at Manure.
Hargreaves = good potential but needs a break/run in a big team
Guti = gay slut
Ballack = whore
Dacourt = probably ok short term for zero fee
Jenas = great potential but needs the break in a big team. would sign him for less than £10m, say??
so in short, Carrick. what about you then?
And if you can manage to control those 2 you still have to think about Pires, Freddie or Reyes,
I think we shoulda signed Carrick last year aswell. LOTS of potential there...when England played in the US a while back he was outstanding.
I dont think Carrick would be available. Sp*rs seem to have more money than sense at present. Apparantly they had a 9m bid for AJ turned down this week. But this is my point, I dont think that there are too many decent players in that position available at a price we can afford. As has been said by Wenger, we will only buy players who will improve the team.
So why sell Vieira then?
I have asked this question sice the day he left.
there's a spurs fan at work. dead sweet guy as it happens.
was talking to him. the irony is, i said, that we may slag spurs off, but if we could magically transplant the spine of their team: Robinson, King, Carrick & Defoe we'd be FUCKING WELL SORTED FOR YEARS!!!
More ironic is the fact that we could have had all of those players for almost peanuts in relation to what Chelsea are paying for players (maybe King aside). And given the choice they'd have probably all come to Highbury rather than Sp*rs. They still have mostly shit around them though.
If Robison, King, carrick Defoe all played for Arsenal then we'd dick all over Chelsea and they'd all be first choice for England.
i.e. King would oust Terry (overrated) and Defoe would oust Owen (overpaid) and eventually Carrick would get in the frame somehow...
but this isn't reality so i'll get over it and start appreciating the sweaty and honest guile of Flamini.
Good point made earlier about AW maybe keeping quiet about signing Owen... he said "we have enough cover, owen isnt a priority" which makes me believe he's still on the list.
If AW thinks he has enough cover when 2 of which are UNPROVEN in Lupoli & Quincy...then surely these two are gonna be superstars!
because lets face it, Owen would fit the bill perfectly and im sure Wenger knows it - so we might have another situation soon where we hold a press conference and Owen walks out (like the famous Sol press conference when no-one knew he was joining).
I know the season is getting closer but AW MUST have a few cards up his sleeve still...I really cant see him starting the season with the squad we've come on Wenger...suprise us...
altho he is unproven (and a kid) i'm surprised we off loaded Jeremie Alialiere. If he is a bit hit in Scotland and let's face it that's like Division 2 games bar two teams and comes back to us - what next, he signed a new 4yr contract so getting rid of him Upnorth isn't a - 'that's your lot mate' - We would have surplus amount of strikers. Altho it would be sweet to have Owen - I dont think firepower is the main concern - and I dont see AW signing someone just for the sake of it. I'm more worried about a decent (back up) keeper & CB cos if Kolo & Senderos are injured - its Cygan time? how scarey is that, u'm not forgetting Sol but he seems to be really injury prone right now.
Also on the pros/cons of Flamini - altho he does have the passion & power of Romford Pele - let's not forget he's just 20-21 - about the same age PV4 was when he came & looked what he managed to achieve.
I agree Tommi - as I said earlier, cover at the back and in the middle is what we need more...
flamini is going to be an excellent signing he has come on leaps and bounds last season!!! fabregas is going to be one of the best players in the world within 2 years,silva is still young hleb is young ,freddie is coming into his prime,apart from pires and lehman who is old in our sqaud? manusa have keane,scholes,nevilles,giggs,van nistleroy(who is dead)van der sar are all past their sell by dates they will not finish above us this year nor will liverpool we are in a great position and the "great" chelski with their many trophies have not beaten us in 10 years this is our year,its the final year at highbury and we will go out on a high
Mr.Serge, that is far too positive for our liking. Woe is us and the world is doomed more like it. In all seriousness though I thought Pires looked far from over the hill last season as his 3rd place in the Goal scoring stakes would suggest.
I agree with nyssie that we need cover at the back, ie Gk and CB but he will not buy a player to replace campbell,toure,senderos,etc so it will not replace our team just back them up and lehman is one of the best GK in the league just nutty,so what if chelski have 33 full intenationals you cant play them all,just watch what will happen to them if they lose terry or lampard,
I've been thinking that for a while....Lampard and Terry are KEY to Chel$ki's success, lets see how well they do with one of their key players out for a month or two...(fingers crossed!) ;o)
flamini, flamini, yes westside and mr.serge he has come on, but if you guys think he is the type of class that will win us the league, think again, as mow said he is a younger Ray Parlour. no disrespect to RP, but these are not the type of guys that will capitulate you to the highest levels. As i said b4, our fittest 14 will do damage to any team. Oh yeah, just cos this is a blog, dont insult me by questioning my intelligence, just cos you go to every game, doesnt make you the ultimate pundit. remember we are all following the same team here. i'm just fed of of the shite spoken about youngsters who have been around for 2+ years and nothing has happened them, classic example Jeremie to Celtic. dont care what age a player is, if he is good enough, he will play, and so far the only guys in this category are Clichy and Cesc Fab
westside i never said pires is over the hill i said he was older,i am sitting next to my mate who is a villa fan who is totally bemused by a set of fans that can complain whilst possesing possibly the best player in the world and at least 10 young players that are in the top 20 young players in the world,they could walk into any fisrt team baring 4 or 5 teams anywhere in the world,
We've been spoilt Mr Serge!!! ;o) Nice though, eh?
depending IF AW makes a signing for an expirenced MF player - this will be a very important season for Bobby Pires. Esp. if he's gonna be used in the middle of the park - he obviously doesn't or wont put his 'foot in' like PV4 so we'll play a diff way. but i cant somehow think we will need a midfield 'hardman' when the going gets stuff Cesc at 18 is on the young side & Flamini same. I really don't reckon we'll sign a midfield player, we got great attacking options but it's defensively we need cover but i believe what AW has in midfield defensively Gilberto/Flamini/Cesc he believes is enough. I still reckon we need to sign a decent keeper to put pressure on Lehmann & this time no more clowns.
I think a midfield 'hardman' as Tommi put it is important psychologically aswell. Teams lining up agaist the likes of Vieira and Roy 'Oi'll foitcha!' Keane know that they're not gonna have an easy ride in the middle of the park...this must have an impact on their game.
anonymous, reyes and rvp are also young, i think flamini is more of a young gilberto than a young parlour he has more to his game than parlour did, i am not saying i am the ultimate pundit i have been through the lean times as well as all the doubles,but i do know my team and i hope you dont think i am trying to insult your inteligence but what year did we not win anything in the last 2 and a half years?and did the kids help? yes the did,reyes flamini cesc glichy RVP all helped, what are you gauging us against? chelsea,barca ,real, man usa?our budget is tiny compared to them and if it was not for arsene we would be a mediocre side,birmingham,tottenham,middlesbrough all spend more than us on a regular basis are they better than us? i am not saying you are not intelligent i am saying you are panicking for no reason,
annonymous one more thing if i do watch every game surley i do have more knowledge than someone who does not,:)
i cant actually believe what i've just been reading on ths site. some arsenal fans are actually jealous of the spurs spine? what the fuck. aside from defoe, ever thought that maybe they look good in a shit team? for fuck sake, no one has said the youngsters will be amazing but we've gotta face facts that we don't have money until the new stadium and until then, we need to give them a go if we need to. kieran richardson and peter crouch looked good in usa so i think that shows it wasn't hard. if spurs have such a great spine, why are they not in europe. or even close to europe.
that's why this is such a wonderful, beautiful blog. we go round in circles speculating about shite and we get nowhere. we have the pessimists and we have the optimists and then the next day we swap roles and start all over again!!
so here's a cool game.
ok, based on no more signings all season, how many pts do we think we'll be behind chelsea this season (-ve pits suggest we finish above them) brief answers, gentlemen.
i think we'll finish 15 pts behind.
Jack, stop being a total fucking moron and read the threads propery.
no one is jealous.
oh, and look up the meaning of the word "irony".
hang on a second MoW.Firstly we're all gooners so lets not get nasty. secondly, you said you wished we could magically transplant spurs' backline into ours. surely there's a hint of jealousy there. i know that for a fact cos as i was looking up ironic i also looked up jealous which apparently means wanting something that someone else has. so i apologise for my missuse of the word ironic which was 5 hours ago may i add. however, maybe you'd like to apologise for saying your not jealous when you are. if we're going by dictionary definitions which i believe we now are
sorry jack.
now i'll be accused of being gay.
oh i see, you were referring to your use of "ironic" before. our wires are crossed. and now everyone has fallen asleep....
Err.. Why don´t we try to do this without the insults?
I´m just really surprised that more of you don´t have faith in Wenger when it comes to transfers and assessing the squad´s strengths. Clearly he has the funds to do at least one big transfer ( judging from Del Nido´s rants in the media ).
He´s already said that he doesn´t want to bring in anybody unless he´s really special and that he trusts the youngsters enough for cover. He´s guided us into 2 and 1. place every year so far so what´s not to trust?
Do you really think he´s just completely lost the plot? Or do people really think the youth system at Highbury is incapable of producing top level footballers?
i think AW is kidding himself. or at least he knows it's suicide to openly admit defeat.
AW sold Vieira because he thought The Beastfcker was in the bag. I think its as simple as that.
Unfortunately, I think you're right saucisse. Oh, and chalk up another one on Jack's side.
Unless we get Diarra and a decent CB we got 0 chances of regaining our tittle next year. I see us going on a winning run, sustain a few injuries, and let chealsea run away with a 12pts gap. We will always outscore teams with our firepower. Trouble is, chelsea raised the bar so high, and defense is really key this season. Get a solid CB et a solid CM I, say, as or hight priority.
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