Gael Out For 3-4 Months

"The injury is in the same place where he had a screw put in before, It is terrible for the boy, we feel really bad for him.
"For us it is hard to take as well because we have no left backs who are really comfortable in that position."
Are you saying your a supporter of Bin Laden
Your a terrorist Cunt
Your a class fucking act you really are.
Your a true world class CUNT
What sort of fucking prick says that in ANY form ?
Oh thats right - A arsenal fan.
Im Sure the REAL arsenal fans think your also a Cunt .
Fuck off back to your hovel you dirty little bomb making Cunt.
If you had any balls at all youd ban this little terror supporting Cunt
That is unless you condone his pathetic comments on your blog ?
Of course Nyssie being the top class bloke he is couldnt give a shit.
Your two deserve each other.
Your spot on.
Cant even hear the jangling of weaselsnake jacks jewellry.
What a spineless fucking bunch of cunts weve unearthed.
Then again with a team of frenchman what were we expecting ?
trying to weadle your way out of it.
You dirty little fucking scumsucking twat
Come on jack
You dont think that that cunts comments are a fucking lot wide of the mark ?
Am i giving you too much credit ?
I thought you were bright (ish).
If any of the spurs fans has sadi that id launch into em - as they would with anyone - regardless of what club they supported.
Fuck off.
How fucking dare you insult US when one of you lot suggested we be bombed ?
Your really showing your naivety ,guardian reading,lily livered self arent you ?
Nice attempt at trying to switch the blame to us - SADLY its all in black and white on this blog for all to see.
Grow up.
Only a fucking prick would say something like that - and only a CUNT - YOU - would support him.
Er he said it twice ?
Nice work jack.
Stick to flogging cheap jewellry.
AND THFC is SPOT ON.You just dont say stupid naive things like that at ANY time.
Go on - carry on supporting him.
I wouldnt believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
Im not messing here - comments like that make me fucking fume.
Its very clever to pretend its a joke after youve said it.
WHY are you speaking for him anyway ? - Hes big enough to say stupid stuff - how comes he needs you as his spokesperson.
Im outta here - cant stand the fucking hypocrisy on this site.
Jack / redcunt - happy blogging together.You two deserve each other.
oh Jack
DONT bother coming on to our site again.
You wont be welcome
Having read through all the posts taking into account everyones comments, goon or yids, i have decided that you are one stupid cunt. You may not have meant the comment in the way it was interpreted but fancy saying dumb shit like that, and then digging an even bigger hole for yourself for suggesting we were using the London bombings to score points. Why not just get off the pedestall your on say that it was a stupid thing to say in the current climate and continue blogging.
Simple really.
So, Keane has left ManUre. Shame that, eh?
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