Gael Tips Hleb to Shine

Gael said: "I think he is really good. I was really impressed during pre-season. He can play on the left side or the right, and so I think he will be a player to watch during the season."
From what I've seen of Hleb, I've also been quite impressed. I'd like to see him play in the centre more, as so far this seems to be where he makes his assists.
We shall see!
what else do we need to say about hleb with even d little we av seen of him no doubt he is going to b an assest becos last season we had to draft cesc to rm he did well but he is at his best while at cm so with hleb that is covered he can play anywhere across d midfield what a complete midfielder with his assists i can c th14 scoring a lot more goals this season i just want to c him link up with rvp becos his runs off d ball is good with hlebs passing vision he will score more goals as well
I dont think we should over hype Hleb. Bloody hell, he has played 5 or 6 friendlies for us so far. There is no pressure in friendlies. Lets wait and see how he copes with the physical side of the premiership before we start over hyping him.
I have no doubt that he will be a fine signing, but it will take him a good few months to settle in properly so lets give him that time first and then wait for the rewards of £10 mill that could be very well spent by Arsene
True Gilio, it will take a while for him to adapt to the EPL...but I think (and hope) he will do well for us.
if he takes 6 months to settle and becomes as good as henry bergkamp or pires i will be well happy
from what i've see of him he looks like a great aquisition to the squad. as for the physical side of things and adapting to the EPL, he should have no problems as they say that the german league is the most similar to ours. lets hope so anyway!
I feel he will be a very good signing for us, just seen him do some nice things in training on Arsenal TV fans day, also, for anyone else whos watching, whos in the other goal to jens? dont look like faulty manuel, is it the new Veria?
He is from Belarus and played in Germany, so with a bit of luck he wont be wanting to fuck off home and be moaning about the weather November.
True westside - Belarus is 'taytas!!! So he can't moan about it being cold here!!!
I can imagine pressure being something we have to look out for but weather and physical play is nonsense. Like the poster above pointed out he did play in bundesliga (it's not a fairy place where barcelona and real madrid play).
Hleb is a good addition and will give Cesc an oppertunity to concentrate on his job at CM.
Im just abit worried about this new keeper coming in. I dont think Jens is that reliable but it seems as though we might have another situation where two keepers will be playing 5 then rotating! i dont know much about this viera but im hoping hes better then Jens because Jens i think is abit of a liability. Fair enough he made a massive contrabution to us winning the fa cup but one game doesn't guarentee your future!
we should never have let Taylor go - young, english and looked like he had alot of potential.. wenger and keepers dont go...where's bob wilson when u need him!
I had a revelation last night.
It came to me.
I was luke warm before, but now i realise that if we sign Michael Owen we will win the league.
He's 25 years old, of the finest pedigree, the polished article and, at a decent price, worth every penny. you can't help think he's gonna contribute a helluva lot to the next club he moves to.
Fucking snap him up, Arsene!!
couldn't agree more with you MoW about Owen. Although I was sure you said yesterday you weren't bothered about Owen? Why the change of heart?
there was a photo of him in an england catalogue, sporting the kit. he just looked lean and hungry and like a deadly goalscoring menace. i think it was the way the photo was lit or something. the guy is world class.
no you nonces, we dont need owen because our captain TH is our goalscorer and must lead from the front. The emphasis is on midfield where it all happens hence arsene's focus on RVP and bergkamp as the 2nd forward because they link it all together. Just need a meathead in MF to save toure's ass...
Although Anon.1.23 I still think it would be prudent to have a proven goalscorer to take the pressure of our TH14. 12m quid for a goalscorer of Owen's stature would be a coup too good to miss.
I think we need a central midfielder more than we need Owen. But, i do tend to agree that signing him would REALLY allow the boss to rest Henry more with much less risk of us drawing a blank.
As i have said many a time before though, i think we need a tall target man type striker to give us something different in europe, but with that said having owen and henry should give us enough routes to goal to be all conquering.
My wishlist is: Viera, Diarra and Owen/Target man. If we get those then those arrogant russian banking cunts had better watch out.
David are you American, German or just a little daft. The reference to the weather and physical play was clearly in relation to the Reyes fiasco last season and was presumable meant to be tongue in cheek (please dont take tongue in cheek literally).
Also, I agree with Gilio on the Diarra thing and one would think he may be available now that Chavski haven't managed to scare Lyon into releasing Essien.
if essien does not go to chelsea we will buy diarra, i also thionk owen would be a magnificent buy as i said a few days ago although mow said then that he did not want him,
getting owen is good but i think the problem is the working relationship between arsenal and real.We refused to sell viera to them and tried to unsettle robinho so they in return stole d beast right from our nose and we av some kind of arrangement with barca their greatest rival because if that is not the case we were ready to pay 17 million for d beast y can't we pay 12million for a better player becos owen to me is a proven goalscorer.
Owen may be a better goalscorer, but the whole idea of signing the Beast was so he could play in midfield primarily and could be moved up front when we needed something different.
Real would not have signed him just to get back at us for not selling Vieira, they know all too well that Baptista will give any team something totally different to what they already have. I would go as far to say Baptista is special, one of a kind in current football. IF we offered the money Real expect for Owen, they would accept it, no doubts, but im not sure if AW wants him. He admires him, but does he want him? Can he see a way of moulding an Henry-Owen partnership? I would like to think he does want him and he can see a way, but i have my doubts. We will see though.
I have to point out to you both that we didn't refuse to sell Vieira to them. Last summer a fee was agreed and Vieira himself changed his mind at the 11th hour.
yes too true, my mistake. Relations with Real are fine is basically what i meant to say.
They'll defo accept the right offer, but whetehr we will make that offer is unclear. Wenger said he was not a priority at the moment, so maybe once the keeper deal is tied up we might see a move.
Anyone know why nothing has been revealed about Song and Christanval? Wenger said he would have decided yesterday, but still nothing...
That leads me to think that we will be signing them and Wenger is talking to their clubs. If he wasn't interested in signing them we'd have heard by now.
if we do sign them,then i guess thats is where r d world class players arsene said he will sign
its not a case of talking to cristanvals club he does not have one,as for real i heard they are going to bid for every player we bid for has anyone else heard that
He would still have to arrange a contract with the player, maybe pay as you play due to his injury problems. It all takes time.
like i said there is something that is not right between arsenal n real but i think what i heard was that they will go for all the young players that we go for.
Wenger said he was going to reveal his decision yesterday. Mind you he has done that a few times with the two triallists and has just postponed and postponed again.
i think real's comment about targeting the same youngsters we target is because of AW's brilliant scouting of young talent and the comment is very much tongue in cheek. Theres no problem between us and real.
Taylor, lol, you ever watch those reserves highlights where hes played, bloody dreadful in reserves.
Well, if we sign Viera, we can well and truly close the book on Stack as well. (Three "wells" in one sentence - not good form I suppose.) I saw a lot of Hleb with Stuttgart and he is the real deal. He gives what Freddie and Bobby used to do, what was expected from Reyes but haven't seen, and what Quincy looks like he can do, and what we were missing last season - the ability to run at defenses. This causes all kinds of chaos/panic, stretches the defense out of shape, and leads to more goal scoring opportunities. But besides that, at the end of those runs, he can make the killer pass. That is one deadly combination. There are a lot of players that can do only one - e.g., Jesper Gronjkaer, Rommedahl that results in mediocrity or at best a solid player. Hleb will be special.
Wickedy whoooooooooooooooooo
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