AW: "Ch*lsea Can Be Beaten This Year..."

"It's satisfying to think that Ch*lsea are not the only ones who can be successful, even with money" said the Gaffer
"Ch*lsea can be beaten this year in England. I'm profoundly convinced of that. And I believe we can beat them."
That's false advertising. I thought you meant they could be beaten with a big fucking club hammer. Everyone knows they can be beaten on the pitch. They are definately disjointed this year trying to accomodate Roman's new play dolls.
It would be nice to beat 'em with a big old hammer...!!!
I am so sick and tired of the pathetically childish namecalling. They are not called Ch*lsea or Ch£lski or ManUre or any of those ridiculously stupid names. Give it up, please!
They are called Chelsea, and Manchester United or Ashley Cole. Nothing Else.
Grow up!
Pathetic. And this goes out to all of you.
Fuck off George. Freedom of speech and democracy and all. If it offends you, don't read it.
The reason we abbreviate/change the name is so that NewsNow does not pick up on it and add my site into their section. The last thing I want is a load of CHEL$KI or MANURE fans on here spouting shit.
Indeed. We'd much rather have George on here spouting shit.
HAHAHA!!! Nice East...!
You people just don´t get it, do you?
Fair enough though. I suppose that, this is my fault really. The headline pretty much revealed the content of this page and I should really not complain for getting what was advertised.
And in all fairness Nyssie (!) is far from the only person subscribing to this way of the discussing the game.
And "East of the Grove" your comment is in sense fair. You are right people are entitled to their opinion. But to invoke DEMOCRACY is nonsensical at best.
And why must every comment that somehow disagrees with the general mantra that "Arsene Knows" and "Thierry is God", necessarily come from a Chelsea or Man U fan?
Where is the freedom of speech you were crying for "East of the Grove"?
You people are too easy.
Pathetic losers. (Okay go on crucify me). Give me more ammo to kill you off completely!)
Ha ha!!!
exactly, fuck you george.wanker
Georgie, I guess that is you again??
Find the part where I have critised your assesment of "Arsene knows" or "Thierry is god" and you may have a valid point. As I believe that you'd struggle to find this, I can only refer back to the original point.
You have complained about poeople not referring to teams by their correct names and you have an explanation now as to why this is the case. Therefore, you may want to crawl back up your own bottom or discuss something more relevant.
Dearest "East of the Grove".
I am pleased to see that my intention has materialised. We have moved away from wasting each others time with utterly pointless drivel about completely obvious statements being made by someone somehow related to Arsenal. And to move away from spending all out waking hours worrying about coming up with the "smartest" name for the opposition.
Finally, you have accepted the fact that we are not six years old and that we have fully functioning brains that allow us to expand on greater mental challanges than "Arsene says we can beat Chelsea". Oh really? Wow!
Anywho, nice one. And I leave you with my deepest respects, if not for anything else, at least for not using any of the following characters (@£*) in you post.
And to "Anonymous 1:10" WOW!. You must be so proud. Did you come up with all that yourself? Proud day for you and your family.
"someone somehow related to Arsenal"?? You mean the best manager ever to have graced our doorstep?? The man who has not only galvanised but totally transformed the club? The man that has brought a whole new philosophy to our game and finally create a competion for Man.United?? The very same man that has created a legacy for himself long after you and I pop off to the spirit in the sky??.
Oh!! THAT "somebody somehow related to Arsenal".
George you are stupid. If you think that just beating you will mean nothing then you are leaving on another planet. If we beat home and away and I am amusing here that you love Chelsea to quarks, then we will win the premiership.
It won't be easy but it will make it less difficult. Did we beat you last year?? I think that is no! Can we beat you think year??? Of course and please don't try to lecture Arsenal fans on anything because if you have brains you will know that there are more problems at Chelsea where class is missing and stupidity is a formality. If you think I am lying ask your friends...
Arsene is a wizard. You want to compare your intelligence to the professor, sorry the professor. Stupid is appropriate you describe you because it does you justice.
I am happy that people are saying all these things because they are getting scared. We will winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. If you know what this man can do with his brain then you will be somewhere else. How dare you insult the professoRrRr!
The nonsense continues!
Again the content of ones words is transformed into becoming a crtisism of Wenger defence of Chelsea...or better yet, just good old personal attacks. Awesome!
I am now going to say something that will really make you people lose your minds.
"You are marvellously blinded by your mindless support for a football team that you are willing to ignore all fact and actual content of reality." I mean, I am aware that football is the "people's sport", but the mere fact that I am being accused of stupidty by the "savvy" individuals of this forum is nothing short of astonishing. At least if you will accuse me of being underdeveloped go through the process of trying to sound less dyslexic.
The above does not apply to "East of the Grove", who is clearly not a dimwit, but for some meysterious reason still insists on misreading me.
Enjoy suckers!
You are too lame to even know what makes Arsenal a legendary establishment. I would have told you to go fuck yourselves, but any discemination of your semen would be disastrous as it might somehow "pollute" an innocent female and result in a perpetuation of clearly underdeveloped individuals. Long live Darwin!
Gloriously yours!
George ... are you related to Garth Crooks by any chance?
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