Le Boss: Title Race Still On

AW believes new hope has been given to teams in the Premier League...
"It's good for the Premier League (Chel$ki's defeat), it makes it open again and more interesting," Le Boss said on Arsenal.com
"Of course, it's not done yet as Chel$ki have still a fair distance on everyone else but it gives us some hope again."
"If we beat Chel$ki next month but lose our games before that, it would have no meaning, Remember we have a difficult game at W!gan.
"Enough games have been played to think that can't be a coincidence. They must have the quality to be there after 10 games and that's why I say it's a big game for us.
"They especially have power and pace up front and that's why they can get away on counter-attacks and score goals."
I'll agree we haven't been great Mohan....
...by our standards anyway.
Does anyone actually believe that the Title is going anywhere else apart from west london ?
Chelsea have won it.Anyone that thinks otherwise is just VERY naive.
2nd down is anybodies
Red Cunt
Knew it was beyond your comprehension,
You pair of thick fucking dirty cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunts.
Which is the new term for the old one.
Wengers not in Jose's league when it comes to mind games.Ie the "voyeur" comment last week.When little AW got all upset ans started booing like the baby he is.
Funny that you follow a team led by a fucking paedo. Says it all.
Mow - NO
Nil 0 know you cant read but if you could I was responding to commenst made about my posts ?
I quite like Dirty Shitbag - thanks for that.
Of course Mohan - I stand corrected.You as ever are correct and nobody elses opinion matters.
And after being a season ticket holder for 17 years at WHL you are correct again - Next year I will be a chelski fan.
Heres a little song spesh for you - you have to sing it to row row row your boat -
Mo mo mo ya cunt
You dont have a brain
Whats it like to be mentally ill
and suck off little nil
Mo mo mo ya cunt
I think you have a prob
This afternoon if your good
Red toure will suck your knob
You Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt.
Red Toure
Does that make you a red current cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnt
Whats your Native Origin ?
Course i didnt go to school - I was sweeping chimnneys age 8 then down the mines at 11.
I like anyone that winds you lot up.
Joses a Cunt but hes a funny cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt.
Sorry was a serious question.
Funny how Mohan and redtoure knew the contents if the formers post even tho they were at the same time.
I mean surely thye couldnt be the same person just posting at the same time - making out that they always agree - HOW FUCKING SAD
Funny also you both appear ALWAYS at the same time.
redtoure / mohan
just fess up you sad prick.
Its obvious your the same person.Otherwise how would you know the contents of someone elses post made at exactly the same time.
your a funny cunt.
"but we're a team characterised by French personalilty"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - fuck me thats funny -
So does that make you a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkies.
you need help
check out
You may find it useful
Your quite bright actually.
For a fish.
Every lap of the bowl is new day eh bro.
so using your logic
What happened to WBA ?
Dont want to upset you but they er like beat you.
Ya Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt
Yeah hes a bunch of cunts.
A plethora of twatage ?
A gaggle of coksmoking ass licking dirty cuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt
Mohan dear buddy
Dont get all your personalities in a tizz.
Getting a bit shitty now are we.
Oh dont worry - ask another one of yoru personalities to take care of it
Mohan - did u say this or have you forgotten already ?
Was it personality 3 that said this ?
" I think we can get a result against every other team in the EPL"
Yes your correct - you got a result against WBA - Ya lost.
Get it.
The omly reason youve got thru this year is cos the group was shit.
Bet you dont qual for champs lge next yr.
Mos Personalities and Cockend
Serioulsly - we wanted to get out of the carling cup - just so we could concentrate on a top four finish ????????????
That way we wont be diluted with shitty games in the december jan / feb time in some worthless fucking cup.
Good luck tho lads
You a Barry Manilow fan ?
Her name was Mohan
She was a schizo
He just lied and talked much shit so
He came on nyssies blog
After hed fucked his dog
her name was red toure
She was a big old gay
But once hed come in his mouth it was hey hey hey
How about AFC
Arsene Fucks Children ?
Yeah your right again.Im a queen.
Jesus is that the best you can do.
Heres one of your typical posts.
Arsenal blah blah - history blah blah - cunt blah blah - etc etc.
You are ALL preoccupied with the past cos its all you have,THE MIGHTY FUCKING SPURS however have it all to look forward to - we are on the rise.
THE reason you get all shitty is because you are SHIT SCARED of what round the corner.IE The future
No thierry
Bergie retires
Pires Gone
Ashley Gone
Id be scared to lads - just keep your chins up (all 9 eh mo)
Just remember this you little dick smokers
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youd know all about premenstral discharge - being a cunt an all.
Does Mohan plug it with his Small little dick.
Or does he use "toys" as his cock is way too small.
Only for you baby.
Ill get rid.
hang on
Red toure
What the fuck is dirty ferret phlegm ??????
Shall we dispense with insults for say 15 minutes and have a proper conversation about football ?
Good news re Australia qual for the world cup.
Kewells a Cunt tho.Disgrace to the No 7 shirt at liverpool in my opinion
You must know some shy whores ?
I hide his jewellry case.
Toure -
we will finish above you - by 1 pt
We will make top 6 as its wide open.Lpool/newc/in decline.I honestly believe top four will have in it (no order)
Then 2 more from anywhere - maybe Man city.
I didnt say wed finish 2nd I said "in no order"
I think IF you stay in the champs league and all the cups and obv were out of one of em then we can just concentrate on the league.
You have a pretty small squad now -that may change in jan i guess - But you must admit quality comes generally in the summer.
Where as Spurs (for once) have a strong squad with depth,Before it used to be A squad and Gary Doherty ha ha ha
So you can shout - call me a cunt -dont care.
Eat me
Fuck Uefa
Straight into champs league - we will piss it.
Also I gtee as soon as were in cl or Uefa we will start to be more flex on our wage structure - which is a bit antiquated
yeah your right.
We have something you dont as well.
A fucking legend in midfield .Most of the Future England team - Arjen Robben in Jan and Big Marty
I mean look at Fergie - He was trusted and his judgement hasnt slipped at all has it ?
Fergies had his peak and now AW has.Sorry - just my opinion
Its ok having a game in hand on us but you still have to win that game and were level on points .
All you need in the cup is a an easy run
See Millwall.
Id say letting Viera leave and not replacimg him is taking your eye of the ball or a slip ?
Or is it part of some masterplan ?
Yeah and davids isnt a big name ?
Ok hes short term - but look how weve come on in a short period?
Just watching him in training and matches has lifted us - the yung uns cant believe.
And Michael Brown / Andy Reid they must be pinching themselves.Altho Reid is just eating himself.
Be honest for once.
Could Davids Not have done a job for you ?
And - do Ginola / sheringham not count as "big names"
Well I am guessing that as he is left footed and started on the left many moons ago that could be it.
Psnly id like to see him and Carrick in the middle with two decent wingers.
Saying that Our korean full back gets forward quite a bit so that leaves davids there to brak up any counter attacks.
Against Bolton the other night david was a a quick fucker - never seen him run so much and so quick.
Re you last post.
Sounds like me - Can I get a game ?
How come you ask me a question and then never comment on my well thought out,articulate response ?
You busy today - Nil working hard as a look out ?
Stick a pony in me pocket
Nil get the suitcase from the van
Van Persie though that Ro Hip Nol
was a new korean youd signed
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