Is Kuyt Gonna Be a Gunner?

Le Boss was in the stands at the De Kuip stadium at the weekend as Feyenoord played against Vitesse Arnhem, and Kuyt claims the Gaffer was there to watch him...
"I don't get confused by this but I do find it special that a top coach like Wenger takes the trouble of coming from England to Rotterdam to look at me," said Kuyt.
"Mark Wotte (Feyenoord technical director) told me before the match that important people were in the stadium to watch me play.
"I did not know then that it was Wenger. I now wait and see what happens. Arsenal are of course a great club to be connected to. But I am not the type of person that goes crazy."
i feel wenger was looking at CM, not a forward.
RvP used to give the coach a hard time, he used to have a few beers and he was hated by rival fans, even so much as to be beaten up on a pitch invasion
Goede Morgen
Do you have a jop ? What do you do ?
Foreign Secratery ?
Head of Space programme for NASA ?
Were at home for all three arent we ?
Gotta be 9 pts -
west ham - open game lots of goals
Sland - depends how many we want
Pmouth - hit em early on and they will fold
I cant believe what a Cunt Laurent Robert has turned into.
Then again the top of my hate list is now headed by Diouf.
They dont give a toss about football up there - its Rugby league territory isnt it ?
And maybe they just dont rate arsenal thats why there not arsed about turning up (Pun intended)
Is frank lampard not in Henrys Class ?
I mean he has more goals than him ?
Keep you calvins on bro.
Just saying you know - Wigan are diff team to break dowm - and against teams like that Henry sometimes has trouble.
Your ok against sunderland and WBA - oopps sorry - forgot they did ya.
Love and kisses from ED.
Prof Of love
Jack and Nil went up the hill
Each had £2.50
Jack came down with a Fiver
What a slut!!!!!!
Sorry didnt mean to offend you.
Remember when in tescos tonight stacking the shelves with bread "thick Cut" isnt how you spell it.
You know im just fucking around.
I agree with you - top of prem all getting a bit closer (sort of).
Shame we couldnt do the trotters last night but dont think mant people will do em at the reebok this yr.
You get her number ?
Your a true gent.
So what ? - you waited til gfriend was out of line of sight and THEN got the number ?
NEVER get me or jacks comments confused again
If you do you can "faux off" ha ha ha
I was gonna make some smart arse comment about you "feeling premier footballers "
I wont tho cos its a direct misquote and id just be fucking cheap.
How long have you and nil been dating ?
Is he like one of those people you take in off the streets ?.HAve you sponsored him ?
Yeah Insomnia is my hero your not wrong.
Jacky boy you know im just messing - keep you rose gold on
Nah - was on a stag so liver is still hurting .
Who the fuck thought of battering a fucking mars bar ?
Strange diets they have
I had half of one with a mate and my fucking arteries hardened on the spot
Right im off
Laters chaps
You lot are fucking useless
NO Maldini Jesus.
Fuck off
Its my team and with my expert management they would muller most teams.
Your team with two current and one ex arsenal players shows that youve just picked a few pricks and been biased.
Ive got one spurs player in there so think im being honest and unbiased.
ANY world team that wouldnt have maldini in it imo is shit.
126 Itayl caps left foot/right foot and a fucking great shot.
You picked Ashley Cole - its not a world Ballet 11.My team are here to attack.
Hes right foot playing at left back.
Sorry didnt realise the criteria you fucking idiots.its my team so il do what i want with it.
Your showing yourself up here a bit with lack of footbal knowledge
If it makes you happy that moody fucking Henry can sit on the bench.
Happy ?
Due to your petulance ive just dropped him from the bench to pure squad player - hes out of my 11 JAck and its all down to you
Ha ha ha
Er i have just picked my own team dear boy ?
Was thinking of davids but being unbiased i said no.
Managements a tough job ha ha ha.
Moi Stroppy ??????
very funny
Nice try tho
stop trying to get a rise out of us.
Thats Carbo hell.
Is it Gabrielle Heinze on toast?
why was everyone saying it was surreal in here yday btw - I didnt notice it
not that id EVER lead you anywhere
Whats Nils diet like .
Thought you may know ?
Its amazing.
You think we care -
Its you that "thinks" we fall for the bait.
You carry on
I wasnt rising to the bait.
You know - the bait that you say your not trying or using ?
Your not THAT smart Jack.
Know your limitations and youd be tolerable.
The only person I try to wind up is nil - sadly he doesnt understand a word any of us say.
I may as well try and wind up an apple.
Insomnia - hows his Menu looking ?
Id love to talk football.Thought we were this morning - that was until you picked a world 11 with more arsenal players in it than required.Based on bias as oppsed to quality.
Did you have a go at my choice of maldini cos youve actually never heard of him - or is it just because hes never played for arsenal
Good point well made.
Your team was still shit tho
No way Paddy V - and cole well - sum yung guy or whatever our left back is called pisses all over him
Yes - sarcastic - you didnt have a go at maldini.
My Mistake
If i was sat next to you right now wouldnt the Cell be a bit a cramped ?
You are more than welcome
i was being sarcastic again.
Sung to dance dance wherever etc
Li Tie wherever you may be
You eat dog in your own country
NIL NIL wherever you may be
Do they have teachers in your home country
Cos if the do - they need to be shot
Your english is as good a fucking plant pot.
as a A fucking plant plot.
Thought "Blood clot" but its bit harsh
WSG wherever you may be
Nils your bitch when you get homey.
He cooks you food and it makes you sick
But afterwards he lets you suck his dick
and Im just playing so PLEASE dont take offence.
you could have used English and rhymed it with piss
Amateur - ha ha ha
medical - whats the jamaican meaning ?
Yeah was a serious question.
Whats it mean
Ta for the tip
whats the dictionary definition of Mohan ?
Prick ? Fuckwit ? Unoriginal ?
Pathetic? Parttime Fan ?
Yep - 100pc right.
we had the bottle to come on here that monday - its not even like we lost.
Still i hear that Top security hospitals are like that - you get 10 mins of internet time per month and Mohan has just used his up
Do you think he steals jewellry,
By day a blogger - at Night a Robber.
If he was east end hed be
Jack The Nipper
FUCk me im funny
thank you for your kind words re my poems
Whats with all the Ye this and Ye that ?
Are Ye living in Ye old BBC Dickensian Costume Drama .
Up Ye Spurs
I know what you mean.But in reverse.
I used to keep hearing what legend kluivert was but everytime i saw him play he was shit,
Someone tell me im wrong
When addressing RAE its
Do ye se olde torres as a replacement for ye olde henry
Dont ye worry about it.
If EVER a player was living on his reputation it was PK.
Honest i never saw him have a good game - maybe its just me
If your still around
Ye is a Cunt
we still friends dude ?
Rio Ferdinand.Definately.
Nou dont you mena that.
Serioulsy tho I dont mean ANY of it when having a pop.
Lets be dudes - no hard feelings
Disagree re Keane - hes just not getting a look in at the mo - and with defoe not scoring id whack keane in 1st choice,just to shake it up a mo.
In the peace cup mido / keane looked fucking class
Yu si funu chop
Nil is ken Livingstone.
ie the only person that he makes sense to is himself
I take it back
You talk cnuting bollocks.
You have no fucking idea about anything.
Somewhere a village is missing an idiot.
Nil Nil wherever you may be
You make no sense to anybody
Please get back to stacking the shelves
The beans and bread cant do it themselves.
or as a friend of ours would say
mi ereh all weak
Cant believe youve turned against your own ex captain,Your inspiration,your hero,what a pleasant chap you are.
Nil nil wherever you may
Youve never been to Highbury
This time next year youll be a chelski fan
Along with your best mate - your right hand
You got 14m for paddy and he fucked of too another counntry
We got fuck all for Sol and he moved 2.5 miles up the road.
As an intelligent guy its not hard to understand our frustrations is it ?
Take a wild guess which one was slagging him off.
Heres a clue.
Hes the thickest cunt ive ever blogged with.
Heres an interesting fact
Octupusses eat themselves when stressed ?
Someone has told andy reid cos hes eaten his own fucking legs and all he has are stumps left.
why dont you just fuck off back to J wing.
Were having a proper chat and you balh in with your bollocks comments.
Nil does better posts than you ?
Mohan wherever you may be
You dont have a personality
At nights when your at home
Nil comes round and you suck his bone
Bye then -
Say hi to the guards when theyre giving you the medication
Does Ian Huntley live "nearby" to you ?
White one sugar - Tea that is
little oily labia
So weve come on a Gooner blog and theyve all fucked off.
What a support base they have.
Admit it
weve come on here and Dominated the fucking place.
Your just a buncj of fairweather fans
Give Ian Huntley a kick from me tonight at tea.
Lights out at 10pm.
I know
Im glad to see our little chat about knowing your limitations has worked .
Now back to work my boy.
If the real Edgar Davids is Pitbull then I want to be BLOGDOG
I wouldnt put Sol Campbell on the central line - let alone play hiom in Central Defence.
Sol is one dimensional its a FACT.
Ledley however is multi faceted and can play either cd or cm FACT.
Todays game dear arsenal fans is all about diversity.
And no NIL thats not where people go to study
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