Keeper Move Goes T!ts Up

This leaves us in a bit of a pickle, as Almunia has a broken finger and Jens is banned for the first two European games of the season for soaking a ref last term!
We do need a keeper, but who else is there to go for? Surely we can't rely on youngsters Howard and Mannone - especially in the CL?!?!
Is it too late to bring back Graham Stack from his loan spell at Reading? Or is that all too late?
Chelsea expect to finalise the £27million signing of Lyon midfielder Michael Essien in the next 48 hours after the player forced president Jean-Michael Aulas back to the negotiating table.
Chelsea have remained in dialogue with Lyon despite Aulas' previous claim that the proposed transfer was dead.
However, Essien has presented Aulas with no option but to reconsider his position after saying he would not sign any new contract they offered.
The Frenchman had hoped to keep the Ghanaian international midfielder with a massive pay increase on a long-term contract but Essien told Aulas he would not even discuss such a deal.
Essien's brutal rebuttal forced Aulas to pick up the phone and call Chelsea's billionaire owner Roman Abramovich, who is holidaying in St Tropez.
Abramovich then agreed to meet Aulas to discuss Essien's £27m transfer with the full backing of Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon.
Essien's stance has effectively forced Aulas to hammer out a deal with Chelsea in spite of his claims that any chance of a transfer had evaporated just 24 hours ago.
Kenyon is now expected to fly out to France to conclude the long-running transfer saga within the next two days.
Providing there are no last-minute hitches, Essien's arrival will at last provide Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho with the midfielder he has coveted all summer
A friend of mine in London tells me the reason that the deal failed were traces of cocaine in the urin test.
Get Isaksson from Renne while it's still possible. Excellent keeper and first choice behind Ljungberg in Swedens national tem.
Isaksson is class - we should go for him!!! NOW!!!
I think its a real shame that Viera may have failed his medical. All the reports on him were so positive and he would have been an exciting player for us for many years. I very much doubt there were cocaine samples in his urine. For all the reports ive read it seemed he's the consumate professional who's very dedicated.
We must sign a keeper. Isaksson would be brilliant, but in all honesty i can see AW signing no one now and putting yet more pressure on our unproven youngsters. Mannone or Howard could play both of our first two CL games and that worries me. To be honest though i have become so accustomed to us doing nothing in Europe that i expect nothing and will probably get nothing with the squad we have.
I guess we will wait and see.
We will be rubbish in Europe, and a new keeper wont make a difference. We lack the tactical nouse in europe to threaten any of the big teams and will most likely go out in the 2nd round. Getting out of the group stage would be an achievement.
On Chelsea signing Essien (dunno why sum1 posted that here), but £27 million is a ridiculous amount of money for most plkayers, let alone a player who is largely unproven. But, as its Chelsea we are talking about, there is no risk in them spending that money on him and he will strengthen them yet further. Now instead of calling upon that useless fuck Tiago, they have Essien. In my opinion it is another nail in the coffin of english football aswe know it. Soon Chelsea will have assembled perhaps the perfect team. They can buy anyone they want, perhaps excluding our captain, but even if they wanted him they could offer money Arsenal could not afford.
I think its ridiculous.
Agreed gilio. Those fuckers are KILLING the game. Something MUST be done - soon. Perhaps a cap on transfers/wages something along those lines...otherwise we may aswell give up and go home...
We will never give up, and whats good is we will be able to compete more financially in a couple years after moving to Emirates. What does bemuse me is that AW has money to spend this season and hasnt done so, which has allowed Chelsea to further extend the gap between us and them. Just looking at the size and consistent quality in their squad is ominous. What is nice is that most football fans would now prefer us to win over them becuase we do things the right way and play football beautifully. I just hope we can challenge them this year, but i have major doubts. Them running away with the League again would be terrible news for English football, and football as a whole.
Apparently Rio Mavuba the young french international has claimed that we are going to make a move for him.... NEXT he says on God's sake, we need a cntral midfielder now, whats the use in waiting?
Deary me, this has been a summer to forget for AFC
Chelsea will not kill the game. They can only possibly have a squad of say, 24 top players. Any more than that and the players sitting on the bench week in, week out will get pissed off and leave.
There are enough world-class players for us, man u and others to compete with them and beat them. Real Madrid have effectively been buying a squad of superstars for years now, but they have shown that that doesn't guarantee success.
At the end of the day, you can buy all the players you like, but you still only have 11 on the pitch.
what's the story on Alex Song & Chistival - i take it they're non-starters as AW said he would decide in 2/3 days but has said sod all. Also quite weird that AFC site hasnt said anything about the Viera deal falling through, everyone knows it was him we were after - werent exactly a secret, also reckon AW shoule keep schtum about 'possible' signings - he said we'd sign a keeper on Friday - obviously didnt see the keeper the medical -but for fucks sake. Bit like that Italian keeper a couple of years ago (cant remember his name, but he was Juve's No.2) had him in the AFC mag, even on the site, fcker got a squad number & played even turned out for the Austria tour then didn't sign cos of cash. We do need a keeper & soon, I'm not convinced about Almunia at all.
In agreement with Europe - if we get out the group stages its a bonus in my eyes.
With Essien - says a lot about the players mentality - I actually work with a Chelsea season ticket holder (& he's aright not one of those smug c*nts) & we both agreed you dont want a player who goes on strike & throws his dummy out the pram... bit like a certain Nicolas Anelka.
I can tell you that here in Sweden there are load of rumours about Iskasson moving to England... lets just hope it´s true and he arrives at Highbury in a few weeks time
I feels terrible to say this, but I´m strting to wonder if Arsene Wenger is the right man to coach our club.
He is great at finding young players and turning them into World Class but he seems to be scared of spending money. He´s got a lot of money available but he refuses to spend them. He isn´t the man to kill a match eighter. Maybe we should keep him at the club as a sportingdirectir like Frank Arnesen and then get a new manager? What do you think?
Don´t get me wrong, I love Arsene Wenger but he isn´t the worlds best manager!
Wait for it....
No-one wants to go to you because of the arrogant Ars**le Wenger. Henry will be off next year as well as Pires & Cole. You carry on your bleating for as long as you want, because the likes of Man U & Chelsea are laughing at you now and a certain team just down the road are on the up........
Dirty Gooner Scum!!!!!!!!!
Fucking wanker!
Well structured response from an inbred kebab seller!!!!
Tottenham are on the up....haven't heard that for the last 10 years have we.
But i guess they really mean it this time. Ooooooh scary!!!
Are you calling me a Kebab seller?
Watch out for your extra fingers on that big knife as you cut your lamb...........
You know what? I´m just as english as you are, maybe youre a kebab seller? I dont know what, but something seems to be verry wrong with you, but maybe it´s just that you are a fucking Spurs fan?
Chelsea actually - just interesting reading the crap you lot write, hate it now you're not the top team in London, soon to be 3rd if Spurs do the business.
Tottenham will never get close to us... and we will be the best team in london after this season, did you watch the Comunity Shield? You won the game but we were the better team! And we will be through the whole season!
Oscar I disagree on your point that AW is scared of spending money. When the right player comes along he is prepared to spend big - Henry, Reyes the Beast(sorry!). We still spend less than our rival but then we have less money so AW has to be really sure about a player to part with the cash. As for being tactically inept - well I don't think he is the greatest tactitian but surely he recognises as much as we do a so-called plan-B.
Oscar, everyone has the right to an opinion, but your's on Wenger is absolute bollocks.
Well maybe it is, but if you look at the nasty moutinho for example he is far better tacticaly than Sir Wenger...
But as I said, i really like Wenger!
Westsidegooner & Oscar - I agree with both of you - i'm not sitting on the fence - but it's a little from column A & a little from column B. AW is a very shrewd & dynamic coach, but i wouldn't call him a great tactician. If anyone hails him as a master mind in that dept, I think you're lying to yourselves, umpteen failed Euro appearances without much success tells its on story. Even closer than that look at our plan B? When we play well we're unstoppable but when a team plays a certain defensive way - we're fcked.
I dont think you can compare the two unless they have been in similar situations. I accept that Moaninho won the Champions league with a fairly average team, but in cup competitions that is often likely to happen regardless of the manager. Wrexham beat League Champions Arsenal some years back but it doesn't mean their manager had more tactical nous than George Graham.
Since he has been at Chavski he has riches beyond Wenger's dreams. You may be right, but I would like to see him raise a club from the brink of Sperzdom (as Wenger did) and turn them into Winners always challenging for honours.
Sad Scum Twats - Gooners are in for a real shit season, you'll get on the paedo's back and he will be off with Henry, but at least you'll keep the rapist.......
Blue & White forever.......
Age 30....title triumphs experienced 5......nuff said Heebie.
Obviously hit a sore point there, shame it's the beginning of the demise of the scum, new stadium - no money - no players - paedo gone.
Showing your in-bred tendancies with the family shagging references.
Sad individual, sitting watching porn in your little bedsit, wanking over pics of Henry & Wenger.
Take it like a man, as your mum does!!!!
oscar you are wondering about arsene you say he is not the best manager in the world in the last 9 years he has been with us he has signed a lot of world class players, look at us when graham and rioch were here we had mcgoldrick,hillier,morrow,gus ceaser(the worst arsenal player in history) perry groves,martin hayes,ian selley,etc,now we have henry,ljunberg,fabregas,pires,reyes,hleb,sol,ashley,gilbrto,etc can you see a difference? are you crazy? he has made more money for the club than he has spent on transfers,he has got the board to build a brand new training complex and stadium, we are now one of the biggest clubs in the world,on a shoe string budget,you say he is not the best manager in the world?are we the best club in the world?no i will tell you one thing for definate,there is no divine right for any club to be on top and you are a crazy pesimistic wank
anonymous chelsea fan you are a whore just like all the chelsea fansd who win one title after spending 800 million in 2 years what an acheivment west brom could do it if that was the case,you lot are like that chav that won the lottery micheal carroll its called new money and you bums dont what to do with it,well when your russian prince runs away or gets jailed i dont want to see you twats at highbury fuck off
I would imagine Mr.Serge that to make a comment like his Oscar hasn't had the benefit of seeing the players you mention. I get a massive sense of pride and excitement going to Highbury these days and not that horrible feeling that only a pending loss can offer.
If he does go to jail, at least he won't be on the nonces wing with Van Persie & Paedo..........
Time for a doner Kamal????
one more thing chelsea boy there is nothing wrong with selling kebabs its better than working in a market with all your barrow boy mates,how many bananas do you have to sell to get a ticket to see lampard kick a ball hard as long as he has people around him to do his work the lazy fat arsed wank
I think AW has had his european tactics wrong every single year. Until last year no one could really complain with the League tactics as we won 3 titles, but to never have made it beyond the euro 1/4s shows that hes not got it right there.
Last year pointed out to everyone just what Arsenal needed, and i thought Wenger had been shown too, but clearly not as he has not made any of the signings many of us think and know we need. EG a keeper, a midfielder, a defender to replace Cygan and a target man type striker to give us other options instead of our passing game.
This summer has been AW's poorest to date. His faith in the youth seems to be undieing and i just hope it doesnt blow up in his and our faces. I am not optimistic and i think AW has made many a blunder this summer. We have had a mare in the transfer market, an absolute mare.
mr serge is on fire!!! go on my sahhhhn!!!! ;oD
Actually Serge(very English!!!!), I'm in property earning more than you could even dream of.
Lamps is top midfielder in the country, and you're after Jenas - now that's a lazy arsed twat, fit nicely with your lot though....
"Chili sauce and salad with that order sir?"
who the fuck is peado? van persie is not in jail he just shagged a bird and she lied to get him in trouble,dont worry this will never happen to you as you have never been with a woman, remember when the only thing a chelsea fan was proud of was that the fans were the most violent?i loved those days,bring it on this season with your long ball and 8 defenders, why are you trying to buy essien your route 1 football avoids real midfield players unless they can run in the box ala lardarse i mean lampard,if you win the title for 12 years in a row you will still have less trophies than us
Anon and Serge, bloody hell the both of your are being pathetic. Esepcially you anon for coming into a blog that really is of no concern to you at all and starting mouthing off. Both of you need to grow up a bit.
gillo fuck anon i am a grown man but twats like him get my back up he is just jealous that his fans are to dumb to make their own web sites when he goes back to school in august he should ask his teacher to show him how to put one together
gillo are you his teacher?
To all Chelski cunts here. Ue's club depend on ONLY one man. When he is gone, u are gone. Gone for ever.
Good lad mr.Serge. Chelsea cunt. They'll disappear back down to shitsville as soon as that KGB fuckpig clears off. Leave us to resume arguing with proper clubs with substance and history again.
Read the earlier mail again dumbfuck.....
'In property' & 'Back to school', I'm good but not that good.
Tears from the scum, how we laugh......
Paedo (not Peado) is the French fiddler who manages your immigrant first team.......
If you are so intelligent and interesting that you feel the need to continue sharing your pearls of wisdom with us moron, could you please identify yourself.
At least then we know which prick to ignore. In fact, that sounds like the sort of advise Moaninho's mother should have heeded many years ago.
Jose is the new messiah, the son of god - his mother was just carrying him, immaculate no pricks.
You gypsies from Woolwich make me laugh.
Try spell checking your replies first, or is it your inbred webbed hands that get in the way?
No, it's you old girl screaming while I am typing that puts me off.
anonymous chelsea boy more money than i can imagine hahaha i drive a 70 grand car and have my own business that turns over 20 mill a year and before you call me a liatr i can prove it i doubt you can you punk, i never read your post about property and thats why i said you are in school and even if you are in property unless you are a landlord agents are haveing atough time at the mo so i doubt you earn in a year whaT I EARN IN A MONTH p60 on request you barrow boy and no i do not have an english name but i am english more english than roman abromaothief
Lets get back to the point. There has been no major signings. We have players that we either have to bribe to stay (Cole), no one wants them (Pires) or are waiting for a free transfer (Campbell). On top of that Van Persie could go away for rape. This has the signs of a worrying season. Chelscum outplayed us on sunday and even the yids look like there have half a team, even AW said that about Spertz.
Bore off now Chav. Terrible English by the way "even the yids look like there have half a team". What is that about???? If you win the league this year, does that mean you have won more titles than Sperz??? Fuck me, what a history you have.
chelsea are very strong at the back terry is brilliant but they did not outplay us we had 60% of the play just did not put our chances away, henry looked like it was pre season for him, i enjoyed the game and am looking forward to watching our boys really go for it
Westsidegooner you have the fucking nerve to call be a yid, you tart. Supporters like you and that liar serge give us a bad name. Go and read your bridget jones book
why am i a liar anon????
Terry is already a legend, Henry wasn't playing as if it was a pre season game - he's fucked off Viera has gone, obvious you twat.
So who will be second Man Utd, Liverpool or Spurs, your lot will have so much in-fighting when the season isn't going well - expect some January moves out of the library.
One man and his dog.........
Westsidegooner. You have to face facts. Cole, Pires and Campbell want to go, so let them. Viera has gone and AW is refusing to spend money, which is a worrying sign. Especially when our own manager thinks that lot from down the road can mount a challenge.
By "call be a yid" I guess you mean call you a yid??? In fact, I haven't called you a yid at all, I suggest you spend less time being a cock and more time reading. Seems you are losing the plot slightly Fat Chav.
Westsidegooner. How is the second 'Bridget Jones Diary' book. Has mummy finished reading it to you yet?
You are obviously a Yid, otherwise you would not insult fellow supporters.
Fuck off back to you own blog.
anon chelsea fan or slightly fat chav as we will call you from now on i am not a liar son i can prove that i have a very succsesfull business but thats not the point your team are a bunch of prostitutes who will find it difficult to win the title this year as everyone has sussed you route 1 football the last team to play that now reside in milton keynes
You'd best be off now anyway fat Chav. You must have work to do????PAAAAANNNNDDDDD OOOFFFFFFF 'NANAAAAAS ONLYYYYY ARF A CRAAAAAAANNNN. Ciao cunty.
You can have that one, had to read it twice to catch it......
Fuckoff Freddy's gay lover
serge and westsidegooner. Are you only on here to wind up us true gooners.
You have to face the facts that Cole( who slated us in the papers) only stayed because we bribed him, Pires wants to go but no one wants him and Campbell is waiting for another free transfer. Plus Van Persie rapes girls and Viera is gone with AW not spending any money. Love the club but have to face the facts. Could be a long, hard season.
You really are trying Fat Chav and to be honest you have cheered up a very boring afternoon for me. Now, however the time has come for me to go home to my family and enjoy the fruits of my labours. I hope you have the balls to re-appear after we have stuffed you at the Bridge, and you can apologise then. Good luck with the market stall, I hope consumer spending picks up in time for the festive period when Arsenal are 10 points clear at the top. BIBIFN>
anon 3.40 i am not here to upset true gooners as you put it which is a fucking cheek considering i have had a season ticket for 15 years (how long does it take to be a true gooner?)haha i never mentioned cole or campbell or pires i was slating the chelsea boy, if you want my input on cole is he is a whore,campbell is injured he does not want a move,as for no one wanting pires i doubt that, regards yours non real gooner serge
Westsidegooner. I would give it another 10 minutes before going home to your terraced shithole, as the wife is still with your brother.
You should tell the truth who you really support.
Might have a few extra pounds nowadays, but that's because every time I shag your mum she gives me a biscuit.
10 points from a eufa cup place for yourselves methinks........
Mr.Serge, please dont let the fat Chav suck you in.
i wont slightly fat chav is a fulham fan in disguise
More than one anon on here, I'm the chelsea fan, the others must hate you as well for just being arsescum wankers
As a Yid, I have thoroughly enjoyed winding you lot up. I have been on a number of the gooner blogs and have found it funny how you are all moaning.
some of the gooners are moaning spurs lad as they are used to succses and now crave it you wont moan because you dont know what that word means also you are a secret gunners fan or just jealous because you are always on our blogs,i would prefer to talk to arsenal fans from now on so all you spurs and chelsea fans come to highbury take a photo of our brimming trophy cabinet and give it to your respective clubs so they can photo copy it and put it in there cabinets, but make sure you get the cleaning lady to clean out the cobwebs first
Mr Serge, is that the best you can do?
The gay westsidegooner would be disappointed, now that he has gone home to watch Bridget Jones.
no i can do better slightly fat chav but i want you to understand
Mr. Serge,
Your constant references to 'Fat Chavs' suggest that you have a homosexual tendency towards them. I am so glad that I'm not one.
anon how do you deduce that from what i am saying? lol
nyssie cant wait for all the school kids to get back to school so we can have the boards to ourselves again
Mr. Serge, You are so far back in the closet you're visiting Narnia.
You and the Westsidegooner are an item. With you being the shemale.
So Mr Serge wants Nyssie on the boards!
Do I need to say anymore.
lol i must be gay if you say so
Too right Mr Serge...
Come on kids...leave the adults to talk now.
Enjoy the Bridget Jones movie together. Then you can put on your Judy Garland CD.
sebastian viera is 5'10 a bit small for a keeper i think he will get a keeper before the start of the season,i heard we were going for dudek before he dislocated his elbow thank god for small mercies
Could always sign John Lukic. I bet AW is glad that he did'nt sign Paul Robinson when he had the chance!
judy garland has a cd? wow seriously slightly fat chav if you have had to resort to calling me gay because you cant stand up to my wit then you really should log off, you are rather boring,and childish it may work in the play ground but not with me now go get some more fake burberry and a pound of bananas and sell em outside the bridge and when i come down next week to watch our boys beat you MKdons soundly i can recognise you from the other slightly fat chavs
Alex Song or Edgar Davids? Tough decision!
Who's playing MKdons next week
Mr serge i thought u was a gooner?????????
I think we should go 4 peter chech eh!!!
Mr. Serge, I know that Scummers are retarded, but for the 50 time I am a YID, not Chelscum.
and how would i know that if you are anon?i thought i was talking to chelsea anon!!! they are mkdons,as for spurs you seem excited at the prospect of your team doing well for a change dontr be you wont finish above 8th you never do and never will and your boss looks like the honeymonster after he has had a shave
seriously nyssie they were lining up a bid for dudek ffs i would prefer we recalled stack than that
we did try and sign peter cech before he went chelsea but he never got a work permit
AW must be pleased that he did not sign Paul Robinson when he had a chance.
How comes Chelsea got a work permit for Peter Cech and the scummers could'nt. Poss. they never went in for him. Another AW brilliant decision.
How about Gordon Banks? Must be better than the cardboard cut out you have in goal at the moment.
the reason cech never got a permit was we went in for him 2 years before chelsea did and he had not played enough games for czech rep
I think this Chelsea's fan is jealous. Why? He can not believe the fact that Arsenal's fan base will grow bigger and bigger than that of Chelsea even if they continue to spend money the way they do. The millions will go some day because Chelsea's owner will die one day maybe 40 years time or more, but the legacy that Arsenal and Manchester United have brought would remain.
Nobody can will argue about which team will play best this season, even those who think that Chelsea will win the league still think Arsenal play the best football at club level. Look at the fan base and you will get my git.
Money isn't everything, the hunger is what that counts.
Trouble is the Arse fan base is not loyal. At least 30% were Man U a couple of years ago and will become Chelsea fans in the next few years.
Who cares that you play good football if you don't win anything. No one remembers second!
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