Graham Taylor: "...Wenger's Picking The Squad"

"Sven must have listened very closely to what Arsene Wenger had to say about Theo, so even though the FA didn't give him the job, it looks like Wenger's picking the squad.
"The boy Walcott hasn't even played for Arsenal yet so Sven must have spoken to Arsene Wenger, who looks like he's persuaded Sven the lad's worth taking.
"But I'm sure Sven will play Theo in the friendly against Belarus later this month, even though it's billed as a B international.
"Either that or in the friendlies against Hungary or Jamaica because it would be amazing if Theo didn't play in one of those games."
When does the recommendation given by a manager as to the merits and inclusion of one his players to the 'national manager' become / constitute.........'Arsene Wengers picking the England Team'....what a loada tosh Mr.Taylor
Indeed PG!!!!
oi Nyssie - maybe you should write a blog about the highbury seats fiasco...
i bought mine a month ago only to get an email today (after all the crazy publicity advertising "What Will You Do With Yours?") to say they can't sell any and refunds will be sent out in due course as the seats contain cadmium and are too dangerous in enclosed spaces!!!!!
I didnt know anything about that anon!!! Thats mad! Can you post a copy of the email on here?
you are all wankers, and we will piss on your shite stadium
t is with great regret that the Club announces that we are unable to sell any Highbury seats to you. We have been informed that all of the Highbury seats, apart from the Directors' Box, the dug outs and the Executive Box seats, contain very small amounts of the toxic metal cadmium. The seats are completely safe and are not a risk to health when located within a stadium, but it is understood that if the seats are stored inside and used regularly over a long period of time, there is a slight risk that very small amounts of cadmium could be released.
Although being a very small risk, the Club is not prepared to put any of our supporters in this situation, and having also received a directive from the European Commission, unfortunately we cannot sell any Highbury seats for individual domestic use.
It is very frustrating for us to be told that we cannot offer you your seat at this stage as we have all worked very hard, well into this week, to try to make it happen, but the fact that there is a very small risk is enough reason to stop us from releasing them to individual supporters. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
All supporters who have committed to purchasing a Highbury Seat will be fully reimbursed within the next five days. The Club will, as planned, make a donation to the David Rocastle Trust on behalf of all purchasers and would also like to remind supporters that the sale of the Highbury pitch and the Highbury Auction will go ahead as scheduled. Further information on these can be found via
Nice anon! I'm gonna post this on the front page!
just noticed there is a post about it on the official website verbatum to the email
there are going to be a lot of disappointed fans who would gladly have removed their seats themselves on sunday
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