Rossoneri After Ralph?

Milan are reportedly looking at bringing Arsenal defender Lauren to the San Siro next season.
With the Rossoneri rearguard in need of wholesale rejuvenation, Lauren has been identified as a possible replacement for Marcos Cafu - who is approaching his 36th birthday and almost certainly in his last year at the club.
Lauren has a wealth of European and international experience and Milan have been keeping close tabs on the 28-year-old, whose consistency and determination is highly valued by Coach Carlo Ancelotti.
The latter has also been linked with emerging Azzurri stars Massimo Oddo of Lazio and Cristian Zaccardo of Palermo, but is seriously contemplating an approach for the Cameroon ace, whose contract expires in 2007.
The Spanish-born right-back, who can also play in midfield, has been a key figure for Arsenal Coach Arsène Wenger during his five years at the club and has appeared in the Premier League Team of the Year on three occasions.
More shitty rumours, or is there any truth in this?
Yeah Pascal Cycan - hes world class.
I think Ralph is HUGELY underrated...Wenger must rate him aswell - when was the last time he didnt start a league/CL game (apart from suspensions/injury!)?
But what will the papers do now the annual "spurs in crisis" headlines arent happening ?
Oh thats right - they just spout how great we are and what a great team were becoming.
Shut it snakeweasel
Wheres Nil eh - you given him the day off - as he gone to brighton in the 3 wheeler ?
Why so bitter dear boy ?
The papers (in fairnes ones that you dont read - you know the big ones that need folding) have been eulogising over our transformation.
WHY i have to explain this to you I dont know.
Does the Beano have a sports section ?
I think Nils gone round your house Ed....
I'm not convinced about Hoyte either....
What Cleaning it ?
Big mick
Yeah right - you one of those "fans" that only comes out 2 days before a match.
Dont think the rest of the goons really mind me being here?
Ive been to highbury more times than you you thick twat.
The only time you have papers in your hand is when there wrapped around a bag of chips.
Thats cos hes shit
Little mick
oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh touched a nerve have I .
Yoru quite easy to wind up arent you ?
Whats it like living in your bubble ?
Hi Redtoure
How ya doing buddy ?
Things ok ?
Let me guess who appears next
Big mick
In life things dont always go your own way - there are more than 12 team in london you blinkered small cocked twat.
For the last 3 weeks ive been on here chatting football to some proper arsenal fans,if youd been here you would have known that.
Your the one that attacked me and had a pop for no reason - So you know - burst a blood vessel see if i care - im happy chatting with some of the proper fans as they know what there talking about.
Why dont you stick to darts or something.
actually i did have an opinion on it.
You won the league - it just so happened that it was at Whl
Next question ?
I was in the bahamas at the time.
When i say I was in the bahamas i menat it.
I could give a fuck what arsenal do
At WHL or otherwise.
Get a life and learn to spell you daft fucking brickie
Thats obv I couldnt give a fuck.
Someone messing with my posts eh nyssie you clever little so and so
Red toure
I dont come on here to talk about arsenal
Its to talk about football - you know the outside world and all that - get diff opinions.
me old cockend
Someone changed that .
Wheres big mick gone ?
Busy laying those bricks ?
On an intensive English course with Nil ?
Picking spuds ?
The only thing you know that uses the term engaged is a toilet.
Thats when youve finished laying bricks on the site you navvy
Gib Kimc
clockend gooner,
Escaped from the mental institute i see, your even more deluded than the rest of your inmates. Why dont you go back to the institute before you hurt yourself.
Big Mick
Do you want nils pohne nmbuer
Big mick
Mcdonalds isnt an office job
BIG Mick
Saying that Mines a Big mac meal - diet coke - to go.
Big Mick
your a bit touchy arent you ?
Sorry Mcdonalds was clearly to highbrow for such an intellectual as yourself.
Do you sell flowers on the A13 ?
Who the fuck lets a dyslexic person work in an office ?
stop lieing - your a disgrace to your navvy roots.
What do you do in this "mythical" office ?
Plant Pot ?
So sorry, didn't realise a camp name offended you, shall i change it to big strong dave, would that make you like me?
For a gooner that was nearly funny
You bet ya button nose
Not Super Army Squirells
Mr Serge
Good rant shame about your football team!
Talk football, ok then you first.......
Oh forgot, your a cunt!!!
Why are you biting Milan Baros's hand ?
Whats he done to you ?
Ill respond for him
Well hello der sergo - I tink dat tis a gud deal - de milan are no mugs - and arseeeen is a right clever fenchmon.
Thanks for clearing that up
Mr serge
I get it, yeah i actually faked my death so i could comment on blogs all day. That ok with you?
Front seat ??????
Nah thats a management position
What were you laughing at ?
What the fuck have YOU got to laugh at ?
There all good thanks, met up with Macho Man Randy savage the other day for a beer actually. I'll send them your regards.............
Serge / daveyboy
This isnt the masons ?
If its any consolation I have proof that you and the gaygooner are having regular sex you dirty little ballslapping ass ripping cum drinking whore.
Glad thats off my chest.
Bet thats what you say to eh ?
since you asked Tick Mick to talk football hes goneski
Good work - Youve put him off - how could you ?
wasnt that dirty fucking ferret phlegm rat spunk lickers ?
I get confused with you
Aren't you the fountain of knowledge!
Heres a question for you all.
Who thinks Big Mick is really David O leary in disguise ?
That Gay Gooner was looking for you ?
How come you never replied ?
You can call me Ed
Im not a pikey - and neither is my learned colleague Insomnia
Whats your fascination with Pikey's? Are you one?
whatever you want to think in your little bubble is fine.
You can abuse away to your hearts content
Like i said - your in your own world.
Why dont you grow some of you rown English talent instead of stealing everyone elses.
OOOOPPPS forgot - that would mean youd need to do some coaching and the only coaching that AW does is not on a football field
No need to get all abusive is there, just asking?
Scum population, hardly insulting is it, any way most pikeys are scousers...........
Must dash - Laters spurs chaps.
Big Mick
Get the fries on.
I agree to a certain degree spurs4eva. As someone said on here previously though, its all about expectation. We are not doing AS well as we have in recent seasons, not as well as expected in other words.
Whereas you boys don't look TOTAL shit anymore. Not saying you're good - but better than people expected.
The trouble is I hear you boys spouting the same shit EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!! Tottenham are on the up and Arsenal are going down the pan.
BUT IT NEVER HAPPENS DOES IT?!?! You can harp on all you like about this AMAZING side you're gonna be in the next few years 'cos of your FANTASTIC young talent, but fact is, any player you do have that IS fantastic will leave Spurs. Why? Cos you're a bunch of pretenders. You aint winning shit for a LONG LONG time. Get used to it....on yeah, you already are!!!
You see the mentality?!?!
NOW IT'S OUR TIME!!! (5:19)
He makes it sound like some sort of global domination plan!What a fucking joke!
Very well said Mohan!!!
Dont get the hump topyidiot! Why would I hate Spurs...let's face it you're NO threat are you? Chel$ki I hate, Manure I hate. Spurs. Well....I guess PITY is closest!!!
Never mind son! Keep yer chin up!
topyidiot. Here we go...the whole 'Spurs on the up' thing again.
You boys ARE wankers dont get me wrong and I DO love to see you lose - but it doesnt really MATTER to me - 'cos as I said you're no threat.
The reason you HATE us soooooo much is 'cos you're bitter. Simple as that.
Why can't you just be humble and admit that you'll NEVER be in the big boys league, eh?
Why not concentrate on hating your true rivals? Teams like Villa, Birmingham, Sunderland, Grimsby!!!
spurs4eva. no, we're not worried about Tottingham. OK?
Why should we....oh yeah, cos "Spurs are on the up, blaaaaah. blaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaah, blaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaah, blaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaah, blaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaah, and Arsenal are going down the shitter!!!!"
Please mate...
Anyway. Thats me done. I'm off home!
Gooners and Goonettes; Have a lovely evening.
Spuds; You keep working on that master plan! :oD
Night all!!!
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