Le Boss: "I Am Still Looking to Bring in a Goalkeeper"

“Sebastian Viera has not joined us, the deal is over,” said AW.
“We could not find an agreement in the end. But I am still looking to bring in a goalkeeper.”
Who do you think the Gaffer has in mind?
There was never any intention to bring anyone in.Niether a keeper nor outfield players.Pathetic going ons at Highbury.
anon 10:47 what r u talking about? are you saying we never wanted to bring in baptista or viera even though we bid for both of them?
For less than 2 million Niemi would be an excellent choice!! He is a bit injury prone these days but still a quality keeper.
Did anyone else notice yesterday that arsenal.com put up song's profile by the first team squad only to take it off again later on. Hope it does not mean thats all fallen through aswell, he may be young but is quality.
It's that fucking yid again.
Carlos Kameni anyone?
Young and really quick.
Wouldn't cost alot either.
Polish newspaper says that we are going to sign 19 years old polish goalkeeper Pawel Linka
If you know polish language:)
Piłkarz Amiki podpisze kontrakt z Arsenalem!
Trzeci bramkarz Amiki Wronki w sobotę rano wylatuje do Londynu, by podpisać kontrakt ze słynnym Arsenalem. Paweł Linka, tak jak kiedyś Jerzy Dudek, na polskich boiskach praktycznie nie zaistniał.
- To nie będą żadne testy, ani szkółka piłkarska. Paweł leci podpisać normalny, profesjonalny kontrakt - przyznał menedżer piłkarza Radosław Osuch.
Transfer Linki jest dziełem współpracy z Raymondem Sparksem, który tego lata ściągnął na Wyspy Artura Boruca i Macieja Żurawskiego.
Linka niedawno skończył 19 lat. W polskiej ekstraklasie zagral tylko w dwóch meczach - jeszcze w sezonie 2003/04, a jesień poprzedniego sezonu spędził na wypożyczeniu do trzecioligowego Promienia Żary.
Według Dariusza Dziekanowskiego, szkoleniowca reprezentacji Polski do lat 16, największym atutem Linki są warunki fizyczne. - Umiejętności czysto bramkarskie, jak na tak młodego gracza, też są wyjątkowe - ocenia.
I think for the short term David James would be a good option.
How comes Wenger did not sign Paul Robinson when he had the chance and never went back in for Petr Cech, once he could get a work permit.
Wenger continues to make mistakes, selling Viera without a replacement being lined up, and backing the money grabbin prick Cole.
Cole is a disgrace, attaching himself to a gooner legend just to gain favour with the supporters. A mercenary, who slated the club, and now does this. How can Wenger say he is a future captain.
Anonymous 10.51: Go to Hell!
Nysie, why allow rascist comments to be posted on your otherwise terrific site?
Are you aware that Arsenal have the largest yewish support. Larger than the Spuds. That is a fact.
I agree with alan. racist comments shouldn't be allowedand i think people should remember there are a lot of 'yids' who support arsenal. its a disgrace
Anon 10:51 cannot be a true supporter who knows the history of this club.
Do we agree we should sell Cole ASAP.
i think ashley cole is out of order but i dont think he should leave the club and make some other team stronger,
Am atlast not happy with Arsen,before you attack me,why should Wenger keep Cygan and keep loaning out English talent.Pennant wasn't that good but was worth being in the team,remember last season when Cesc would then be played right midfield?,to be honest am a great fan of Bently,he is worth being in that team than this dwarf called Cygan,before you say they play different numbers,think twice on how wenger has treated English young talents,did someone watch Norwich vs Manure last season first leg,can someone remember the chip that caught howard out of goal,only to hit the post,i think he needs to be there this season,Pires isn't that a force anymore,so if Ljumberg is injured,Hleb would be left and him right.Wenger you KNOW as people have been made to know but in two seasons we wont have any English in that team.Am not English before any of you here attack me,but its beginning to frustrate.next will be hoyte.
Serge, He has lowered himself too much after attaching himself to a gooner legend just to gain favour with the fans. Disgraceful.
Don't agree with you brian. for a start, pennant? the guys a nutter who should be locked up, not someone pulling on our shirt. the fact is, if they're good enough, they'll make it. look at ashley cole foe example. he took over silvinho because he was better. i couldn't care less whether we fielded a team full of foreigners. after all, we are a club side, not the english national team. all the best english players are taken at the moment and thats that. Also, i know coles been a twat but this whole thing with rocky isn't really his fault. he was asked a question and couldn't exactly turn round and say he hated the guy could he?
i loved watching rocky play he was fantastic i was sooo upset when graham sold him, i have not been that disappointed in a player leaving since, and the only other player to upset me more for leaving was brady, anon put yourself in ash's shoes how else will he get us fans back on side unless he tries things like this?
i dont like the guy anymore but there are not many better left backs in the world right now are there? why cut off our nose to spite our face
Well said mr serge. I've gone right off cole - but like you say he's one of the best in that position...although I do have very high hopes for young Gael..!
Wenger and the board piss me off. We've become the joke of the EPL as cheapskate. Someone said we dont even have 2 coins to rub agains each other let alone 25m Euro to bring Baptista to Highbury.
As if that was'nt enough, we brought in a Uruguayan gk who turned out to be a dwarf for a medical. Now racist remarks are allowed on our websites.
How much are supposed to endure?
I am close to screaming. Can we do something before things get really really bad?
I'll tell u what u can do anon 11:53. go and support a different club. how can u say we're the laughing stock of the EPL? we've been spoilt rotten with the amount of success we've had and people like u have to start to realise thats all cos of wenger and the board. we can't win everything every year but the amount we do is more than enough. if u think like this, imagine how it feels to be a spurs fan. 1 trophy in 13 years and a meaningless one at that. in case u haven't realised we've just spent 300 million on a new stadium so unless u want us to sell thierry then we're obviously not gonna be able to splash the cash are we?
Nice Jobby. Lets have a bit more optimism and stop writing off the fuckin' season before a balls been kicked.
Good points Jack...
I don't think its a case of getting on the good side of the fans, Cole has said what he had to say.
As a matter of fact, I'm willing to bet he did mean every word, if you think about it, but that's besides the point:
Imagine if he'd said "David WHO?" when asked about Rocastle? He'd be flayed alive. So instead he's played the game and made all the right comments, and now people want to criticise him for that too? What, exactly are the critics suggesting he should have said instead?
I feel Cole has not only insulted Rocky's memory but the fans in thinking that we would 'buy' such a cheap trick.
Sell him to a club abroad and take £15-20 million. Use the money on a creative midfielder or centre back, would be better for the team.
Wenger says that Cole is a future captain. Would you be happy with that.
Too much is being made of off field politics and side issues when all we really need to concentrate on is what happens on the pitch. Get behind any players wearing an Arsenal shirt whether you like their personalities or not. The Boss and the board haven't done too badly for us until now, so give them the benefit of the doubt.
Wenger had years to find a top class goalkeeper.
He knew Seaman was approaching retirement age, but then panic buys at the last moment.
He could have signed Paul Robinson, but chose not to, and could have tried to sign Cech again when he had qualified for a work permit.
How can any true gooner support the behaviour of Ashley Cole.
He slated the club in the press and said that he did not want to play for us again. He met with another club behind Arsenal's back. Top teams have players that will do for the club, not hold the club to ransom for money.
He is a disgrace to this great club.
only thing is, when cech got his permit, chelsea were in for him and offered him mega bucks so we didn't stand a chance. not wengers fault
Jack...Fair point. But why did he not sign Robinson. Insult to injury, he is doing a good job for the Spuds.
I don't see why we have to be so optimistic to qualify for being a fan. Blind optimism is hardly helpful. 11:53 or whatever is just calling it as he sees it, surely?
I really hate this fan snobbery - That somehow if you criticise the club you're not a true fan. That's so arrogant. Frankly, most people criticising Arsenal right now are doing it BECAUSE they are fans. It's because they care about it that much they are concerned.
Let's not confuse blind otpimism with support. It's all too easy to say "Arséne knows" but does he? He didn't seem to "know" about Batista, or Viera and he certainly appears not to "know" about Cygan. We've got someone like Pires, who may well be over 40, but scored plenty for us last season and who has been a great player for the club being told he can only get a 1 year contract. It's a bizarre rule that once you hit 30 you can only get a rolling 1 year contract. Players these days with their fitness levels can go on for longer than they used to.
In truth, Asrenal are being as secretive as they always have been, and none of us REALLY have a clue what is going on behind the scenes. Arséne has earned our trust, but he hasn't earned the right to be immune to criticism. It's more than obvious that money is a problem for us now, whatever anyone says, but I think that once Ashburton Grove is upa nd running and our gate money goes up we'll start being able to compete a little more in the tranfser market. Until then we'll just have to keep punching above our weight. Of course, the kids might well do us produc this season, and I wouldn't bet against it, but I think many feel that some more seasoned players would add some experience and steel to the team when things get tough.
Ha! Just realised my tpo - I said poor old Bob was over 40! Of course, I meant 30. If he was playing like that at 40 I would be surprised...... :-)
Bugger. My typing is awful. Sorry.
I agree with MM. That is exactly the point regarding Ashley Cole. The support for him has no logic to it.
the problem is MM that all these crtics will come out at the end of the season saying "i always knew wenger would get it right, always had faith in him". there's nothing to criticise at the moment so don't understand how people are. we've just won the cup so there's no need to moan. just get behind the team. thats all we're asking. especially as nothings even happened yet
I think Maarten Stekelenburg from AJAX MASTERdam would be a excellent signing..He's definitely Hollands number 1 in a couple of years..
Somebody posted earlier in this blog with regards to Bentley going and Arsenal have no English players left in the team .
I frankly don't give a shite! We live in a mixed-national society and we have a mixed-national football team. Let's move with the times shall we?
But just in case some people just can't live with that, aren't UEFA imposing that new rule regarding having 3 home grown players in your squad for the Champions League by 2006/7 increasing to 5 by the following year?
According to some miserable farts, that won't matter though because we're all set for relegation and no Champions League qualification anyway. But heres one for you.
If this rule comes into place then love him or loathe him, Ashley (I love him! Forgive and forget! If Ash scores this season, what you gonna do? Sit there with your arms crossed cursing? Like Ashley, swallow your pride!)will be one of our most prized and important players.
Nice site Nyssie!
quality post anon 1:01!!couldn't agree more with you there. on all those points. well said
As I said it before on this forum, I dont blame Wenger for not signing anyone other than Helb so far. We seem to be be really tight moneywise so he is doing his best. I still believe that a CB, a holding CM and a GK, in that order, are our top priorty. If money is short, well lets all stick behind the team and support them until AG is built and then the money will pour in. The thrill of watching Senderos, Cesc, Flamini, Reyes, RVP and Co creating wonders at such a tender age is enough for me.
As for Cole, give the guy a break and lets see what he does on the pitch this season.
As for the guy complaining about the shortage of english players, well Pennant is a typical london headless twat, Hoyte is average and Bently although good enough, is not as good as the other youngsters. No point in blending in english players just for the sake of it.
I have to say though that Wenger is more confortable working with foreign players who tend to keep low profile and just going about doing their business, unlike some of the english players who would get all hyped up, go date a pop star or whatever, go talk crap to tabloids and so on.
Thanks Anon (1:01) I think you've swayed me....couldn't see myself standing there with the hump if Ash scored...
just realised something. all the people coming on here saying we've got no english talent are also the ones saying we need to get rid of cole. it just doesn't make sense. have u thought that maybe wenger doesn't want more cole scenarios to happen as probably would if the english upstarts were given a go?
I agree with you about the end of the season. There are some pretty fickle people out there. That riles me too, when you get the same people who moaned declaring that they told us it would all be OK.
Personally I'll be happy to be held to account for any criticism I made in the past. I certainly don't pretend to be an expert. I was moaning about Arséne a while back and then we went and won the double. Doh! We don't have any playing to criticise but I think that many fans would agree that our transfer dealings in the close season have been less than encouraging. I do feel sorry for Arséne as he obviously pinned a lot on the signing of Batista only for Real to come and scupper it all.
Personally I just have this nagging feeling that won't go away, that we're just trying to do everything on the cheap, and that we're going to get found out because of it. I desperately hope I'm wrong and that AW simply has something up his sleeve that none of us know about. For all I know our young players could simply end up being the team that win us the treble, but it's tough to see how, with so many games to play across 4 competitions. We've seen what happens when we get inhuries to key players - We end up playing muppets like Cygan. Poor old Cesc looked knackered at the end of the season and Lauren needed a much deserved rest; He was run ragged by Ronaldo in the FA Cup FInal. Maybe we wouldn't worry so much if Chavski didn't just have pots of money to buy whoever they wanted. They have 2 squads both capable of winning any competition they enter, and that is tough for us to compete with. Let's hope that their arrogance leads to a fall, and that they end up fighting amongst themselves over competition for places.
I think it would all just be nice to have a bit of stability at the club; Get some wins under our belt, start to show some more balls in Champions League games, and see the confidence come flodding back. That's when we're irresistable to watch and unbeatable on the pitch.
Bloody hell - so many issues to chat about ... ths could be a bit of a long post.
We're all fans that give a shit what's happening to arsenal - whether you the kind of person that gets worried about the coming season through lack of depth in the squad, or the kind of person who has faith that whatever happens we'll be alright - you still deserve to voice your opinion ... and be criticised constructively for it. That's the beauty of being a fan.
I for one am worried - I'm not niave to believe Arsene's never made mistakes - but ofcourse as plenty of people said, we've been fighting above our weight earnings-wise for years and it's mainly down to his brilliance in the transfer market and his tactics.
he deserves our trust but people can lose the plot and I'm sure he's not ammune.
In the end if the window closes and we've bought no one else we still have to get behind the team whatever - which I'm sure everyone will do. We're all gooners in the end ..
As for Ashley - I'm one of the ones that think he's been a fucking idiot all through this restraint of trade business, but you can't criticise the guy for talking highly of Rocky.
In the end Ash was (maybe still is at heart) an arsenal fan. Anyone that's old enough to remember david Rocastle will always remember him fondly - he was an arsenal legend what to him was an absolute tragedy.
If some fans want to see it as some kind of manipulation by Ash to get back into the fans good books then fair enough, but I'd like to think that there are some things that Ash's dispute with the club are above, and I'd like to believe that the statement he made about the Arsenal legend were sincere and from the heart.
Can I ask if anyone else is a season ticket holder and not got their membership pack thing through yet??? Think my postie has had mine away.
let me clear 2 things up guys those of you that are complaining that we spend no money!whats new?last year we bought RVP for under 2mill and that was it how come there was no doom and gloom last year? was it because we went unbeaten?its not as if the situation was not the same as last year chelsea spent a hell of a lot of money then as well, last year we had a lot of youths playing they have had a season in the prem they will be better this season,17 teams spent more money than us last year in the prem and we came second,how much is toure,senderos,cole ,ljunberg,pires,RVP,fabregas and glichy, worth in the open market about 75 million?we paid 7.5 million for them (the majority of that on pires)AW does not need to go and spend 30 mill on a player coz he can find a player like anelka for 150 grand and sell him for 23 million,my other point is ashley i dislike him but he is an excellent player i think the best in his position and i forgive him for what he did, is there someone at work that is good at their job and you dislike? of course there is ask your work to get rid of them and see what happens! i forgive him but i will not forget!
don't worry westside, i haven't got mine through either and don't know anyone who has. good post before MM. very good points and its nice to hear someone criticising constructively rather then just having a go at the team
On another note (a boring friday evening waiting to fck off back home) what do u ppl make of Liverpool's prosepcts this season? They seem to have assembled a fine squad. Admittedly, a lof of them would need time to adapt their new surroundings (the weather, physically tough league..) so i dont expect them to challenge for the championship this season but IMHO they should be firm favourites for 4th spot.
Thanks Jack. I agree also with Mr.Serge about Cole. Like him as a person or not he is probably the finest left back in the world and the club did fuck him about with his contract. He has behaved like a petulant child, but that certainly doesn't make him unique in modern day footballers. I wont forget his childish tantrums, but life is to short not to forgive.
There have been many players I have not liked over the years but whilst they are at your club you cannot get on their back. Apart from David Hillier of course but he wasn't just a wanker, he was very shit too.
Liverpool will be lucky to finish in the top six.
I know we dont have to spend big money, but it seems that Wenger is not addressing the important positions.
I still do not understand selling Viera without a replacement lined up. Something very strange about this deal.
Can someone expalin this.
I have a horrible feeling the Spuds may nick 4th place.
oi westside, leave dave out of it!! he was one of the finest midfielders ever to have graced the highbury turf and i fully expect to see him on the pitch before sundays game for players day. how did that boy never player for england?
HAHAHA Sorry mate, my eyes aren't that good. I'm sure I saw somebody in the old North Bank murel overtake him once.
How can you view Cole BIGGER than the club.
You don't care how he treats the club as long as he plays.
Sell him to a club abroad, use the money to strengthen the team. Simple. Left backs are not more important then the positions we can strengthen in winning the title.
This blog is so slow. Does'nt anyone use it
we cud hav tried more for silvio proto....good at5 his wrk...tall chap....i wonder how wud it be if we go for renne isaakson...and heard from somewher tat casillas hadn't been offered a contract as yet...long shot but hell yeah...
and i guess all ya wankers should shut up and start talkin sensible football...the season begins morrow...hope for the best...
david hillier the second worse midfielder to ever grace an arsenal shirt remember when he nicked someones luggage at heathrow? he is a fireman is bristol now
Who do you rate the worst then???Morrow, Jensen, Selley, McGoldrick???
out of those 4 westside i'd have to say mcgoldrick. selley was unlucky with injuries, morrow scored a winning coca cola cup final goal and jensen had a quality afro!!
westside i rate gus ceaser as the worst ever ever ever as for the 4 you think they are in my top ten
Poodle Parlour was pretty shit.
Gorgeous Gus was a centre half.
Jimmy Carter was a tosser.
Martin Hayes was another joke.
Edgar Davids injured in training and misses tomorrow's match.
AW has agreed to sell David Bentley. Wenger you WANK.
Has he injured his back carrying Spertz midfield????
Damaged knee. Out for 1 to 2 weeks.
Even though he plays for the spuds, he would have served us well for a season.
anonymous 3:25, how can u sit there and call wenger wank? r u a moron or something? 3 titles, 4 FA Cups in 8 seasons with his budget is definately not wank. he's the greatest manager we've ever had and if you want a team full of crap, young english players, go and support the scum down the road.
Too old, too expensive, too injury prone. He is a tantrum throwing mercenary that would bring nothing extra to Highbury.
He was touted all round Europe and wanted a team in the CL and settled for Spertz because they were prepared to pay him a fortune. The signin appeased the fans because they have signed a big name, regardless of him being past it.
he was a midfielder first and then was converted to defence i am sure he partnered rocky for a few maches and we wanted to stone him when he got near the north bank
For fucks sake will you atleast give Wenger and the boys a chance ? You're moaning before a ball has even been kicked in competition, what is that about ? I think when a guy who hasn't finished outside of the top 2 in all his seasons here and has delivered 4 trophies in the last 4 year, asks for some trust I think he atleast deserves to be judged when a ball has eventually been kicked in anger and not before don't you ????
When Cech was eligible for a work permit I think his asking price was something like £8-9million and Chelsea were offering silly money a week thast why we didn't sign him.
As for Robinson !!! Is it only me that thinks this guy is massively overrated ?? What was your favourite goal at the Lane last year, the one where he didn't communicate with his CB and they contrived to fuck it up or the one where Pires beat him on his near post from a ridiculously tight angle ???
I'll gloss over the 5 he let in at Highbury the year before.
robinson is well overated the reason wenger nver signed him was that he thought he was a fat bastard and would not settle
The blind faith you have in AW is a joke. he seems to have lost the plot.
1) Sell quality young ENGLISH talent.
2) Sell Viera without having a replacement.
3) The joke situation re. a goalkeeper.
4) Now unable to attract the top talent in Europe.
5) Shit tactics in Europe.
6) Shit tactics in the FA Cup final. We won it on pure luck and nothing else.
7) Team's shit performance in Community Shield.
8) Wanting the money grabbing prick Cole as a future captain.
He has become a complete WANK.
Change the fucking record. No wonder you want to remain anonymous. For a start, he hasn't sold any quality English talent. The players he has sold weren't good enough.
As for the rest of your drivel, it is the same shit as you have been hankering for a reaction on for days.
You are not a Gonner and I for one can smell your shit from a mile off.
- Gonner
+ Gooner
I've been a season ticket holder for 20 years and u come out with crap like that.
You may look at the owrld through rose tinted glasses but i don't. Face the facts
Where do you sit then mate???
I partly agree with anon. 3.48.
You can't just slag someone off because you don't agree with their opinions.
Fuck off. You are boring.
Westside...So you agree in selling Bentley?
Anon. 4.01 Such a witty retort. How long have you been working on that one?
4.01...If you must contribute at least make it worthwhile.
Yes, I do agree with selling Bentley. He is a reasonable player, but not as good as we already have in that position. We cant just keep players because they are English if the are not good enough. He may become a good player, but if he isn't happy to sit in the reserves he should leave. We livee in a multi-cultural society and players nationalities should not govern their selection in the team.
'We live in a multi-cultural society'! What a weak, pathetic argument.
Bentley looks a real talent that the coachibg staff should be working with.
LATEST....SSN have announced Jenas signs for the Spuds for £7m.
I would rather have good foreign players than average English ones every day of the week.
Westside...I understand where you are coming from, but Bentley looks like he could become a high quality player. It is irrelevent whether he is English or not, it is his ability.
AW gives foreign players who are not as good as Bently preferential treatment. The future ruling on the number of foreign players could hurt Arsenal with this current way of thinking.
Spuds have pipped us for Jenas and only £7m. What the fuck is going on
you lot are ridiculous. by saying how lucky we were to win the FA CUP does that mean you'd prefer us to play like we did in 2001 final when we lost? also, how much of an impression did Bently make on Norwich last year? all i've heard someone say is that he had a good shot which hit the bar against Utd. Big fucking deal. also, how many of these so called great english players that wenger has let go have gone on to become world class? NONE. and the reason is cos they're all arrogant. do you lot seriously wanna see us turn out like newcastle with english players fighting all over the pitch and off it. come on, be realistic, foreigners are better and less trouble and thats the end of it. the one english player who's broken into the team has gone on to cause the club a lot of grief so maybe AW has learnt from that.
The big question is this;
Is Bentley good enough to get in the first team now??
That means better than Freddie, Van Persie, Reyes, Pires and Hleb. We haven't seen enough of the latter yet to pass judgement, but I dont think he is better than any of the others at the moment. Therefore he wont be playing first team football and Wenger is right not to guarantee him than he will.
Bentley could play wide right. Because of the amount of money Chelski have we can't rely upon buying established players. The club has to look towards the future.
what a stupid statement, foreign players are less trouble then english.
Have we forgotten Anelka.
We sold Upson and now we need a centre half.
but remember we got 25 million for anelka and bought henry. what did u want AW to do. tell upson he couldn't leave and let him rot in the reserves? he wasn't going to get in ahead of Sol or Adams or Keown and he wanted first team football. same goes with bentley. say these statements you've been making at highbury on sunday and i think it'll be you who's called a dickhead, not me.
Cool. You arse boys are hilarious...
and yeah your right bout anelka but i think in general i might just be right. think theres allowed to be one exception, don't you?
not as hilarious as davids being injured already anon 4:36
Jack -
Dont worry.. he will be fit for your little boys.
I wonder if he'll give his 60k back this week?? Typical Scum signing.
thank god for that. we always play better when you've got an old cripple in your team. lets just hope naybet plays as well so we can score 5 again.
is that the best you can do 4:42... boring!!
There is a large contingent of season ticket holders who feel the same and it will be said on Sunday. And the mercenary Cole is going to get it as well.
Is Serge the fat SheMale on today.
Spurs are going to stuff you this season.
You inbreds will belucky to finish in the top 6.
if you're all so unhappy, why not give up your tickets and spend the extra grand each year on a nice holiday. there's plenty of people willing to take your tickets who'll actually back the team. look forward to hearing from you on monday morning on this blog after we've beaten newcastle
We'll be happy when Cole fucks off.
but what about all the nasty foreigners that'll still be there? in fact, won't it be a frenchmen who replaces cole? surely you wouldn't be happy to see more english talent gone being replaced by foreigners. MAKE YOUR FUCKING MINDS UP
Jack...Do you always open your mouth without the brain going into gear.
Read what has been written and then you may have a chance of an intelligent reply, if someone helps you.
That Jack sounds as smart as Serge the fat SheMale (who only goes to home matches, and thinks he has a company turning over £20M per year).
The future is bright, the future is blue and white.
Jack, it is the same Spertz fuckwit that has been plugging the Cole thing for days. School holidays are over soon, so we wont have it much longer.
We'll have the same prick doing the "I agree with anon " blah blah blah bit next. Mark my words.
with all you lot writing as anonymous its fucking impossible to tell who's writing what you moron. all i know is that there have been a lot of people writing as anonymous saying that we don't have enough english talent and wenger gives preferential treatment to the foreigners. if thats not you saying that then sorry but it'd be help if you had a name
seems like u were right westside!
He cant be bothered with Spurs sites as they are all as fucking stupid and boring as him.
right lads, i'm off home. all gooners, enjoy sunday and all spurs scum, enjoy your usual saturday afternoon. look forward to hearing you moan on talksport tomorrow about 6.
anon win something qualify for europe anything but please dont come on this site and disrespect your superiors especially me as i said i can prove i have a business and i can also prove that you are a cock whatever you say is insignificant you will come 8th at best again spurs because your boys have no intestinal fortitude they are weak and a b team in the capital who have the shaved honey monster as a manager
there is nothing to sugest that jenas has signed for spurs for 7 mill but if thats the case why so much cheaper than we were quoted for him,crazy
mr serge: Shaved honey monster...my god, you lot can't even think up any good insults, shame as you really tried to post a legible, intelligent comment then. Nevermind, keep trying.
anon when you start making legible, intelligent comments i will follow suite,but for now i wll keep it simple so you can understand!!! sours are useless they have been since you were born in 1992 run along
sours is not a typo they are called that because you must have a sour taste in your mouth with the lack of sucsess over the last century or so
Fat SheMale Serge...Surely you mean 'follow suit' and NOT 'follow suite'. I think this proves anon right about your lack of intelligence.
Still, you can still go back to mummy and daddy's terraced slum and pretend that you have a successsful company and that your not a fat sad 40+ virgin living with his parents.
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