Cesc Signs On

This is kind of old news now, but our 18 year old wonderkid Cesc has signed a new six year deal to keep him with us until 2011.
The player's agent, Joseba Diaz, revealed: "With this gesture, Arsenal wanted to reward the hard work of Cesc who at 18 is a Premiership regular and very appreciated by his club."
Good stuff!!!
Great news, but with Viera being sold and no replacement been lined up, the midfield still looks weak and the defence fragile.
I don´t think we´re weak, I think Wenger is changing styles a little bit. He´s been using two tought tackling CM for many years now I think he´s changing it towards having one CM tackler and one playmaker which could either be Fabregas or Hleb, even Pires although I don´t think he´s any good in that position. In any case, if he needs a little bit of extra steel in midfield he can call on Flamini.
We didn´t lose the midfield battle against makalele and Lampard last week so I have no worries. Might be a little bit thin, but nothing to be concerned about. We´re a lot better off than when we had to call on Grimandi for a whole season. Parlour was also used in central midfield in 01-02. And we´re miles ahead of the squad we had then.
Davids would have been a good signing for a year or so to help Cesc and the others.
Do we agree tha Cole is a disgrace and should not wear an Arsenal shirt again.
the reason wenger always used to holders that could also move forward was that he had a prime DB10 who pulled all the strings now that his powers are on the wain and there is no clear player to take over who is that creative he is now going to play with 2 strikers and the creativity will come from deeper ie fabregas, hleb etc
Serge, In that case play two holding CM's and Cesc between them and Henry.
Do we agree that the mercenary Cole should be sold asap. That he is a disgrace attaching himself to a gooner legend to try and gain favour with the fans. A disgrace that he will sink so low as to do this and insult Rocky's memeory.
anon 11.26 thats a good idea but will fabregas get 15 goals a season in that position? RVP and DB10 would(if he played more games)i think AW wants the danger to come fronm deeper amd then the opponents midfield will have to deal with it instead of the defenders which is a lot harder to deal with for the opposition,it was all good when DB10 was in his pomp he was so good at dropping deep that he caused teams all sorts of bother
No we don't "all think that Cole is a disgrace and should not wear the Arsenal shirt again". Most of us are not so childish and petulent!
I was pleased to see that the vast majority of the crowd in Cardiff gave him full support.
He has been through some difficult negotiations concerning his career; we can all experience that. He obviously feels that the outcome of the enquiry was unjust and he wants to get justice. None of us knows what really happened, so we can't cannot judge the merits of his challenge. That's up to him.
He has made it very clear that he is 100% committed to the Arsenal cause and his performances have supported that claim.
It is time to move on. Don't get all bent out of shape over this. If Ashley fails to show the commitment expected, then is the time to get on at him but, until then, just give him a break.
Support your team. Don't try to disrupt it.
So slating the team club in the press and saying that he does not want to play for us again is ok in your book.
Top teams have players who will die for the club not play for the pay cheque.
Stop looking at the situation with rose tinted glasses. He went behind our club's back and had a meeting with another team.
You have to face the facts.
There is a code of conduct, and he broke it. he behaved in a shameful manner and showed disrespect to the club. So he is the best left back in the world, so what. THE CLUB IS BIGGER THAN ANY PLAYER.
Nyssie, have you thought of holding a poll over whether Cole is fit to wear the Arsenal shirt?
I think we're ok in the middle, flamini is good cover and also can get forwar when he needs to. Cesc looked different class against a team with endless amounts of money and world class stars, as much as i hate to admit it! Gilberto looked sharp when he came on, and ready for the new season. Something we lacked a bit, our central midfiled getting into the box now looks better with Cesc. A possibility would be to bring Kolo up when need be, with his everlasting love and energy.
Hleb seems just the thing we needed a dribbler and someone who can create things instantly.
Van the man looks like he's recovering from a spell in neverland, and hopefully we'll see Quincy Jones (rubbish joke intended) come through a bit more, and play like an Arsenal player rather than someone who plays over Hackney Marshes!
Good season ahead, and it was good for Senderos make the mistake pre season rather than during it so he can work on certain things of his game.
Get rid of Hoyte, he's shite!
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